Alicia Key's Hubby Swizz Beatz Has Russian Baby Mama

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Kid Rasta, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  2. Rayban Man

    Rayban Man New Member

    4 kids by 4 women. Smh, even beautiful and intelligent world class musicians can have questionable taste in men.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    She could have done SOOOO much better.
    He's a male hoodrat with marginal talent.

    This chick was accepted to Columbia out of HS, don't know why she's always pressed about proving her street cred.
  4. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You stole the words out of my head. Swizz is a loser and I feel bad for Alicia.

    At least she has a beautiful boy to show for the heartache Swizz is causing her. Loser.
  5. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    play with fire, you're gonna get burned...hope Alicia got a prenup. very sad :smt086
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Do you have any clue how much Swiss beats is worth? He made the majority of the hip hop hits in the 90s. He's sitting on at least a 100 mill. He's no house husband. I hope the exciting bad boy is worth the lifetime of familial instability and public humiliation. Has picking the bad boy ever once worked out for any chick?
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    not feeling sorry for alicia one bit...she knew what she was getting when she married him...she watched him do it to another woman to be with her...what makes her think she is so special that he wouldn't turn around and something would surface that would hurt her as well

    love her music...think she could have made a better choice in a man:smt077
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    How is he a world class musician?????
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    SHE is
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    They say she's worth 45 mill, he's worth 65 million. So how come his home he shared with Mashonda and child went to the pits with no upkeep and it foreclosed, leaving her destitute.

    Why vehemently deny/challenge the paternity knowing he had sex with her...and then when you are proven to be the father....
    Bad boy is loaded...and an A+ asshole, personified.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The same reason Nas has been taken to court and Redman lived in a shitty house. No class
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Nas was taken to the cleaners. Unfair, IMO.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude refused to pay child support. Shit like that always annoys me. Alimony can suck a dick but don't dodge taking care of your kids. Especially when you're a millionaire. Pathetic.
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Only if she's smart enough not to get emotionally involved, and put him back on the shelf when she's done playing with his body.

    Girls should be taught this from birth. Musicians, professional athletes, anyone who wants to claim bad boy status should be dealt with as a walking vibrator. Keeping one is nothing but trouble.
  15. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Male persons like this are not men. They are dickheaded assholes for sure. If you don't take care of your children, you have zero honor, in my book.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    she is a whore and she got what she deserve. she was sleeping with him while he was married. fuck her

    fuck keys

    right there ^. what goes around comes around
  17. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I have NEVER understood why any woman who is with a man while he's married thinks she's such a special snowflake that he won't cheat on her. If he'll cheat on his wife with you, he'll cheat on you with some other woman. Common sense.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hell yeah. If not read what you sow. bad things will come your way

    the article doesnt show that he "fucked around" while they were married but that is yet to be seen. Im sure is still doing dirt. hell she could be creeping too. so is that four or five for him. is it four outside the marriage and one with keys or what ?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    So this married fool & a woman who's not his wife who had his kid is a celebrity IR couple? SMDH

    Why is this so special? Give the trifling asshole a cookie & be done with him, so we can move on to real celebrity IR couples.
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    No she isn't.

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