I've ALWAYS SAID...if you want power in society, the biggest thing you can do is SPEAK correctly, and write well. Look at every form of entertainment, and you have writers everywhere, pushing an agenda. The author of this opinion piece has some extremely valid points... http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/my-orbit/2013/jun/27/rachel-jeantels-lack-literacy-societal-problem/
Be a scribe, and be spared from soldiering. When you call out the reply comes, ‘Here I am.’ You are safe from torments. You are the one who sits grandly in your house; your servants answer speedily; beer is poured copiously; all who see you rejoice in good cheer. Be a scribe. Your body will be sleek, your hands will be soft. By day write with your fingers; recite by night. Befriend the scroll and the palette. It pleases more than wine. Writing for him who knows it is better than all other professions . . . It is worth more than an inheritance in Egypt, than a tomb in the west. Man decays, his corpse is dust. All his kin have perished. But a book preserves his memory through the mouth of its reciter. Better is a book than a well-built house, than tomb-chapels in the west.
She practically ruined the case for the prosecutor. I now understand why he or she wanted her to be 16.
I think it was her creditability. The lying about her age and why she wasn't at the funeral. I also think she wasn't more pushy on the scenario but I may be too hard on her. She is 19. I think the creepy ass comment could have been handled better by her as well.
It hurts her creditability. I don't know why she would have lied about some of that stuff. There was nothing to gain. I think there was also the inability to read her own hand writing but I could be wrong about that one. I'm nitpicking though. I just don't want to see what I think is going to happen.
I think the mere facts speak louder than her testimony. They way that Trayvon was found doesnt jive with zimmermans testimony imo. But I do wish they had put manslaughter in there. Just in case. I still carry hope he gets what he deserve: the book thrown at him.
It is inconsequential how we personally feel about Rachel Jeantel .....what is relevant is the lasting impression left in the minds of those six white female jurors ....... -Were they offended by her candid description of white folks - -Can they relate to her as another woman- -Did she come off as racially bias- -Are they intimidated by her persona- and finally -Can they trust her testimony- ......but I do agree with you, because of her exceedingly poor grammar and inability to read even something she supposedly had written, she made for a poor witness with the prosecution......
Honestly he is going to die weather or not he does while convicted or acquitted is a different story. Honestly the prosecution didn't even need her as a witness at all. What we have here is a person who had a prior conviction for a violent offense who was told by a 911 operator not to approach Trayvon, and he went out with a gun. By bringing the gun it can be argued that what Zimmerman did was in fact premeditated. Honestly though in spite of the facts seeing the bullshit, and the thus I have a feeling that Zimmerman is going to be acquitted. Seriously 5/6ths of the people judging are going to take offense to being referred to as crackers. So already we have a way for the jury to potentially not really like the victim of the crime at all. The Defense is going to bring up Trayvon's THC in his system, and school suspensions saying that "Trayvon has a past history of being a hoodlum." So here we have a victim of a crime being portrayed as a ghetto thug who would have thought of the Jury as crackers. I see a high chance of Zimmerman being acquitted if the prosecution doesn't step its game up.
......I don't know...so many of you guys sound so certain,...If you saw the precedings today, the defense made a damn convincing argument that Zimmerman was on his back and that he sustained a beating to his head.....Did you hear the testimonies of the many witness today ??....
I don't think her grammar issues etc should have an impact, it should be irrelevant. And if the jury does their job, they should recognize that. The 'creepy ass cracker' comment: if that was what was used in a situation where someone felt threaten to his life by what was clearly a creepy white dude - is hardly anything that change the chain of events. Even if 'cracker' is what he, or she use to describe white people regularly, it really doesn't change the chain of events in any way. Zimmerman's story doesn't match facts IMO. I actually think Rachel is catching more crap than she deserves. Yes, she was defiant etc, but is she the hinging witness? Is her statement the hinging statement? I still think the facts speak against Z. Call me naive, but I do. I pray and hope Z gets the book
If I was on my back, with a dude significantly lighter than me, on top of me and I shot him accidentally, then how come Trayvon ended up face down w his hands across his chest? In a life-death situation, I imagine a forceful push. Either Trayvon would have been pushed straight back , or more likely to the side. He could not have landed that way he was found. Its extremely unlikely. He could not also been moved by Z as It's arms were pinned between his body and the ground. On top of that, if it was an accident, then why didn't Z, check on T, or try to revive him?
