[YOUTUBE]UySTT-rxwSs[/YOUTUBE] http://hater site.com/506627/watch-herman-cain-quote-pokemon-video69691/ [YOUTUBE]m7zLmop18hQ[/YOUTUBE] he referenced sim city in where he got 999 plan and then he references pokeman not once but twice in a campaign and in his speech where he drops out of the race. wow...the GOP supporters are some dumb fools
The biggest mistake Cain made 1. Not owning up to the sex allegations, especially the 13 yo affair that he was carrying with the mix sister. He completely made a fool out of his wife by sending Faux News to interview her. His wife while nervous stood by him and defended his character, mean while Cain sitting there smiling with all these skeletons in his closet. 2. Not brushing up on current affairs. I will give him a pass in some of the questions, like who is the prez of Uzbekistan? But not knowing what is going on in Libya is right down embarrassing! 3. Continuing to refuse to upgrade his staff/advisors and sticking with Mark Block, the dude is known as a train wreck. 4. Confusing simple issue like Abortion If Cain came out and said, look I am a human being and have made several mistakes in my life including cheating on my wife. I am sincerely sorry for the pain and suffering that I have caused to my wife and family. And I deserve every bits of thing that come my way and am going to work hard on my issues. I bet you the American public would have given him a 2nd chance and he would have been still in the race. But the jackass stood right there and looked directly to the camera and lied…… so the public said if he can’t own up to things that he is done to his family then he cannot be trusted with our country. For God sake, Cain was a minster of some church while carrying all these shenanigans and side shows, smdh. The fucker was “cheating “ way into his mid sixties, unfuckenbelievable. Get this, most of Cain supporters are going to Gingrich camp. The irony is, the man (Gingrich) who cheated on his wife and known as a sleazebag womanizer is benefiting from the down fall of another womanizer, ain’t life a trip. All I got to say- the year that the country economy is down and out, the year that lots of folks vehemently can’t stand the current sitting president, the only thing the other party has to offer is two flip floppers who are big time lousy candidates. If Obama is not the luckiest guy in the world, I dunno who is!
Agreed. All candidates pretty much suck. We have a choice between a president who's trying to do the best he can in the face of political resistance, or republicans who would axe government out of our lives and make things worse. We (or I at least) have no choice but to vote for the president or write-in for a third party candidate.
Goodlove,don't forget Ed Shultz's PsychoTalk of Herman Cain's 99.9 seconds of weird talk. Heard from his boy Neil Boortz on his words of the Black man on the "liberal plantation" etc. Boy,he was in denial. Refugee, Herman Cain was so full of himself to be running for President of the uS that saying he is human is interpeted as a weakness. Cain is a preacher? My goodness he did not learn from Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart on having a sexual dallience.
I cannot see myself voting for a black man who will issue policies that would be bad for black people.
Cain made a lot of idiotic statements while playing to his base (which now appears to be himself and his wealth above everything and everyone else). Blaming poor black people for not being successful and accusing blacks of being "brainwashed" by the democratic party convinced me he didn't have a clue...
Gotta love a black man who attended Morehouse College during the Civil Rights era and chose not to participate in any of the marches or activities because he clearly didn't want to be seen as one of those troublemaking negroes if the white establishment would have crushed the movement and how he has benefited from the sacrifices and courage of other black people, something he wasn't willing to do (sacrifice) and clearly lacks (courage).
Cain called us Blacks who supported the Democratic party "brainwashed". The people who still want to vote for Cain after he left the scene are brainwashed.