American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't label you as a MGTOW, since the main purpose of that "movement" is less about uplifting one another and going about their own way. Instead, obsessing over females, which is generally what it is. The official website pretty much reinforces that, as their responses to many of the FAQs are juvenile at best, often very childish. I've explored this before, over a year ago and you don't fit into that description at all.

    When it comes to you, you're a person who simply want to live a stable life, living with a reason to live each and every day, which is a heavily common for just about anyone looking to start anew. You don't need a special to identify as something you're undergoing, especially one as senseless as MGTOW. You are not a bitter, angry person, which is a far cry from the MGTOW mentality. So,'re definitely not one of those people. You're not a deranged asshole.

  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We live in a racist culture. How many people openly support it??

    More men are raped than women???????

    I'll assume that's a misstatement on your

    About the name thing, you put it out there originally and unless you expressly stated you would prefer than none use it on this forum, I can't see why you're so upset about it.


    You act like MorningStar insulted you by using your
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Calling MGTOW infantile little boys hiding in the bodies of grown men was absolutely right on.
    The shit they wrote about Valentine's Day is just all kinds of mentally ill.:smt120

    Men have decided February 14th is now the International Day of Men Going Their Own Way.
    Men have always been better than women at Valentine’s Day. Women ruined it with their selfishness.

    Women are so selfish, they would rather allow a child slave to die in Africa (where diamonds come from) than give up just one of their precious Valentine’s Day gifts and extravagant meals.

    Kids have a holiday a lot like Valentine’s Day. It’s called “Christmas”, and kids are allowed to act like little bastards during Christmas because they’re kids.

    Women have no excuse. They can vote.

    According to some commercials we’ve seen, it costs only pennies a day to improve the lives of impoverished African children. Pennies a day is a maximum of four pennies. If it cost five pennies a day to save starving children, then they would just say “a nickel” because that’s shorter to say and the saved commercial air time could be turned into food.
    …. divided by four pennies is 343 trillion starving African children. You don’t need to check a globe to know there are less than that many starving African children in Africa. There aren’t even that many starving African children in the whole world. You see the point.

    That princess you’re buying a puppy for next week is taking a puppy’s worth of meals out of the mouths of kids halfway across the world. And she loves every second of it.

    $14 billion dollars was wasted to please and appease women – just so she can get a gift out of obligation and resent – because it says Feb 14th on the calendar.

    Maybe you already took her out and paid for her meal 30 times in the last 12 months, but if you don’t do it on Feb 14th, she will now behave like you treated her badly.

    Behavior aside, female selfishness can be broken down and understood just by looking at the numbers:
    The average amount a man will spend this year is $145.67
    The average amount a woman will spend is $71.62

    (Isn’t that called a pay gap?)

    Women don’t even know how expensive flowers are. A dozen roses is, like, eighty dollars. Does it make her a whore because it’s over forty bucks? Don’t be absurd. It makes her a whore for accepting them in the first place.

    If women were really so packed full of compassion and nurturing, then the most wasteful holiday of the year wouldn’t be dedicated to them.

    If women were stuffed with any caring at all, Valentine’s Day would be about volunteering at the local homeless shelter. It would be about buying a star and naming it after her.. except, instead of a star, it would be a short bus full of starving African kids.
    Valentine’s Day is the biggest waste in history.
    But who cares? Women sure don’t. They’re selfish as hell.

    Beginning in 2015, Feb. 14th is International MGTOW Day.
    $14 Billion was wasted on women last year – in just one day.
    It’s time Men did something better with that.

  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I didn't want to post links since I was too tired last night, but I guess if I have to blow the lid off of something that I'm well aware of, and not surprised some the Le Dicks in this forums here are quick to defend, I need to shed some light on my thoughts on the matter, and rightfully so.

    That and a few months ago, I stumbled on one idiot who was harassing this Korean woman for uploading videos about her life and her (black) husband being together and he's constantly berating her, suggesting that she'll be a single mom in a few years and she need to "come to her senses". This is not the last time I'll see this, since other people who openly express similar comments from the MGTOW community.

    The following narrative...

    "Boo-hoo woe is me. Women are too independent minded to be making me feel less manly."

    "I married you thinking you'll be like those traditional women who cook and clean and give me blowjobs at a minute's notice."

    "Women are shit. They are too independent, so they reject me for being good looking?!"

    "Damn women and their feminisms. We can't take this shit."

