Ann Coulter

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Chigirl, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    Sorry, but I can't remember the specific topic. P.I. was only a half hour show, so Bill usually only had time to talk about a couple of things. I manyly remember the crowd reacting negatively to her reponding to something Sheryl said. Then Sheryl responded to her in a manner which let her know that she was being condescending and she wouldn't have it.
  2. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Way to go, Sheryl Lee. The thing about this far right extremists is that, if they spit fire, have your hose at hand with you. They fear people who know what they are talking about, are ready to stand by it and have backup. I watch the O'Reilly factor all the time as i like Bill but sometimes, the guy talks like the biggest pinhead in the country and when he does, i like it when people much more smarter than he is counter him. Two people i think do that to him a lot are Juan Williams and Al Sharpton(even though he's a bit of a nut himself)
  3. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Nope, it's not just you.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    thats what i love about them, yum
  5. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    I barf at the sight of them. There is nothing hot about Ann Coulter.
  6. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I would never have guessed.
  7. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    Why am I NOT surprise to her this from you, Tucker. Can we assume you feel that way about ALL black women?

    You also must assume conservative women like Ingram and Coulter have no interests in black men.
  8. Pinnacle23

    Pinnacle23 New Member

    Not a safe conservative men may be an exception to that notion. Not that I'm falling at Coulter's feet to get a date. While she's a riot and sometimes one of the best weapons in the Right Wing's arsenal, I don't find her the least bit attractive. Except maybe her hair...I like her hair a lot.
  9. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Don't be foolish to assume that Laura Ingraham will jump at the thought of dating a younger Larry Elder or something. I do know she and Ann Coulter dated Dinesh D'Souza, another far right moron. But i am pretty sure that is the closest either one will come to dating a non-white man.
  10. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Ha Ha, I wonder how Ann Coulter breaks up with her man?? She probably bashes him with slanted and exaggerated "factoids" ha ha ha ha ha
  11. Pinnacle23

    Pinnacle23 New Member

    Ah, lefties do it the same way.
  12. Boll Onin

    Boll Onin Member

    I guess certain people will make their fame by being infamous reactionaries.
    Coulter's body of work is at some points irrational emotional rhetoric and misleading propaganda. Her books sale because those of the left feel they have a beating drum in the popular discussion that stands for "moral integrity of the American Way".
    But that is the state of political discourse these days, buzz words catch phrase and name calling.

    Yellow journalism full of red herrings instead scholarly analysis that introduce thought provoking ideas.

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