Am I overreacting (bi-racial couple issue)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, May 6, 2018.

  1. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Boycotting doesn't work though. You can't get black people en masse to do anything all at once unless it's some dumb shit like making "For The Dick Challenge" videos or hating on Kanye
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
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  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I have too but sometimes I take my sweet ass time doing it and I also see other patrons with outside products just hanging out. In nearly every other establishment I would agree but not there. Kind of like Fao Schwartz back in the day. Not sure if you guys had any near you but their particular business model encouraged kids to play with the toys that wasn't the model of Kaybee Toys or Toys R Us so you wouldn't do it anywhere except there.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I hope starbucks don't ever give us a reason to boycott. Not too many common places have better coffee. Cuban coffee is excellent but definitely not for everyday drinking.
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    The opioid addiction screams privilege. At least a real pharmacist made it instead of ray ray and jamal in a kitchen with arm and hammer baking soda.
  5. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Clem and Cletus make homebrew crystal meth in their trailers, same difference.
  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Yeah that is.

    Clem and Cletus? Lol
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I kind of see it this way. I've never had a problem at any Starbucks.
  8. AlmostThere

    AlmostThere Active Member

    Maybe she should check his Netflix and see if he is supporting WW by boycotting movies that contain actors/producers/etc who are among the #metoo predators.
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  9. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    Quite obvious that Kanye is a very sick man and should be protected from himself.
  10. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Really it's more about big pharma going the drug pusher route. Many opiod addicts are poor White addicts with very little privilege in this country.

    Make not mistake, big pharma is pressuring doctors to over-prescribe this shit, know how addictive it was, so they can fleece government and private health insurers.
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    How do they pressure doctors?
  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's legal for big pharma companies to pay doctors to promote certain medicines. So the more opiod meds they prescribe, the more money big pharma makes and the more money doctors receive from big pharma companies.

    The whole system is crooked.
  13. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    That's because you're a "Booty-Rican"
  14. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    How come everything I type causes a divergence from the actual topic
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    But its illegal to pay doctors based on what they prescribe. They get paid to speak on behalf of drug companies and advise them for research methods etc..
    Obviously this still could cause a conflict of interest but companies are required to disclose what they pay each physician and that amount is researchable in cms database, per the sunshine act.

    So if you can find out how much your doctor is paid by big pharm and you still go to that doctor.......Let's be real, opioids are commonly abused because the euphoria is just as good as the narcotic effect. If people with money like famous movie stars pressure doctors for scripts on opioids all the time, what makes you think a poor person is going to turn it down when they can get a good quality product made by a real pharmacist and flip what they don't use on the street?

    Yeah its a privilege if you can indirectly get extra financing for an overflow of quality drugs from your insurance company or get quality drugs made in a real laboratory because your white drug dealer knows the right people.
  16. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    I have no idea. :p
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I think it was flaminghetero that called me that and I liked it so much, I decided to keep it. LOL
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Calling the cops on somebody just because they didn't order anything fits overreacting in every way and I would never give racism an excuse if something positive comes from it and racial sensitivity training is a good thing. Because unfortunately most people that do racist things are operating with blithe ignorance in mind. A lot of people needs an education on race and racism. That is one way that we can defeat racism is with knowledge.
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Good Luck with that. Too many people love being anti-intellectual & contrarian aka "free-thinkers" for that to happen. For every gain in knowledge we make as a species there are allows pockets of individuals who want to drag everyone back to the stone age.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So true. Free thinkers are usually idiots in every sense of the word.

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