If you watched her testimony....it was not good for the prosecution. -The deposition of events she gave was heavily tainted because she did it while Trayvons other and her attorney were sitting directly beside her. -She cleaned up her language of events in the letter she wrote to Trayvons mother to paint Trayvon in a better light. -It was brought out that Ben Crump was in this to promote it as a racially charged event from the beginning. Most likely to make him money. -She was rude to everybody in that courtroom. She was a terrible witness for the state to call.
He was licensed to carry. So 'premeditated' won't stick. But they do ask you not to carry while on NHW. Still, a permit overrides that, I think. Ofcourse they needed her as witness - she was the last person to speak to him. In fact, she is the only one WHO CAN speak for him. We would never know his fear, or the comment GZ made - which counters his lies, had it not been for her! She's hella important to the case. Look, you can't pick your witness. They come 'as is'. It's the prosecutor's job to make sure she is prepared, that she sticks to the facts, and not embellish or lie. (From what snippets I have read) I also heard she called the Defense attorney's question "retarded"? Ok, not a good look. One would think she would do all she could to put her friend's killer away, so being a reluctant witness on the stand doesn't come off well.
Where are you getting 'accidentally" from? I thought (and keep reading) GZ's assertion is 'self-defense', which is why he invoked the SYG Law. Did someone testify he said it was an accident? (I have barely seen the testimony so far, so I must catch up). Also, did someone testify that Tray was found 'face down, hands on chest'? Not sure if you saw the (sad) crime scene pics or not, but he was found on his back, hands by his side.
Exactly where are you guys getting that zimmerman was on his back with trayvon on top of him? Zimmerman's testimony? An eye-witness testified that the guy with the red and black jacket (zimmerman) was on top. Scroll down at http://ideas.time.com/2013/06/28/rachel-jeantel-explained-linguistically/and check out the end of the video. As far as Rachel Jeantel goes, smh. Just smh. I know it's wrong to judge people, but "these are my court nails" on facebook? Can't fucking read cursive? "Let's get drunk and high" on facebook? Was this really trayvon's girlfriend? And no zimmerman's not going to get off because of Jeantel. That's how they'll sell it - but he's going to get off for the same reason that thousands of strangers online donated more than $75000 to his legal defense fund: - his victim is a "black male" - he is not black - he is the son of a judge - his last name is zimmerman - this is america, and there's a message in letting him walk Those are the reason's he's going to walk. Not because of miss hawg mawg here. The media seems to love her tho, kinda like "Precious". :roll:
He was found face down. The pic with him on his back was after he'd been turned over. http://rollingout.com/criminal-behavior/trayvon-martin-graphic-crime-scene-photos-released/ http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/06/trayvon-martin-death-photos-shown-zimmerman-trial.html
One could argue that had Trayvon Martin NOT been black, this wouldn't have been as highly publicized as it is. And the media tried to make this about race and profiling, which kind of blew up in their face, because the racial epithets came from Trayvon. I don't hear the word race nearly as much as when this case was getting ready to go to trial... Either or, I believe he'll walk or be guilty of manslaughter.
If anyone remembers Michael Jackson's trial, the prosecution had only the testimony of their star witnesses, whom the jury did not like(especially, the two boys' mother). Anytime a jury does not like a witness, especially if they are star witnesses, the prosecution is going to have an uphill battle. I had heard some of Rachel Jeantel's testimony. And from my understanding of these proceedings, Ms. Jeantel was not the most credible witness. She was not an eyewitnese, but an earwitness because she was talking to Trayvon Martin on the phone. This will help the defense. Now, there is only the 911 operator and the neighbor who called in the report of the gunshot and someone screaming. If George Zimmerman is acquitted, his gun permit must be revoked. He must never carry a gun again. If he is guilty, he is going to do life in prison. But, alas, this trial will be up to the jury and God.