African Student Murdered In Racist Russia Attacks

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    This is why I don't understand why black men even bother to go there. Russians are the MOST RACIST people in the world, even more so than proud white Americans.
  3. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    They were African students...just trying to get an education not available to them in Africa.

    The Kid Rasta 8)
  4. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    They can also go to the UK, Germany, or come here.
  5. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    More about racism in Russia from a pro:

    Is there racism in Russia? Sure.

    Russians are not only racist, but also very nationalistic. I dont know if they are more racist than the people of other nations (I doubt you could find a country with no racial stereotypes, including your own) but their nationalism is nearly without limit, even if some of their outward pride is motivated by a latent inferiority complex.

    Personally I have only seen a few racially-motivated incidents and they were just as often a group of dark-skinned guys causing trouble as native Russians. None of the incidents escalated beyond name calling and some shoving. Violence inside a Russian club is something I've never personally seen. Can it happen, I'm sure it can... I have just never seen it.

    Daily hassles are more likely... sometimes non-white guys can't get past security/bouncers and into certain clubs, some girls may not want to meet you or give you their telephone number, sometimes the police target dark-skinned (Arabic or Chechen-looking) people for random searches or ID checks. Some Russian guys may resent your presence among the dyevki in their playing ground. But then again, those things can happen to anyone and your race may not be the reason.

    As we posted before, there are many Indian posters who have had great times and great success in Russia. Mixed race couples, at least in Moscow and St.Pete, are not too uncommon. Some women prefer men of other races.

    Xenophobic or racially-motivated violence is something a foreigner in a strange land must always be wary of, especially when drink and women are involved. I am certain there are areas of Bombay or Calcutta where white people or other foreigners would also have to be careful.

    I think your main concern with going to Russia is bringing warm clothes and bringing enough money... especially if you are going to Moscow.

    The Kid Rasta :(
  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Thanks for the info, but personally, I would rather pass on Russia. I plan to do more traveling when I have enough money saved up, but I will skip Russia on my round trip.
  7. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Kid Rasta summarised things quite well....being that Russians are not any more racially motivated than Africans. It just happen to make news, these crimes are NOT racially motivated; it is another case of fanatic national extremists wanting nothing to do with outsiders. Most people need to get their heads out of their arses and get a reality check.
  8. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Either way you slice it, they are still racist...

    Xenophobia is a form of racism, in fact, it's more extreme. Russians are the most xenophobic people I know of so far, and their hate crimes make headlines because they are far more extreme than racially motivated or xenophobic crimes here in the US, France, Italy, or anywhere else.
  9. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    First and foremost, have you even lived in Russia!? I say live because it is the only actuate conformation you can make to present an logical argument given this situation. Secondly, you need to decipher reality vs perception; how truthful are these claims at face value, because the media has an habit of slanting reality. The best lie in mixed with truthful connotations. Yes, racism exits, racism exits all over the world, it something that is just expressed more openly in Russia. There are little laws governing such given its state. In western worlds it something almost strictly enforced - that is the difference.
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You don't have to live there to know that racism is there.

    And, yeah, racism is worldwide, but so what? We are talking about Russia, which is home to over 50,000 skinheads and has more nationalist hate groups than any other country. It's written in the article.

    The media does sensationalize things, but that doesn't mean what they tell you isn't anything, if not much to worry about. How often do you hear about dark-skinned foreigners being stabbed to death elsewhere?

    Probably not as much as you hear about it happening in Russia, I'll bet.

    And, you can't depend on their law-enforcement for shit, obviously. Their slacking response to these crimes leaves me far more disillusioned than usual.
  11. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    You will disappointed to know that there are just about as many skinheads and hate groups in France and Germany alone, if not more. Yet, their crimes are not nearly reported as much.


    It is simple, the world already sees a savagery in Russians. Consider and understand the context, does this not apply to black/Africans as well!? Most of these skinheads are probably French and German. :p REALITY VS PERCEPTION MATE! That is the problem, the media wants to make a story that is not there and fabricate the facts to make them seem as real.

    When you talk about skinhead and hate groups, especially, in Russia you are talking about 3rd class citizens. Even they start to respect you once they found out who are are affiliated with.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Their hate crimes are not as extreme. France and Germany have influxes of blacks within the population.

    Are there French and German skinheads living in Russia? If so, then I rest my case. There are still more native Russian ones.

    It doesn't stop any more racist attacks on foreigners, does it? They don't respect you as a human being for being affiliated with whomever or whatever.
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member


    Kid,those skinheads beat up a Black Marine some years back. It has not changed since then.
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I say the U.S. is the most extreme.....though it has been about half a century. In Europe you hear about blacks/Africans getting beat up and stabbed and so forth, but does that really compare to lynching. For those of you who need a description of lynching here it is: a person is castrated, their fingers and toes are cut off possibly their ears, they are beat with blunt force objects, hung from a tree and probably burned with kerosene and a lit match...... This all happened in our parents' lifetimes. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave :twisted:
  15. anastasia

    anastasia New Member

    Re: skinheads

    It's true and i heard abt many violent attacks by russian extremists on foreigners. People of different race or nation are in danger walking quitely in the night like a friend of mine who's black working as a vice director here at the restaurant got stabbed while catching a taxi in the evening near his workplace. :shock:
    But the main problem comes with the police lawlessness like endless ID checks and money bribes on anything they can ask 4 (refers 2 cardrivers mainly).
    As 4 the general attitude 2wards people of different nation or race it is regrettably ignorant. As an example of a common image of african can be african drug dealer - the image provided by the media.

    It's disapponting even more when realizing there's no real plan 2 prevent all the shit. :(
  16. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    No, you mean that it USED to be more extreme, but trust me, nowadays, the US doesn't even compare to Russia. If you think Police Brutality is somethin' to worry about, then try your luck there in Russia. Bet you'll never wanna go back again, if you survive.
  17. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    I wouldn't advise any person of color to go to Russia at all....however, I would go. I have an African contact who lives in Moscow....he know's the ropes (as well as speaks Russian fluently), and would watch my back. But, it really isn't worth going to for peeps of color until LE (law enforcement) gets with the program, and offer protection while smashing the racist "skinheads" big time.

    BTW, don't confuse E. Europe with Russia.

    The Kid Rasta 8)
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    But, it really isn't worth going to for peeps of color until LE (law enforcement) gets with the program, and offer protection while smashing the racist "skinheads" big time.

    BTW, don't confuse E. Europe with Russia.

    The Kid Rasta 8)[/quote]

    Or until Russians start getting a dose of their own racism in other countries..
  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Yeah, I'd like to see that myself, hetero. I wonder how they would feel about it if the tables were turned.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Racism in Russia

    Anastatsia,it is sad that a Black person can go anywhere in Russia because of the endemic racism and lax enforcement by policemen there. The skinheads run wild and commit racist crimes with impunity. I hope they be stopped soon.

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