American women suck at Flirting?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bhayes, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Lolllll. Not to kill the fantasy here, but take that first site with a pinch of salt. It's not only sexist, it's mostly untrue and it's from a biased source, obviously. Eg:
    WTF! Wrong in so many ways, haha.
    This has a little truth though:
    I have so little understanding of American dating, but it does all seem a little fake.

    and omglol
    Yay, hop on a plane to a poor country where you too can repress women :p

    As for the gameplay site, odg, just act like a human being and treat women like they are too. I'm not lying or trying to give you false hope, this is genuinely the secret to getting women. You don't need to play games or follow some set of dumb rules.

    edit: Ok, just one more...
  2. Hellspawn

    Hellspawn New Member

    We could look at it as Winston Wu (owner of Happier Abroad) as somewhat biased....but we could also see it as the dating situation for men being not as advantageous for American men.

    It's a cultural thing. It's also a demographic problem, seeing that men outnumber it's easier for attractive women to become exhausted by being approached by suitors. It's also the rule here that men are supposed to approach the woman, which happens 8 of 10 times.

    Culture really affects these things:


    There's thousands of talks about why men and women play games. It's the way people delay or avoid intimacy, quoting a college professor (stated before). The only people that don't play games are people who are inexperienced (like myself) or are seen culturally as undesirable (fat/obese, older, single mother/father, poor economic background).
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    We have an involvement fair on campus next Wednesday, on February 8th and I plan on joining some groups/clubs and getting involved socially. I had an international relations class yesterday (next class is tomorrow, along with Math) and some of the things the professor was taking about yesterday suddenly made me think about this site. It prompted me to sign on here (after doing my schoolwork/homework) just to make this post.

    I went back to Winston Wu's website today in an attempt to gather more information. This is an extract of several pages of his e-book. The e-book could be purchased on Amazon in a downloadable format.

    Here are some remarks that I will point out from his site, but most of us should be able to agree that obviously what he says does have some validity to it. I won't give my perspective on them because it would make for a very long and tedious post.

    Apparantly, something is obviously wrong. I don't think it's with every American but it obviously exists within our country, possibly with some of the men and women who are Americans right on this forum. There's no way we could deny it or brush it under the rug. We need to understand why this exists. Now, people might say I'm naive or immature for making this post, but to hell with what they think. It's not like I'll get restricted for posting this.
  4. satyr

    satyr New Member

    American women suck at giving play to unattractive men with no game.
  5. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I knew there was a reason I have liked and dated foreign or non African-American black men (unless they were "country", which is so different from the hood, which I hate)...

    Thanks for proving me right, OP.

    All foreign people are better. :smt077
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Men do not outnumber women in the US - I think the only state that is true is Alaska.

    Also, the "men are supposed to approach women" is something you will find all over the world, USA may be, compared to the rest of the world, on the more liberal side - not the opposite. There are perhaps a dozen to two dozen couries that are better at that - but recall that most European countries do not have nearly as many inhabitants as the US.

    And lastly on the last part - that is some funny stuff and very untrue. Any adult that is emotionally mature don't play games. Most people grow out of it.
  7. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    American women flirt just fine.
  8. satyr

    satyr New Member


    A bunch of Marmaduke-looking motherfuckers get angry because they can't catch, so they take it out on American women. Fuck you.

  9. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Who said that??
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    We all can't be "pretty" supafly :cool:
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Just read through this thread and its simple if you want a woman especially from the states
    It comes down to a series of sixes.
    Have a six pack, drive a six series (BMW, Mercedes, Audi which ever you choose), and have a six figure salary and you will not be denied a woman of your desire.
    Not saying ALL women require it but few to no women would ever reject a man like that unless he was a dwarf or had messed up breath.
  12. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I had typed something else ( a whole opinionated diatribe), but suffice it to say that "y'all should really watch this video" - thanks, Hellspawn!!

  13. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Stizzy, you know, because you're a real man... ;)
  14. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Wow, you have a pathetic view of women, and no, not everyone can be beautiful, but if a woman has a man with a 6 figure, with a six pack, and a nice car, and puts her in the lap of luxury? You better be certain that if he doesn't treat her like his queen and thinks she's his "due"? She will have 3 poolboys and her workout instructor as her side-jobs and not think twice about your feelings. Money can't buy you love, nor can any six-figured anything. Even if you're 70 and a billionaire and she loves your old ass, she will get some real sex on the side.
  15. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Thanks. :D
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What I said had nothing to do with keeping them it had to do with getting them. I will be the first to admit I don't really know nor care to know how to keep a woman at this point in my life but I do know what works when getting them.
    The six pack speaks to physical fitness which women are attracted to. The car speaks to style which women are attracted to and the salary speaks to stability which women are attracted to. I might also add this is what works here in a major city I have no clue what works in the country. Also let me add I'm not saying every single woman requires this but I think most if not all pay attention to that and that's the first step to getting a woman is getting her to pay attention.
  17. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Yes, this is true.

    I am fucking gorgeous but I still don't like hearing excuses for why other brothers aren't catching.

  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Interesting how those amongst us who've had it the easiest are always quick to accuse others of excuse making when they've never had to work for the very thing they accuse others for making excuses about.

    I guarantee those who've gone through long term unemployment aren't calling people out of work lazy lol
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ur smarter than you look
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've recently been taking breaks from friends for this shit. I have friends who talk shit about my career choices "You ain't done with school yet" easy to say when your parents pay for the whole thing or you go grad for easy shit like teaching or social work. My favorite are the people who don't have to work while they go to school. They have no clue how much it helps to have 8 plus hours a day to study and rest, they fail to understand that taking a full course load and working makes one tired.
    And the new thing is "stop making excuse and settle down, you should really find a nice girl you're not getting any younger. Aged sperm is what causes autism" shit always coming from people who have dated the same people since undergrad.
    Fuck enemies friends usually bring more stress to your life.

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