I'd have to agree. But the Republicans can only prosecute porn that's produced in America if they get their way. What about porn videos produced from Brazil, Europe, or other countries that American users could view? Lets hope the Republicans don't get their way. This would make NCBradin happy.
You'd think that our government has more pressing issues to concern themselves with like maybe the economy, creating jobs, or rising fuel prices. But they wanna waste time and taxpayer dollars on this bullshit? GTFOH!!!
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I love your way of thinking! Oh. OI! I can't breathe! :smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043
Here we go again, the American Taliban want government to pass Sharia law & want congress to get involved in so much social and bedroom policy. I thought the conservatives wanted to get rid of wasteful spending and reduce the budget. Doesn't increased government spending kill private sector jobs? I got an idea. If the conservatives want to spend more money on prosecuting porn, maybe they wouldn't object to having their taxes raised to pay for it. Just a thought.
Don't believe the right-wing Tea-baggers. They do want to control your life. Anything else they say is pure bullshit. :smt072 The Kid Rasta
The irony is most porn consumers are prolly right wing fundamentalist. I recall someone telling me porn is highly consumed by religious ppl who live in Utah. Didn't Pastor Ted Haggard preach heavily against homosexuality, whilst snortting cocaine and getting his dick sucked by gay prostitute. He is lucky his wife and kids stood by him after that embarassment. These fuckers want two sets of rule, one that apply to general public & the other for themselves. To understand these Charlatans check out a movie titled Elmer Gantry.
There are far more pressing matters relating to the economy. And as Tony implied, it's wasteful spending. The federal government shouldn't have to get involved in something that's frivolous.
Tirkah is sverely pissed off at the republicans about this because he uses his GED paper to jack off when he watches porn. Im sure he is upset about this
RIght wingers are full of it!!! They don't want the Feds to regulate food and drug safety, the sale and purchase of investment securities, pollution in the environment, education or healthcare. But pornography?? That's when they want Uncle Sam to go all Elliot Ness on your ass!!! Sooooo hypocritical, and fools keep voting for these jokers to run government.