American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    u do know hes a wanna be intellectual rite?
  2. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    A label is a label is a label. What you may see as "sophomoric" I see as simple.
    It sounds like if someone disagrees with you they are sophomoric and silly but if they agree with you it's a movement?

    That's the mindset of a juvenile.

    That's your opinion. My opinion is the label feminism is as silly or serious the label MGTOW.

    Feminism isn't about waging war against men. I'm a single guy, but I'm not stupid to create a delusional, overly-simplistic mindset over what is ailing this world and I can tell you it is not the fault of women that many of these guys are having issues dealing with them.

    You already established? LMAO

    You are a legend in your own mind LMAO

    You established nothing other than show when you can't handle an onslaught of logic from a true man you post his name like a rapacious brat and when he points out that you did him wrong you blame him for your transgression.


    When you stated I took a jab at you I had the testicular temerity to look at what you said, find the merit in it and issue you a public apology here; the same place where I took the jab. You don't respect him enough to admit you were wrong? And you have the audacity to attempt to pass judgement on what other men call themselves?


    Well, that's to be expected.

    It's so rare that people actually see real men that when they do, they question us as how and why we carry ourselves the way we do because it usually makes them feel uncomfortable being that most have never seen real men.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  3. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    I was thinking the same thing about you lol

    Eh, no comment on the shit that bitch motherfuckers do, huh?
  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of being active in meet-and-greets/clubs as a means of coming into contact with like minded people with similar interests.
  5. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I think I mentioned I'm not interested in a mall order bride, sir.

    You are spending a lot of time concerned about me and fixated on some sort of relationship you think I'm trying to have. Is there something you want to tell me? Are you beginning to have warm feelings in your mid section with regard to me and being a bride of some sort?

    Are you...transgender?
  6. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Actually, what I want most is for you to get just one sentence grammatically correct. Just one.

  7. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I agree, man. I think you can get a better vibe from them in a relaxed environment where the communication will probably be more natural as you may have shared interests.
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

  9. Terra Incognita

    Terra Incognita New Member

    My Love is Kosovar Albanian. I've always liked Foreign White Women most and ended up with one. :D
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're only reinforcing my pointing regarding this particular discussion, especially since you're missing the entire point regarding the labels. This isn't based on opinion. It's a statement of fact and there is well-documented history behind feminism and the need for it as opposed to the MGTOW, which is akin to the Ku Klux Klan. By that, I mean that it's not a necessary movement and it is heavily rooted based on fear or angst, or emotional drivel. I can understand problems with relationships, but perhaps its a two-way street and they need to reevaluate their own behavior as well. It is a breakdown of communication overall, but the lack of adaptation could prove to be an issue as well.

    It's a support group for an asinine reason and it's anything but "going their own way." As for those individuals who live a single, carefree life without a significant other, I would credit them as merely perma-bachelors and actually living a life without the need of a companionship, and they don't piss and moan about what's wrong with women, which is essentially what MGTOW is about. The online presence is a reflection of these people who partake or hold that label into their own accord.

    I may have had problems in the past with women from here, but I wouldn't piss and moan about it at all, like some people would, creating groups to MGTOW to foster their neglect of personal introspective or reflective self-analysis. It takes a mature adult to simply move on and not bludgeon their mental state with ideas of creating a boogeyman (or woman). I have no problem with engaging in discussions like this, since, for the most part, I understand your sentiment regarding the issues of American women vs. Foreign women, though I don't completely agree with everything you've stated. True, foreign women are generally more socially open to dating interracially, and that is mainly in part by their countries confronting issues like racism better than America, which sweeps everything under the rug.

  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    What you're defining is not rape culture.
    We had an extensive convo about this in another thread months ago, if not last year.

    You're describing uncomfortable behaviors by men against women, far from rape culture.

    Why do you think most victims of rape are reluctant to report it??
    Might have something to do with how the victim is oftentimes portrayed as being responsible in some way for the attack.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    its called street harrassment.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    George Sodini was a nut case with some disdain towards women, though he didn't have that label made back in 2009, but he shot up an entire gym, killing three women.

    However, I have worked with or have encountered people who actually hold those views and many of them don't really go their own way, per se. Why not just improve your own life instead of just looking for sex with women? Plus, from an online presence, they would have a major stick up their asses when they see women online confessing their love or someone or chronicling their lives, and they have to insert their BS attitudes because they lack the ability to communicate with women.

  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You have a really bad habit of making any discussion on this board intensely personal, almost narcissistic.

    Stats from the FBI state there are 4.5 murders per 100,000 people in the U.S.

    According to the same FBI, there are 52.9 forcible rapes per 100,000 people in the U.S.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Anyone who's been on this forum more than 6 months know TDK's first name because others have dropped it harmlessly in dialogues.

    How is that a dig or insult??