  5. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Valentine's Day is a difficult time for me, as well. But, I try not to think of it as a holiday. I treat it as a regular day and move on. While some are fortunate enough to find someone, others are not fortunate. They are lonely, depressed, desperate and bitter. Valentine's Day isn't what it used to be. It is a time for the florists, the confectionist(candy makers), the jewellers, the greeting cards makers, the lingerie designers, the perfume makers, all the way to the merchants who sell these items. Everyone gets paid. The desire for cash is often satisfied for these entities. For the consumer, there are no guarantees. It's not like it was when you're a kid in school and sometimes you don't get as many Valentine's cards at the end of the school day.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No where near the same thing. There's no public support or go fund me accounts for rapists. I did say that I don't want it being used on the forum and he knows that. No one has used it in years. He used it to make punctuate a point. Tell me what reason would he have to use my name when everyone universally calls me TDK? Shit goodlove is no fan of mine and caught that shit. It wasn't cool.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Their approach is wrong but the message isn't. Why insist on diamonds when it comes at someone else's suffering?
    Especially something you don't need.
    A lot of women do act like children on this made up holiday, there are a lot who believe if the day isn't made special for them they are some how missing out and get pissed.
    Not the best execution but a lot of truth
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    There are no gofundme accounts for admitted racists, even if that's what they are.
    Racism is rarely called racism in public.
    Nor does anyone ever say outright that it's sexually okay to prey upon women.

    Rape culture and racist culture are beliefs and behaviors that are supported implicitly in general society by our political, legal and social institutions.

    These subconscious attitudes and behaviors affect the way people think and act, even if they aren't aware of them.

    It's the perfect analogy.
  9. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    I truly can't believe what I just read. If it wasn't so ridiculous and disgusting, I might find it funny. It really is unbelieveable how people can take a situation and completely twist it into being something else. I am single right now, but when I was in a relationship, Valentine's Day wasn't only all about me. It was a day where my man and I made it different than other days. Just a special day for the BOTH of us. I gave just as much thought into doing something special as he did. You don't HAVE TO buy gifts, but if you choose to, gifts can be bought for both people. Going out for a lovely evening together and celebrating your love is a gift in itself. I look very forward to being in that kind of relationship again. I will do everything in my power to make my man know how special he is to me. That doesn't mean couples should ONLY show their love on that one day, but holidays are meant for just that reason. A birthday, anniversary, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, etc. are days set aside from others just to give us reason to celebrate. Married people work very hard these days, come home and perhaps have children to care for, house work to do, bills to pay, etc., so why not have one day to say, "Fuck it. Tonight is for us".
    If a man thinks I'm being a total selfish bitch because I would like to celebrate Valentine's Day, I don't want him, which is probably why men with that thought process are alone.
    I won't even discuss the absurdity that I would rather have children die than give up my Valentine's gift. Something very sick about anyone who would even suggest such a thing!!
  10. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I disagree with you here MS, I think the videos below speak to why many men rebel against accusations of rape culture, and "teaching men not to rape"


  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    From what I have gathered, it's more to do with the inability to exercise any sense of empathy towards these matters, let alone take the time and think about why such a thing is actually being pushed. I have no desire to engage in such an activity, but a privileged mindset would be dismissive of their own behavioral attitudes. What I see is the unwillingness to communicate and discuss. However, they are more than eager to speak their minds on the "faults" rather than approach and listen.

  12. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I didn't know his name and I've been a member for more than 6 months. Regardless, he stated he had an issue with it when the male with the label "Morning Star" brought it up on this section of the site; he should apologize.

    Why can't you explain to me what a statistical model is since you brought the term up?

    If you are so sick and tired of me saying how can anyone know what ALL of MGTOW think if you don't know them...stop reading my posts.

  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok give me an example if rape culture
  14. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    You know I love you to death but I subscribe to the thought process of not adhering to some made up shit that is designed to drain my wallet. Not all men who don't subscribe to such Valentine Day rubbish are alone.

    I'll discuss it!

    The reality is that people are subjugated and die to obtain diamonds so that someone can place them on their finger and marvel at the pretty colored lights it refracts. Watch the movie "Blood Diamond" to get an idea of what some people have to endure so that people can wear diamonds.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think you're only seeing things through your personal perspective. And Valentine’s Day is usually all about the woman which is why you rarely if ever see men make.a big deal about it.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly. Aside from the insane cost for a decent ring (6k to 15k cccc) people die for this shit. But it goes to show how callous and thoughtless people can be as long as they get something to feed their ego.
  17. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

  18. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    You are on point, brother!

    People tend to care about "others" when they don't have to make a change that is uncomfortable to their ego.

    I once got into an argument with a woman (I know, who could ever imagine Brian J could have an American woman?) because she wanted a "rock" and expected me to pay money for it. I told her we can go to any park and I'll find her one free of charge.

    I guess it's only important if the rock costs a certain amount of money. Also, where is it written that a mans love for a woman is decided upon how much debt he can accrue to purchase an item whose cost is artificially inflated?

    Shallow, empty and devoid humans trying to fill up the void in their souls with "things".
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Whoever wrote that needs to get laid.......damn!

    Why so serious?
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Pretty much. The fact people see metal and rock as a symbol of love and not the life you build together is the inherit problem. But hey what do I know I'm bitter lol

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