African Blood...a no-no even for vampires? Hmmm.

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by LUCIFERMORNINGSTAR, May 25, 2007.

  1. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Abi o !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i see i missed not one but two scuffles while i was on a business trip this weekend...just catching up...
    silver...i am laughing so hard i am crying over those smileys that wag their tongues...
  3. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    No matter who's blood it should be tested. Whites indulge in lots of risky behavior (particularly in cuckhold relationships) and it wouldn't surprise me if their stats are actually being suppressed in general.
  4. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    More gibberish! You obviously don't know much about Jews...and besides most wouldn't want anything to do with your ilk anyway. Plenty of Jews have issues with their identity and are called "self-hating Jews". I know one that had to intervene when his brother was contemplating becoming priesthood because he didn't know they were Jews as the family wanted to leave that in the past. All you can do is try to patch your way through as best you can, but you're forever stained by your abject personal racism. Do a search on self-hating jews and see what you discover. You aren't as well versed on other communities as you pretend to be in your German "haven".
    In Defense of ‘Self-Hating’ Jews

    If self-hatred, as the Encyclopedia Judaica suggests, is “a negative attitude” that members of a minority group level against their own group, Jewish self-hatred should have disappeared when Israel was founded in what the EJ describes as a “renaissance of Jewish pride and self-respect.” Instead, the founding of Israel seems to have created, in the minds of accusers, even more ‘self-hating’ Jews. Overwhelmingly, the term is used to designate people who are viewed as critical of Israeli policy — any Israeli policy. Overwhelmingly, too, these same Jews will defend their views about Israel, however controversial, and reject the idea that Jews must give the Israeli government a perpetual pass on all its activities.

    These are the not-so-surprising findings of a series of conversations I had last summer with various prominent Jews who have been labeled ‘self-hating’ more than once. Contrary to their critics’ disparagements, most of them struck me as quite secure in their Jewish identities.

  5. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    This is true, Lucifer. And no one dares to tell them differently. In fact, they are admired for that cohesiveness and others try to emulate their formula. However, for some reason it's very disturbing to some parasites when Blacks recognize the need to do the same. With all that we're currently experiencing I sense Blacks are drawing closer and will become even tighter as our numbers dwindle and we shed those who prefer their progeny "fold" and disappear into white... following a similar trajectory highlighted in "Rabbit Proof Fence".
  6. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    -- Please note -- This site is for the enjoyment of white women and black men who are interested in meeting or talking to one another. This site is pro-interracial dating -- specifically between white women and black men. Individuals with an alternate agenda will be banned and their posts removed.

    Lexington - You seem to be intelligent and your posts are often well-reasoned, but your reasoning is based on a platform of prejudice and bias. This site is not a place for BW to come and subtly (or not so subtly) suggest that BM should only be dating inside their own race. The guidelines above, as set out by the creators of this site, specifically point that out.
    Everyone deserves to have their own opinion, but if your opinion doesn't follow the basic tenants of why this site was created, you really should pick up and move on. I have no problem with BW at all, and I don't have a problem with BW being here and posting on this forum - but I have a HUGE problem with ANYONE who comes on this forum and disrespects what the rest of us are here for. Just b/c you aren't as blatant as Shenango doesn't mean your comments are any more welcome.
    Whether BM and WW should be dating is a GIVEN in this forum and if you can't accept that then take yourself to another site and find other small-minded, insecure, low self-esteem, bitter people to jump on your bankwagon with you.
    If I have mis-understood your posts and your agenda, then I apologize. But I don't think that's the case.
  7. bigandbeautiful

    bigandbeautiful New Member


    You may be open-minded and have no problem with BW and BW posting. However, remember, not all people (BM and WW) on this website are as open-minded, secure, happy, and progressive as you.

    To accept WW and BM, and then turn around to make bigoted, bitter, and small minded comments about BW, AW, WM, and etc., in general, is just doing the same as the WM and BW trolls on this board. Many use the excuse of "this is just my experience", but they are taking their limited experience and labeling an entire segment of an ethnic group. You have those on this board who want to put BM and WW vs. BW and WM. Their should be no war. Not all posters but some. If our site truly says we are progressive people, anti-racist, open-minded, secure, and not bitter. No hate speech against any ethnic group should be tolerated regardless of the source. Too many on this site is quick to battle BW and WM for bigoted and racist statements and stand silent when it's "one of our own", then want to turn around and call ourselves progressive, open-minded, and not bitter. Then the same posters wonder why BW and WM keep coming on the board--the people on this board invite these groups due to their irresponsibility in their speech. Next time, post the rule up about refraining from talking about other ethnic groups who are not part of the ethnic groups this website is designed for to those who will be left unnamed when they can't abide by that rule--esp. if its hate speech. Prejudice and bigotry is unacceptable coming from a WW, BM, BW, or WM--their shouldn't be exceptions b/c you are a WW or a BM. Let's start self-regulating before we regulate anyone else. Let's begin as a website to practice what we preach. This definitely would not totally stop trolls who are against what we are about, by it could definitely decrease the number by not giving them the fuel to the "fire".

