Sometimes the Proverbial 'Movin' On Up To The East Side' .. just isn't what it's cracked up to be.. By the same token, no way is it acceptable to be impoverished & hungry *anywhere*... ...but when the pendulum of balance swings TOO far in favour of prosperity...and all the gluttonous trappings thereof.... ..well...YOU do the math. And you have the American diet of fast-foods and the luxury of owning vehicles to 'thank' for this turnabout...that really *isn't* something to be jubilant about.. for that 'Piece O' The Pie' ya finally got.... Well, in all's pretty much conducive to the collective diabetes dilemma...sad as it is to say... OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
well yeah America as a country is better off than many, but we still have higher rates of obesity and diabetes than anyone else. you just can't win kinda like when the 'McDonalds' era first started happening in Asia..the same stuff started to happen to them. People started developing illness attributed to eating unhealthy fast-foods. Stuff they really didn't worry about before consumerism.