    Did TDK expressly ask that no one ever speak his name on this board??lol

    TDK is having a

    Jesus H, you would have though MorningStar dropped his SSN and home address.

    And someone please explain to Brian J what a statistical model is.

    I'm so sick and tired of him saying how can anyone know what ALL of MGTOW think if you don't know them??
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Get the fuck out of here fam. No one ever uses my name on here. It's literally been years and if someone does its a slip he was making a point that shit was done out of anger there was absolutely no reason to bring it up.
    And I never said that rape wasn't a problem (btw more men are raped than women), I said I don't believe that there's a rape culture. I don't believe that there'speople who support it. We as a whole see it as vile and disgusting. It's not like saying there's a gun culture, where there are swaths of people who love and support gUn ownership. See the difference?
  17. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I can't speak for those men. I can only go about my business trying to survive and make long ends meet. I go through a lot on my job and when I get home, I just climb into bed and sleep until the time comes to get back to work until my days off come. No disdain or hatred for women from me here. Just a longing to break free from the yoke of monotony. Sex, though important, can wait. My journey is long and arduous. But it is the journey that matters ost in my life. I feel that this is an example of mgtow. My first step was to get a job and work for the meager pay and pay big bills on a part-time Wal-Mart salary(Wal-Mart is a good place to work and it is honest work). I don't intend on working there for the rest of my life, I have other plans. But I have to survive.
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't label you as a MGTOW, since the main purpose of that "movement" is less about uplifting one another and going about their own way. Instead, obsessing over females, which is generally what it is. The official website pretty much reinforces that, as their responses to many of the FAQs are juvenile at best, often very childish. I've explored this before, over a year ago and you don't fit into that description at all.

    When it comes to you, you're a person who simply want to live a stable life, living with a reason to live each and every day, which is a heavily common for just about anyone looking to start anew. You don't need a special to identify as something you're undergoing, especially one as senseless as MGTOW. You are not a bitter, angry person, which is a far cry from the MGTOW mentality. So,'re definitely not one of those people. You're not a deranged asshole.

  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We live in a racist culture. How many people openly support it??

    More men are raped than women???????

    I'll assume that's a misstatement on your

    About the name thing, you put it out there originally and unless you expressly stated you would prefer than none use it on this forum, I can't see why you're so upset about it.


    You act like MorningStar insulted you by using your
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Calling MGTOW infantile little boys hiding in the bodies of grown men was absolutely right on.
    The shit they wrote about Valentine's Day is just all kinds of mentally ill.:smt120

    Men have decided February 14th is now the International Day of Men Going Their Own Way.
    Men have always been better than women at Valentine’s Day. Women ruined it with their selfishness.

    Women are so selfish, they would rather allow a child slave to die in Africa (where diamonds come from) than give up just one of their precious Valentine’s Day gifts and extravagant meals.

    Kids have a holiday a lot like Valentine’s Day. It’s called “Christmas”, and kids are allowed to act like little bastards during Christmas because they’re kids.

    Women have no excuse. They can vote.

    According to some commercials we’ve seen, it costs only pennies a day to improve the lives of impoverished African children. Pennies a day is a maximum of four pennies. If it cost five pennies a day to save starving children, then they would just say “a nickel” because that’s shorter to say and the saved commercial air time could be turned into food.
    …. divided by four pennies is 343 trillion starving African children. You don’t need to check a globe to know there are less than that many starving African children in Africa. There aren’t even that many starving African children in the whole world. You see the point.

    That princess you’re buying a puppy for next week is taking a puppy’s worth of meals out of the mouths of kids halfway across the world. And she loves every second of it.

    $14 billion dollars was wasted to please and appease women – just so she can get a gift out of obligation and resent – because it says Feb 14th on the calendar.

    Maybe you already took her out and paid for her meal 30 times in the last 12 months, but if you don’t do it on Feb 14th, she will now behave like you treated her badly.

    Behavior aside, female selfishness can be broken down and understood just by looking at the numbers:
    The average amount a man will spend this year is $145.67
    The average amount a woman will spend is $71.62

    (Isn’t that called a pay gap?)

    Women don’t even know how expensive flowers are. A dozen roses is, like, eighty dollars. Does it make her a whore because it’s over forty bucks? Don’t be absurd. It makes her a whore for accepting them in the first place.

    If women were really so packed full of compassion and nurturing, then the most wasteful holiday of the year wouldn’t be dedicated to them.

    If women were stuffed with any caring at all, Valentine’s Day would be about volunteering at the local homeless shelter. It would be about buying a star and naming it after her.. except, instead of a star, it would be a short bus full of starving African kids.
    Valentine’s Day is the biggest waste in history.
    But who cares? Women sure don’t. They’re selfish as hell.

    Beginning in 2015, Feb. 14th is International MGTOW Day.
    $14 Billion was wasted on women last year – in just one day.
    It’s time Men did something better with that.


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