Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 3, 2011.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    Poignantly well stated my brotha.

    It was more like a release of thank goodness the S.O.B. was finally dealt with.

    As you stated it didn't have anything to do with reflecting negatively on Arabs, Muslims, etc. but dealing with an individual who has invariably altered the post 9/11 world we all live in.
  2. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Well said. I can understand that people are happy/relieved, but this is not something to celebrate about imho.
    ^That, I celebrated. This is not the same thing.

    Seriously? People filmed it and people watched it, whether they celebrated or not, it was still in bad taste.
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That was his capture that was shown.

    No one broke out in celebrations on the streets of America when he was ultimately executed by hanging later on.
  4. Neostumptowner

    Neostumptowner New Member

    I agree somewhat with the OP although when people are defeated in battle, whether its by being killed or beaten in elections people are out rallying with cheers. So beating Bush would have brought out cheering masses just as cheering the killing of a terrorist. so i think its ok or if it isnt we shouldnt do it in any circumstance
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Who is Pakistan kidding, including Musharraf when he was in power.

    Pakistan has been stink and awash in terrorism for a good while now. Who knows what they have perpetrated with their intelligence agencies against India.

    Osama bin Laden was living in their country, miles from an urban center.

    When Pakistan speaks I only hear lies.

    Hamid Karzai was right all along in saying look at the neighbors of Afghanistan, i.e. Pakistan if you want to find terrorists.
  6. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Kuno, not sure what that negative rep was for... I don't think you understood my position in this argument. The post you neg repped me for was a response to Arch angel wondering how you could feel safer having just killed an extremist leader, knowing there will now be retaliation.... retaliation that otherwise was not as big a threat.

    I am in no way supporting Osama, he absolutely was an evil man who deserved to die. Am I glad he's dead? Absolutely. Should American people feel relieved and satisfied and that justice was served? Of course!

    My comments were about the news I'd seen of jubilant people on the streets of New York, singing and dancing about how the world was a safer place and "thank god it is over"... My argument is that it's naive to think it's over, and that the public celebrations may not have a positive effect on whatever happens next.
  7. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The difference is Whiks we live in a society where people are free to take to the streets, whether it be for this reason or dissension, thank goodness for that.

    Look at the Middle East and how many people were killed in the uprisings recently and still continue to die for wanting to go to the streets and speak out.

    The circumstances may be different but nice to see in America you can still take to the streets and voice your opinion, whatever it may be.

    If the terrorists have their way, that would not be the case. Look at the societies they come from and how things work.

    What next, they'll dictate how we live our lives out of fear of them. That is weakness.

    The terrorists will always be looking to attack America, these aren't people you can appease, they thrive on wanton violence and bloodshed. These are folks that think they will get virgins in heaven for killing innocent people. What kind of twisted fucks are that.

    Notice Obama hasn't spent his tenure talking about terrorists 24/7 he quietly goes about things. The way it should be done, let them have no rest or comfort and always paranoid about whether the next bullet is for them.

    Osama bin Laden, the man was not the main purpose of that celebration but what he represented being given his comeuppance.

    This man symbolized and represented everything that is international terrorism of our generation.

    No it doesn't put an end to these monsters, but it shows that they will all be dealt with in due time, no matter how long it takes, they will be hunted down.
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  8. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    I beg to differ. I won't link you to any particular site because I don't want to see that or subject you to it if you don't want to either, but:
    Actually, you can read about it instead if you prefer:
    People did indeed watch the man die and still watch it now.
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, you know, something might happen on 9.11.11. The world and especially America, should brace its selves.

    I remember that my dad joked around about this, he said that the President of Pakistan could not even identify where Pakistan was on the World Map.
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That is someone unauthorized with a mobile that filmed that is the vibe I'm getting from the links. You are right I don't care about those things because I see no pleasure in it.

    Those links show what voyeurs would be interested in seeing for their own personal reasons.

    Like I stated however no one took to the streets in jubilation and celebration about Saddam Hussein. Do you recall seeing people in the streets of America celebrating Saddam Hussein's death.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    If you ask me there are entire networks of terrorists in Pakistan.

    All the who's who of murderer's probably have conventions there. That whole compound Osama bin Laden was living in should be raised to the ground.

    That country is a hornet's nest.
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I think the same thing would apply also for suicide bombers. If 20 of them attempted to launch an attack in Pakistan or somewhere like that, no-one (except the army/navy) would care and there would be no significance to it. Thats how I think the attack in Australia was carried out.
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Who knew this forum had so many Emily Posts on it???

    “One must display proper etiquette when celebrating the death of a mass murdering terrorist”.

    There are no degrees of celebration. Either you’re celebrating his death or you’re not. There’s no, well, you can fist pump, but that’s it. You know what you’re doing then? You’re condoning the celebration of the man’s death. If you so much as thought “YES!!” in your head, you know what you did?? You celebrated his death.

    As for our standing in the world’s eyes; I have a news flash for you: we could all become Amish tomorrow and people would still find a reason to hate us. They already hate us; some revelers in the streets won’t make them hate us more.

    I think our government showed some real class in how they followed Islamic tradition and buried his body in 24 hours. The way some of you are talking, you’d think we put his body in a glass case and paraded it around the streets of DC and NYC and then had parades in all major cities!!

