Conversations Pretty good post. I think Denzel Washington can call his own shots, and just prefers not to do heavy interracial scenes.That's just always been the impression I have gotten from him as an actor. Wesley Snipes has done several of them even outside of Spike Lee's Jungle Fever.. Samuel Jackson is with a white woman in Tarantino's Jackie Brown. I know that interracial coupling is touchy in the industry, and you bring up excellent points regarding shows like Friends.But on different networks, you'll find things changing.Under One Roof has a main character married to a white woman. I probably digressed a little, but I think if Denzel Washington cared to do interracial scenes, he would be doing them.Eddie Murphy is influential, and I don't see him doing any heavy interracial scenes, either.Will Smith?Does he do anything in Hancock?I haven't seen it,but that guy makes money films,and I 've never seen him do any. So I think it's more the stature of the actor and their own personal convictions. But I want to see more interracial intimacy. I want to see more realistic portrayals of black men and white women living together , and making real life decisions.It's almost silly the way Hollywood sometimes portrays interracial couples like race is the central issue.It's NOT.Life is. Sorry if I hijacked your post.
Re: Conversations I didnt write the post,a guy on another site did. But yeah,"Under One Roof " is produced by Tyler Perry(Black man),plus the whole show is somewhat stereotypical.The thugish,rude,coon-like brother,cousin or whatever going to move in with his successful,sophisticated,relative married to a white woman,lol. I think the guy was talking about real,serious,interracial roles with some substance.Like on a show like E.R,or grey's anatomy,you know,a real drama filled show.
Conversations........ Well, he may have a point,but the fact still remains that influential leading black men could get those roles if they feel strongly enough about it. I would agree that there are not enough leading black men in serious roles who court white women in lasting relationships.But again, I think changes are coming.I know it was practically a one and done, but Gideon's Crossing with Andre Braugher did have a black med student beginning a relationship with a white woman. Braugher played a black man with a white woman as the premise for a short lived FX show called "Thief." I think when more people of color get into more positions of authority, you'l see more black men depicted in serious roles with white women that endure. Thanks.
Re: Conversations Several years ago, Eriq LaSalle's character was in a season long (I believe) relationship with the british white doctor. She ended up marrying a white guy, but how they portrayed her and Eriq's character getting together was very cute! Late edit: Will Smith also was involved with Eva Mendes in "Hitch". Sure she's not white, but it's still interracial.
I'm shocked that none of y'all bothered to mention "Black Snake Moan". Which happened to be a pretty good movie, despite the underlining theme. I keep telling people that this is a cultural phenomenon in the making, but nobody believes me. Just watch.
I haven't watched any of the movies you mentioned.But I will check them out... Relationships between black and white ppl in movies are still somewhat a taboo and movie makers are scared to break them. They fear that it won't be good for their finances I think.
You forgot Samuel L. Jackson in two movies besides Black Snake Moan like The Caveman's Valentine and In My Country. He kissed a WW in both of them which is commendable. Also in Black Snake Moan the chained WW played by Christina Ricci got a hold of that homeboy and gave him to remember.
Has anyone remember seeing the series The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd? Her character played by Blair Brown had a baby with a brother.
I think it's purely an American thing and it's an issue mostly for people over the age of 35. I flipped on Nickelodeon and watched this teen/young adult drama (most of the actors are college age)...called Degrassi....the actors and show are in Canada but it's shown here...and while there is a lot going on in the show....IR is depicted as if it's a non-issue. A black dude chasing after a white girl and vice-versa...the only response from another character might be...."'re dating (insert name)...she/he is really're lucky" mention of race. Obviously it's not fair to compare Candian history with American history but it shows how far the U.S. has to go to purge itself of all of these IR demons. Can a nice blonde, redhead or brunette enjoy her short but intelligent "Knight in Chocolate Armor" in peace....??? :wink:
Re: Conversations Yeah,we were talking about how hollyweird loves to put latinas,asians,etc with black men instead of white women...
Conversations............ Hi: Everyone who has posted is bringing up good points. I see bookworm's point about "Hitch,"but the woman she's involved in isn't white, as you said. I'd love to see more leading black men with a white women as a love interest. But made smart and realistically. I guess I am just repeating myself here, but that's my take on it.This is a good thread and great discussion.
Re: Conversations............ Being on this forum for a bit and seeing how little representation between bm/ww there is in Hollywood, I've actually decided that I'd like to write a script about it. However, I can't seem to come up with a good story yet. I'm working on it, though. If anyone has any good story ideas, feel free to share with me and maybe a good storyline will develop!
Re: Conversations............ "A man goes online one day to do a little research in preparation for a discussion on current world events with other participants on The McLaughlin Group. In his favorites, he clicks on a search engine called "". Amoung the results received is a strange little website called "". Intrigued as to what this has to do with current world events, he clicks on the site to explore a little. The home page has numerous photographs of the opposite sex in poses that indicate the two are intimate with one another. That's nothing unusual however in these pictures are people of differing ethnicities. Scratching his chin, he wonders why such a website has been created. His curiosity still piqued, he clicks on the various links and finally comes across "FORUMS". After gazing over the various headlines, he settles on one in particular..."The Attraction Between Caucasian Women and African American Men". He sees title after title of various threads and decides to click on "From Cradle To Grave: The Key Is In The Chromosones". The thread is 8 pages long with posts by many members offering their opinions on whether or not the attraction between these two disparate groups is a function of environment or genetic programming. However, it's the screen name and content of the posts of one member that catches his eye. That member's name is 'surelyujest'. Wanting to reply to one of her posts, he clicks the quote button only to be asked to log in. "Now what name should I choose for myself?" he thinks to himself. Having never created a screen name for any other website, he has trouble thinking of something original until it dawns on him. "Why not try 'sumthngorgnal'?" he asks out loud. It works. He logs in, submits his reply and as a ps says "if you'd like to discuss this further, my email address is". 'Surelyujest' is cautious about discussions off the forum as she believes they should be read by everyone. Thus, she chooses to respond in the thread. A few more replies between the two and the thread's lifeline expires. 'Sumthngorgnal' doesn't log onto the site for several months while 'surelyujest' remains active. One day, 'sumthngorgnal' logs on to check his email. In his inbox are notifications for replies on the topic in which he participated. It turns out the thread's content is that of new members who've decided to respond. 'Sumthng' decides to go to the site to check the responses. He doesn't deny to himself that he hopes it's 'surelyujest' who's responded. Slightly disappointed that none of the new posts were typed with her keyboard, he decides to look for other threads and/or posts she's authored. Finding one of her 9000 posts in a thread titled "Are You Serious? I'd Never Date A Yugo Driver", he decides not to respond to this topic but instead, checks her profile. It turns out she's currently living in Chesapeake, VA which isn't too far from his home town of Newport News, VA. Ah but the only problem is, he no longer makes Newport News his home. 6 years earlier, he took a job with an engineering contractor firm that required him to relocate. His current place of residence? Tuscon, AZ. Not exactly a hop, skip and a jump from Chesapeake. In her profile, he also notices that she's indicated a few ways to be contacted. He chooses to send her an email which he starts to graft immediately." What does the email say? Tune in next week :lol: :lol: :lol: