Anger managment

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sonny Dragon, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Anger management

    I have an anger problem. I get mad at stuff I shouldn't get mad at. I get sour at things I shouldn't be sour at. It hasn't culminated into violence but I fear one day it could. I don't want it.
    My source of happiness is martial arts, so I can work the anger out. It helps but it is'nt eradicated. Is this a mental disorder? Am I bipolar? Should I seek professional help?
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
  2. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Bipolar is different babe
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Bipolar is manic depression.

    Anger management is something different.

    You should do some introspection and find out: what your triggers are, if there's something in your past that may give you a reason for acting the way you do.

    Depending on how bad your anger is: seeking professional help could be a good thing for you to start with. They can probably help you with behavioral modification after they ascertain how this anger problem came about.

    But if it's bad enough that you even think it could get much worse, then I would think the right thing to do is find someone who can help you work through your issues and help you find better ways of coping.

    Good luck!
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Just go get laid...that normally helps imo.
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Honestly - from someone that had a severe anger problem (long ago), recognizing that you have one and that it is a problem, its the biggest and hardest step.
    No over night fix, but your on your way. finding outlets is a good start, like the MA.
    I have learned that I have power over it - I used to believe that a mood is nothing you have power over - load of crap. It took a lot of self searching and good breathing techniques among many other things to manage it and calm myself down before I exploded.
    Getting older and realizing that most things aren't worth getting angry over also helped:)

    I don't have any specific advice, only that you are on the right track and learning techniques to handle stress and anger is a good start.
    I think mental work to learn that most things aren't that important was the biggest help. Now I usually just roll through stupid shit and don't let it get to me.

    If someone is being an ass to me (that was usually when I exploded), I now realize they are the ones that make themselves look stupid and that I don't need to lower myself to their level - their doing good on their own and don't need my help.... Now, situations like that makes me laugh instead.

    Good luck Sonny, your have done the biggest step to fix it already by recognizing it. Most people w anger issues never do.
  6. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    You need to talk to someone who deals with mental illness professionally. They'll be able to give you answers where people on a forum cannot. They'll also keep it confidential...another thing people on a forum cannot.
  7. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    man....just wow. You wrote what I was going to write but a lot smoother.
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I will tell you, things like boxing and martial arts didn't do shit for my anger problems. The simply made me a more effective fighter. When one gets angry the heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone production increases, cortisol (the stress hormone) decreases, and the left hemisphere of the brain becomes more stimulated.

    ...and when you do things like martial arts, some of the very same physiological changes that take place when you are angry take place when you amp up muscle activity. (unless you are doing the meditative aspects of martial study and sorry don't seem the type)

    To deal with anger try CALMING things. I went to anger management and walked out with an amazing love of photography that I didn't know I had. The funny thing is that at the beginning I used to get pissed of, go grab my camera and then get more pissed off because I couldn't figure out how to take GOOD pictures.

    ...I realized that in order to learn I had to calm the fuck down. Shut up...and listen.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Truth right there.

    I find that deep, long, slow breaths help calm me. I also try my own form of meditation. It helps tremendously.
  10. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

    Damn, I always thought the main point of martial arts was to become centered, and the by-product was learning the ability to kick some a$$ if provoked.

    Back in the day, I used to keep journals when I endured really bad stressful times. Writing helped me focus my anger when exercise was not helping.

    Recently, I found myself relieving stress by going on message boards (not this one), and making fun of idiots.
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    you actually have it the other way around. The point of a martial art was defense/offense becoming "centered" was means to help one become a more effective fighter. To let go of fear. Fear of losing, fear of death, fear of ridicule.
  13. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

    I see. Thanks for the info.
  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I am sure you would know!
  15. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Who you calling babe, you whore?

    Heheheheh j/k I have nothing but steaming moist mountains of lurve for you DOA.

  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

    That's what you say now but you were pretty much dry & out of bodily fluids last night, lol
  17. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    This is SO true. But:

    a) sluts should know to bring lube and you forget. I mean, wtf?

    b) I'be out at London Gay Pride all day with my beloved gay frineds, who were SO MUCH more fun than you last'm like, how the F does this HO earn enough money to live? Pfffft.
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Don't get mad at me becuase you did not feel the nipple stimulation, blame your surgically enhanced breasts, maybe you should take them back to the store where you got them.
  19. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    You wish!
    Says she who is single in London and is GAGGIN FOR a shag. HMPH :mad:
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Gay prade, so are you now turning queer after that email, bwahahahaha

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