    You know what this all is? It’s all MISDIRECTION. Yesterday, as I drove to work, the gas by my work was $4.19. 9 hours later on my way home, that same gas station was now displaying $4.45. Where is the outrage at the RAPING that the gas companies are performing on us as we speak? What could possibly have happened to warrant a TWENTY-SIX CENT increase in NINE HOURS???

    This is where your outrage should lie. Our gas companies are raping us and people are more worried about some celebrations on the street???? I don’t say this phrase very often, but this situation warrants it: SMDH.

    You guys need to focus your energies on the IMPORTANT ISSUES. Some revelers in the street are NOT important in the grand scheme of things.
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  14. Kaname2000

    Kaname2000 New Member

    I think one of the main reasons its so hard for so many people to digest that there is something wrong with celebrating the death of man by another is because its hard for many to think outside the separation and hate, I am right you are wrong, etc. paradigm that has been perpetuated to us for the last 2000 years or so, as opposed to those of us who embrace a love and unity paradigm, for what I do to another or even think of doing to another, I think and do to myself, whether we want to admit it or not we are all connected but I also don't feel one way or another about his death, does he life and death affect me? just because I can't see right in front of my face doesn't mean it doesn't but I am sure in some way it does or will as well as you all as well but ultimately he got what he had coming, what goes around comes around, and you can not out run karma you may think you have won now or whatever but karma always gets the last word sooner or later and when we put our selves on his level by playing his game or by "celebrating ones death" we open ourselves up to that same karma which is why the cycle will never end hence the phrase "history repeats itself" because apparently we didn't learn what we was supposed to the first time!!! The very definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Bin Laden was not the first "Bin Laden" and please know as long we continue like this he won't be last "Bin Laden"!!! So what we need to do is start changing how we(all us of individually) think and view the world around us, otherwise you might as well get ready for more drama cause its coming!!!!
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Let's get one thing clear- I didn't just "neg rep" you, I was RESPONDING to YOUR neg rep that you gave me, all because I posted the pic of a celebrating NYPD. Sorry that it "annoyed" you, as you put it!

    Let me also add, I have never neg repped ANYONE in all my time here, let alone been neg repped. Know that my response BACK to you had nothing to do with any post you made. It was largely symbolic to the topic - neg rep me, expect one back.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You stated America's response was "naive and stupid". Since there is no footage of ANY American stating Terrorism is over, know that if they expressed relief, it was because the "Dead or Alive" quest for Public Enemy #1 is FINALLY over, after 9 years. Tell me, would you be relieved? Maybe not - maybe you would cower in fear now because you got them mad. Not us. We're 9 years ready for them this time.

    I just wonder Whikle, if Osama had masterminded the flying of 2 Boeing jetliners into Melbourne's Skyscrapers and killed 3000+ Aussies, along with 346 Aussie firemen and 22 Aussie cops...and then your Aussie Special Force navy Seals went in and killed the leader Osama after trying to find him for 9 years...when the PM announced the victory, do you think ANY Aussies would be relieved and/or happy and react as such?
    It's a real question.

    Nest time, maybe TRY to put yourself in the U.S's shoes, instead of insulting Americans who chose to express their feelings.
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry if anyone felt that my views were insulting to the US, as I am a US born and bred person myself. I noticed the conversation on the thread veering in that direction with posters accusing each other of that and that wasn't my intention with my statements yesterday. I was just stating that I don't revel in anyone's death, even if they are evil incarnate. I'm no Buddhist or anything, I just want the nation to focus on the objective (ending terrorism and the use of violence as a political tool) and have us all start sacrificing something along with the brave people in uniform, and make this truly a collective effort.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So let me get this NEVER ever worried about your safety WHILE Osama was alive, but now that he's dead, suddenly you're scared and "all our asses are on the line now'?? [​IMG] Wow.
    So when all of America was terror stricken the days after 9/11, and the Anthrax scares had people at one point terrified to even breathe the air, let alone touch their mail....not you, huh.

    Perhaps you don't fully comprehend that Alqueda have never STOPPED trying to kill us, but for the efforts of the personnel that have been kept your 'ass' safe for 9 years...Know our forces aren't stopping now because they killed the Beast. In fact, the intelligence the Seals gathered from Osama's computer contained future terroristic operations which are now moot. Kinda makes it worth it just for that- so cheers to killing him to save thousands more he was planning to kill.

    Finally the pic...Well Blue, like Bookie said...if you were happy he's gone, then you're as "guilty' as the dancers. Did you smile? Did you express relief to friends and family? To suggest because he wasn't 'dancing', it doesn't count as celebrating...please. Those people celebrating covered how 99% of Americans feel now that he's dead - happy.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Wow you are such a Chicken Little:smt043

    lmao "we're doomed!!!!!":smt043
  20. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    No one is thinking terrorism is over with...SHEESH no one is that stupid enough to actually think that.:rolleyes:

    When people say "thank god its over" I believe they are saying that in regards to Osama's death. Is it really THAT hard to understand?????????

    But I guess according to Dreaming Blue, we are all absolutely doomed now:smt043

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