I see your time away from this forum did not improve your critical thinking skills... 1) According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits. Here are a few other facts you should consider as well: 2) Although minorities are disproportionately poorer than their white counterparts, poor people only received 36 percent of benefits in 2007, down from 54 percent in 1979. 3) Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share of corporate welfare and other tax benefits: Yet, even with this flow of capital going to the wealthy, including recent revelations that the rich have taken the overwhelming share of recovery dollars post- recession, there are still no jobs. What are the Idle Rich up to anyway? 4). The Republican Party is overwhelmingly white, and according to Bloomberg, Republican heavy counties ate up most of the food stamp growth: Seventy percent of counties with the fastest-growth in food-stamp aid during the last four years voted for the Republican presidential candidate in 2008, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. This is not to say that white people are lazy. That would pathologize whites in much the same way that blacks have been pathologized for decades, if not centuries. The point is that data always cuts both ways. The only reason a large swath of whites believe that blacks are slackers with no will to work is because both the media and public have been complicit in allowing biased data to drive the conversation. We should end that.
IMO, Paniro is just plain uninformed, not used to critical thinking and easily swayed by spin from the right. I don't think he is a stormfronter troll, just young, sees admitting he is wrong or uniformed on an issue as weakness (when really its a strength), and needs a lot more experience and wisdom.
I don't agree with corporate welfare. And I def don't think all people on welfare are lazy. I guess the democrat in me knows that some people need it. And it def does cut both ways. I posted that to say a point, that many people use these numbers to make their point but disregard the same numbers when it doesn't prove their points. Nothing more nothing less. And yep I agree with the media driving shit but that goes both way too.
"Uninformed" since you feel like I don't agree with you. Then I must be uninformed. The right disgusts me like the left so when you say stuff like "easily swayed by spin from the right." I know right there that you don't really know where I stand. I battle with right wingers all the time. But you don't see that on this board.
He knows better...he knows he posts lies about Black people. We need a system of reward and punishment... like all other races to deal with the....sambo element that Paniro represents. Imagine what the Palestinians would do to something like him.:smt042 They'd flail the hide off that traitor...and kill his mammy for giving birth to such a crazy creature.
No Paniro, uninformed because of the numerous threads from your first time around here, where you posted misleading or just plain false information/opinions, then when you were challenged with actual facts, documentation and links you either resorted to ad hominem insults or faded away from the thread. Lets hope you do better this time around, you are not an unintelligent young man, I see signs of reason and understanding in some of your posts, we don't always have to agree, but as one of my favorite quotes states... “In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.” William Penn
Differing opinions and honest debate are welcomed and encouraged by most here Becca, it's why many of us come here. IMO during his fist go round here, Paniro was very controversial and came off almost always painting BP in a negative light. As I said above, when some of the seasoned vets around here challenged him on his posts, often times he would not be able to back them up, tried to play the victim by stating he was being unjustly rebuked simply for having alternate viewpoints, or just fade away from the thread. WWBM is a target for many an internet troll, so while flame's hyperbole may seem a bit harsh, we do all need to be vigilant.
Update: "What did l do, sir?" This is a tough read. New bodycam Footage released of cops arriving moments before Alton and the cops struggle, is in link. The cop who shot him has been fired. He didn't deserve that treatment. Very painful to see him confused then tasered. 'Stupid ass motherfucker': Baton Rouge cop who shot dead Alton Sterling is FIRED as police release bodycam footage.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5563757/Cop-fatally-shot-Alton-Sterling-FIRED.html
Cop really walked up on Alton like he was some dude from the block and not a police officer. No professionalism at all.