Age Difference

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by stiletoes, May 26, 2008.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i dont have an age preference, i dont think age is a factor, as long as they are adults.

    personality, interests, values, views similar to mine are what i look for, not the outward issues.

    so, i have dated 10, 20, 30 years older and have dated 19 years younger
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i may show my face on myspace...

    just don't want to have to beat off stalkers in my city...

  3. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    your out-of-state fans will be eagerly awaiting your face's debut, lol.

  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    i learned a lot from watching good movies..

    you have to build up the suspense level of the audience...

  5. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    so by that statement, i can safely assume that everything you needed to know, you didn't learn in kindergarten, but in the movies?

    hahaha! :lol: :p
  6. alli

    alli New Member

    Dh is five years older than me. He was 25 when we met and I was a few months from my 21st birthday.
  7. eternalniteman

    eternalniteman New Member

    good topic,
    yeah back in the day i used to go by the high school rule....ya know no more then 3-4 years older or younger but nowadays ( Im 26 by the way) Id say Id go no higher then 35 and no lower then 21...hehe need a woman to have some drinks with ya know :)
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I've noticed alot of guys on here like older women....

    Which surprises me a little, given how the media portrays any woman over the age of like 25 as being "over-the-hill".... :roll:
  9. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Ya know if I were in Chi-Town, I'd hit you up. 8)
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    Thanks. :wink:
  11. eternalniteman

    eternalniteman New Member

    A man almost always benefits from being with an older woman...hehe mentally, and dare I say physically as well :twisted:

    I know I learned a thing or twenty :oops:
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    8) :wink:
  13. jaydrea05

    jaydrea05 New Member


    Age Ain't Nothing but a number, i dated a white girl 14 yrs my junior :lol: :lol:
  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Most guys i know wont date an "older woman" (im talkin 35 +), Unless shes a HOT milf. The only way a young buck would date an ordinary "older" woman is if shes from a completely different that case it really doesnt matter. I have white frineds that say the same thing, they wouldnt date an ordinary older white woman, most of tem agree that it would feel like being with an aunt or something similar. But with no doubt, most of them would bang ordinary older black, or latina in a new york minute...

    thats my factoid...

  15. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    My oldest was 42.........on a late night, after a bar fight, out in the didnt really last that long though, cuz that girl was so hot she was begging for my nuts, talking bout "your looks give me hot flashes"..hahahahaha.i bet she felt like an olympic swimmer that night cuz i gave her the best back strokes and breast strokes shes ever had..... 8)

    :arrow: later
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I made a decision when I got divorced to give some older men a shot, as long as they weren't more than 10 years older than me, since that, for me, felt like it was pushing it.

    Plus the old guys in West Virginia are generally creepy old white rednecks. That didn't help.

    But then I moved to Houston and realized some older guys are really hot.

    My age limit is a bit weird. I don't necessarily keep to the "10 year" rule anymore, nor do I have a cutoff age.

    With me, as my potentials get further from me in age, the standards go up. Does he have a good job? I mean, if you're 40 and going after me (I'm 23) then you better have your life in order...because I already divorced one loser, why the fuck would I want another one who's twice his age and probably has 3 kids? Besides, if I'm 40 and I'm still working as a waitress then I'm going to shoot myself, because unless waiting tables is what I want out of life then I have done nothing with it.

    And as my on and off again boyfriend told me "I only fuck wit hoes with potentials"...I've got "potentials". When -I'm- 40 I'm not going to be waiting tables by day, stalking bars for 20 year olds by night.

    It's not about money, it's about striving for what you want. Nothing is more of a turn on than a man who has his shit together.

    There are other factors, of course. I'll admit, he's gotta be cute if he's going to be as old as my father. He's gotta take care of himself. He's also gotta live by himself (read: NO PARENTS. roommates are ok as long as they're not a bunch of 20 year olds).

    Not to mention he's gotta be a good person. Though I suppose my opinion of what makes a person good or not is different, but everyone's is.

    But then again, I have this horrible habit of falling in love and forgetting my standards. My current boyfriend, who I've been seeing on and off since October, is 5 years older than me, has a crappy job and a baby momma in Dallas, and probably will never strive for more than just living from paycheck to paycheck. But I keep him around because he makes me laugh and I've never had sex this good in my life.
  17. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Eh -

    By Western Standards my cut-off is 35, the youngest recommended is 28, though my friend is convinced I could date younger. I more than likely could but then I would have to lie about my age and as I keep saying women complain about men that lie, now what would I be doing not discussing my age???

    By Eastern European standards my cut-off is 30, my younger recommended limit is 23

    Now do you see WHY I don't wanna F' with American women anymore, despite how well many women between 35-40 look?

    They are despite that on the wrong side of the aging process and while I'll look 10 years younger for a long while, she might not, more than likely WON'T and by the time she's 60 might look ravaged!

    No, No and No
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    which is why lots of women lie about their age when they get older...

    they know tons of men are calculating how much longer she'll have those sexy looks...

    if u date someone who's 40, you're going to be thinking about what she's going to look like in a few years
  19. csbean

    csbean New Member


    I went to a porn shop in my town a few months back. It wasn't a flashy place...kind of the Mom and Pop's of porn stores. Anyhow, I noticed that the majority of the porn mags in the store featured either bigger or older women (or both!)

    I asked the clerk why there were so many of these mags, and he shrugged and said he was just meeting the demand in our area. He said the older women mags sold VERY well. I was surprised because there are people of all ages in my area, so it's not like there were a bunch of old men shopping at this store.

    It just goes to show you how inaccurately the media portrays what is desirable to people. In the late 80's, there was a "study" published that claimed an unmarried woman over 35 is more likely to be killed by terrorists than get married. Our society just feeds into this hype that older women are worthless and undesirable.

    In fact, the older women I have met who are secure in their looks and lives in general have had no trouble finding mates- even younger men! Sadly, older women I know who are insecure and believe society's stance that they are undesirable, are alone.
  20. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    I was dating a guy for a while this past year who is eight years my senior. Never had entered my thought pattern until then to date someone a little older. I didn't know he was that much older than I am when we met...I think we were out for the second or third time when he told me. But I couldn't tell, and it didn't bother either one of us. When the attraction is there, the attraction is there.

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