American women suck at Flirting?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bhayes, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  2. TILLY

    TILLY New Member

    Or get a mail order bride if you can't afford the plane trip..LOL
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Hmm... To a degree, there is truth to this. I say this because our divorce rates between men and women (regardless of race) are slightly higher than those of other countries. I don't think it's correct to generalize though and state that this is what it's like for all Americans.

    Your Youtube videos redirected me to

    I don't think I should say too much on here because it's going to provoke a heated discussion. Anyhow, I hope to hear a reply from you soon.
  4. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    oh i actually went there and posted on their message boards there. apparently we have some members there too.

    the point is, i'm not saying ALL american women just a huge majority. i'm not saying that men don't have their issues. they do. we all know this.

    I just saw a documentary called "lets talk about sex" on the the learning channel.

    which comapres the way europeans teens & familiies view sex vs. the way american teens & familities view sex. And the differences are staggering.

    have a look at the trailer.

    So once again lookism, beauty standards, relationships, dating, sex, marriage & divorce, the meaning of family, divorce and all that is viewed differently in other parts of the world.

    simply put black men we need to relocate. the facts prove it, that its better for us overall.

    this guy here is apparently a Maryland guy. I don't know him but he is correct about this area. i'm a maryland guy myself.
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Damn, same here! I probably live near you.

    Here's a thread I found that caters specifically to people in the DC metro area, relating to your topic:

    I'll watch the Youtube videos, then edit my post and add more stuff.

    Also, you are correct about the problem with sex. Europe is sexually more liberal, I would say, than America is. When you see those kinds of statistics on the front page, they make it seem like having sex/getting laid is a bad thing.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  6. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Bhayes your posts always make you sound like a defeatist. If you display that attitude in real life you should probably hop a plane to a deserted island. I thought you were going to work out and work on your attitude? Sounds like you need to talk yourself up not down like you do. :(
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    How Women Flirt

    Depending on the woman -- flirting may show itself in several different ways. You may notice the long, seductive stares; the extra long smiles; and the exaggerated laughter. There are also episodes of excessive conversation that go way beyond a simple 2-minute chat.
    The art of flirting for women can show up in several ways, so let's explore some of them.

    Women are much more subtle about flirting than men, so the physical clues aren't always obvious. Guys are not accustomed to getting a lot of attention from women, and certainly do not get approached often. So recognizing a flirtatous move can sometimes be a bit tricky.

    Here are some signs to help you determine that she is flirting with you:
    • Making the first move
      Women hardly ever enjoy making the first move. When they do, it means the interest level has been raised. However, don't expect a woman to flag you down and desperately ask for your attention. Most will never allow themselves to be placed in that position.
    • Extended looks and stares
      While not considered rude in most countries, Americans usually take offense to staring and extended gazes. But in these circumstances, men don't mind those extended looks. When a women gives you more eye attention than usual, she's already gathered physical facts and is letting you know that you're worth looking at.
    • No personal space
      People are picky about personal space and women know this. Some women will narrow the distance between a man and herself if she's flirting with him. This could be done while walking, while sitting, or while standing and having a conversation.
    • Body language
      Probably one of the most difficult suggestions for men to pick up on. A woman's body language may not be sexually suggestive enough for you to make a determination about her interest in you. But some key signs are: tilting the head while talking; clasping the hands behind her back while talking; and touching you or your clothes, while talking.
    The flirting that women do is mostly harmless. If she is seeking more than just a friendly banter of conversation, she will surely let you know. Men have a tendency to mistake friendly behavior for flirting or sexual overtones. Men should understand and be aware of the natural male tendency to view most interaction from a woman as something suggestive.
    For many men, the goal is to convert all of that flirting into dates. Those intial gazes are fine, but what happens when we do it with a purpose?
    If the conversation is good and the attraction is strong, a simple suggestion for future conversations will suffice. Don't make the mistake of "overflirting", or making early suggestions for intimacy.
    Be humorous and have fun doing it. Humor is important and helps break up tension since both men and women can sometimes experience nervousness while flirting for dates.
    Effective communication, even if it's through flirting, is always the key to the next step.
  8. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    In America, an attempt to "pick up" one of these stuck up lasses is an act of "street harressment"

    But then again, the bullshit women take from some of these guys (or dogs) is perpelexing. Soon enough, even a mere "hello" will warrant pepper spray (heck even a wrong/lustful stare at a woman will be justifiable reason to be sprayed) :D. The fact is, many of these guys that yell out "hot pussy" or "heeeyyy i wanna fuck your ass" from high rise apertment windows, are providing compliments to the poor lady. In fact, i cat whistle at women daily and theres no desire to boink em. They should be happy im doing it because beauty fades and so does sex appeal. Old age will one day hit them like a massive tsunami and they will remember me, the young buck who chanted "show us your titties sexy mama" as i breezed in my SUV....they will remember me :D
  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    yep...just what lippy is looking for some young man with his shirt off...his pants hanging around his ankles showing off his plaid boxer must be love:smt005
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You should create a separate topic dedicated to this particular post. This post alone is thread-worthy.

  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    That sounds good. This one has a negative tilt to it. I'm not saying that Bhayes is completely wrong in his assessment of how he views things in the United States, but I don't think things are as weak as he makes them out to be. Some places are great and some aren't. I don't see how I'd have to leave the country over it like the websites suggest you do.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm referring to lipstick's post on how women flirt. That should be a thread by itself and worthy of discussion. Plus lipstick specializes in sexuality and love, so why not?

  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Whenever I notice flirting activities from the opposite sex (or some gay men) i reject them immediately. The gay men i do so for the mere fact that they are gay and the women are deemed "hoes" in my book once they become overly (or underly) flirty. I like a challenge, and i want a woman to kick me in the balls due to my persistence, as long as she sucks them later on, ya dig?

    "whachya looking at bitch"?..The power a man feels whilst rejecting an attractive women provides perhaps, a greater sense of joy than say, fucking the princesss of persia. I recall, this really hot girl, eyeing me, smiling and anticipating similar actions on my part. I looked at her, up- down-and began mean mugging. A sudden sadness blessed her face after that and you could see, she respected me more than if i fell victim to her game

    If you are a "hot" man, you will notice women walking really close to you, whilst crossing paths. If shes digging your swag, take heed from a distance "shes making eye contact". At the instant of crossing paths, give her "the shoulder nudge", and dont be a wussy about it. If she doesnt lose step and tumble down- face flat after that, you gotta start working out. Make sure to help her up after that though, with the phrase "babe, you better watch your steps" followed by "whats your digits" wonders

    I was at the mall last night, and this hot chick walked towards me, with a short skirt and some see through tights beneath. As she looked at me and i looked at her, she began playing-fidgeting with her hair, and then lifted her skirt slightly and swiftly touched the lower regions of her inner upper thighs whilst licking her lips repetitively. If i wasnt looking at her mom and dad standing immediately beside her, i would have asked her number. God being such a gentleman sucks!!!

  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Bhayes- may be you should check out the pick up artist school.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy didn't want to be redundant in threads...this happens alot where a thread will take a different direction than what the OP originally intended
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Thanks for mentioning this. I remember that we went on a family trip in Georgia several years ago, and there was a white girl who basically gave me fixated eye contact at a theme park or something, I didn't know what to do, or what it meant. The other thing you mentioned is also helpful as well.

    I don't think the people on HappierAbroad are completely correct in what they are saying about American women. America can't be as bad as they portray it out to be. They have to place some of the blame on themselves.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i think that there is a fine art to flirting and i have been known to flirt without ever intending to take it any further...i love to flirt if it will makes someone smile...or if someone just needs a little pick me up...
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    dont forget one.....if she gingerly touches you during conversation. It has to have somewhat of a good read on your part to figure it out. example during convo she may laugh and touch your arm .

    she is trying to make some type of connection with you.(sometimes. dont get it confused with someone being overly nice and affectionate. you can tell though. if you cant just test the waters abit)
  19. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

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