Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 3, 2011.

  1. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    It was truely great to see people in this country come together and celebrate the death of this mass murdering psychopath. I'm still overjoyed by it. Gonna light up a j and crack open a beer in celebration.8)
  2. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    While not condoning the celebrations and general fucktardery of the American minority. I just don't understand some of your bleeding hearts.

    This "Holy Warrior" has killed our own brothers and sisters without prejudice and he'd certainly do it again and again, then take a massive shit on their graves.

    If a few idiots want to dance, let them dance.... who gives a shit... the rest of the world has done a good job finding a reason to hate us thus far, if it weren't this they'd find something else.

    You mother fuckers are acting like the entire god damned country ran into the streets in our pajamas and started poppin' n lockin'.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    THIS! ^^^ :smt038
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    A sign held up by a NEW Yorker celebrating..."Celebrating PEACE, not death"
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok, now I have to rep you! :smt024
  6. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    No.... no.... you don't get it.... the world is a better place with genocidal maniacs running shit. Ze' problem is ze' Amereekahns.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes yes, because ze' Amereekahns throw their wives in front of them to shield from bullets. Zweet'. :p
  8. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    mikey, as ymra has stated below, australia was also affected by the events of 9/11, of course not in the same degree as the us, but we still were affected. and let's not forget the al-qaeda bali bombings in 2002 where 201 people were killed, 88 of them australians. when they found some of the men responsible for the bali bombings there were no celebrations in the street.

    :smt038 brilliant post

    the only celebrating i'll be doing is when this war is over
  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Oh, c'mon. I feel like we could've shown a whole hell of a lot more class as Americans. We're not better than the people we criticized for dancing in the streets when Americans were dead.

    I mean, really? Not only are we dickheads, we're hypocritical dickheads to boot! And the footage from all of those party-goers in the street is going to be used to fuel Anti-American sentiment... we are in a whole heap of danger... I think even more now that they have that footage to work off of.

    Just because we CAN dance in the streets, doesn't mean we SHOULD. I get the need to say 'yes!' and pump our collective fists in the air..but really....running through the streets, wrapped in flags, shouting U-S-A?

  10. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Were you dancing in the streets? My American ass surely wasn't. In fact, I don't know a single American who was. So what, MAYBE 2% of us was out there celebrating? That minority does not define me as an American no more than the 7% that's locked up in prison. The American streets in my American city were pretty peaceful last night.

    It's a big deal over nothing. Are we really that worried about the worlds opinion of us as a collective because a few frattys needed another reason to drink?
  11. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I'd say it's less about the world's opinion and more about adding fuel to the extremists' fire... Killing Osama wasn't really a victory... It doesn't mean the end of terrorism... the world is not somehow magically a safer place because Osama is dead.. and that's how Americans are acting. It's naive and stupid.
  12. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

  13. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    It's not like we're out there celebrating every minor victory either. If we were, we'd be some overly celebratory mother fuckers. Osama was not just another douchebag... this was the king of the douche factory.... So YMRA named what? 10 Aussies who died in an attack on American soil was largely responsible for well over 2k lives? 2k families affected.... plus hundreds of thousands of service men who are losing valuable time with their families while deployed overseas. Not to make this an Aussi vs. American thing, so I digress.

    Long story short, the majority of us Americans were in bed because we had to get up and go to work in the morning. I can only imagine how international news outlets portrayed this. Judging us by a few idiots is like licking the cows asshole and declaring that you don't like beef.

    Furthermore (this isn't directed at you Tarshi, or your wonderboobs), calling hypocrisy on this is a bit of a stretch, no? al-Qaeda killed thousands of innocent civilians and celebrated. We killed a genocidal maniac and his followers. People get the death penalty for far less than what he's done.
  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    That's my point. Americans aren't acting like that. Every single American that I spoke with knows that this is just adding fuel to the fire. You're taking a small sampling of Americans. As a collective, we're really not THAT dumb.

    It's the equivalent of me being in a restaurant and hearing an Aussi fart then coming to the conclusion that all Aussi's go to the steak house to rip ass without discretion.... and then leave without tipping.
  15. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Of course I'm talking about a small sample of Americans.. I'm talking about those dancing in the streets.

    I generalise negatively about Australians too. Sometimes it's called for.
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Thats really misinformed on your part to call Americans stupid.Give me some quotes from Americans that think we finally won the fight on terror. Americans are just celebrating the death because he was the most wanted man by the FBI. I say thats a legit thing to celebrate. Of course we dont think terrorism is over but I see nothing wrong in celebrating the death of a mass murderer.
  17. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    "Celebrating PEACE, not death", for one... trust me, this does NOT signify peace. And I've been watching the news coverage, I'm talking about the comments from the every day people in the streets... "the world is a safer place"...
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    :smt090 <-- this is me at some of these statements. We are on high alert right now. We are not thinking that it ends terrorism. However, to have one less enemy to get at you makes you a lot safer.
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    So, when people were captured on camera celebrating the people who died on September 11, it was disgusting, animalistic behavior by a bunch of towel-headed zealots.....but when the citizens of the Great and Powerful United States of America celebrate the death of bin Laden, it's totally OK?

    Oh wait, I get it. It is because written are we can do whatever we want, right? Fuck everyone else! U-S-A!!!

    That's what I meant about hypocrisy. You and I might not have been in the streets, but I'm certain not every Iraqi, Afghan, or Iranian was in the street celebrating the deaths of our loved ones. Point was, it was filmed, we criticized it...and them turned around and did the exact same thing. Now we are really going to be in harms way....and frankly, I travel a lot. I never worried about my safety.... but I just might now.
  20. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Don't make me bust into a wordy rant on the news outlets.

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