    I am for peace, I believe in multi-cultural diversity harmony, and IR friendships and unions on all different levels. I don't believe in spreading hate speech against anyone regardless of what ethnic gender they are and I don't play favorites--wrong is wrong.
  8. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member


    I never made a general comment about a specific group of people. I made a specific comment about Lex, and suggested she find other people like herself (not necessarily bw) in other places.

    I don't want to pit anyone against anyone, I would just like to see posters coming from at least the same common point of reference, in this case the acceptance of ww/bm dating. That is the point of this site.

    It would not make sense to post any other rule other than the one I posted b/c it would not have been pertinent to the situation at hand. I have no doubt you are right about the incidents, but ethnicity was not an issue here.

    I would agree wrong is wrong, and in my opinion Lex is wrong, I don't condone anyone elses' actions by not including them in my specific respons to one person. I don't plan on policing the whole board, it's not my place. But I have read enough from Lex to see a trend that troubled me. If you feel troubled by comments others make regarding ethnicity and call them on it, I would not criticize you for failing to include the full range of possible offenders in your statement.

    I agree with much of what you said but have not engaged in hate talk or bigotry and would not spread such a thing. I was very clear in my criticism of Lex as a person, not my criticism of Lex as a bw, or bw in general.

  9. bigandbeautiful

    bigandbeautiful New Member


    I know you are not the specific one who made a negative statement about any particular people on this site. I know the other rule is not pertinent to this particular case. I am saying to you, when you do see one of "our own" who commit hate speech to dish out the discipline equally, which many of this board fails to do. If you can dish out the discipline by reporting it to the webmaster and not responding to the post. No you cannot police the whole board, and neither can I, but it always seems that the policing is geared towards BW and WM trolls while allowing, enabling, and agreeing with the hate speech of WW and BM trolls, which is 99.9% left unchecked. This also contributes to trolling and wars on the board between WW and BW and WM and BM. Also, for further advice, if you do not like what someone is saying in their post, you can report the post by clicking on the "!" located on the upper right of the box the post, and state your dislike for the post. This would keep "wars" down and the webmaster would take care of individuals whose purpose is to troll the board and defeat the purpose of this site. This could also be good if you have a problem with an individual on the site and you want to report him/her.
  10. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    You're right, I should have used the exclamation point first.

    You're wrong that my response to Lex in any way allowed, enabled or agreed with any other hate speech on this board.

    Forums seem to breed 'last word' mentality, and I try to stay away from it. I am done discussing any of this with you. If you choose to respond, please do not take my silence as agreement.

    Again, peace.
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    b&b...just curious about something? i see that you only have 3 posts but this particular post would indicate that you have been around for awhile...did you used to post under another name? sometimes members come back with another name...i used to post as cosmetic and now i am lipstick...
  12. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Lipstick, I had the same question when I saw this conversation.

    Also as far as the use of the !, I don't think you should use it when simply disagreeing with a poster but only if posts get truly abusive or personal or can't be resolved after some discussion. Just my opinion.
  13. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I agree that disagreement is OK but I can see where my post went beyond disagreement and got personal, so it was probably over the line. Plus, I know from reading a previous post that there must have been some really heated discussions about who should be posting and who shouldn't - and I don't want to stir any of that up.

    In the end, no amount of discussion is going to make someone understand it's OK for a bm to date outside his race if they are dead set against it.

    I'm just going to stick to dirty sex talks from now on! :wink: (Until the next time I get all riled up! :) and then I shall fully explore the use of the exclamation point, but no promises!)
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    fnnysmrtprtty...i have been dying to ask you if i can buy a vowel...dirty sex talk is pretty fun...just know that where you were going with this has already been tried...lexington will not it's better to just not respond to far as our new friend b & b...this person has to be someone that recently left and has returned under a new name...probably one of my best did nothing wrong...i do agree with chi that we could get a little too happy hitting the "!" button...let's save this for the trolls so that the webmaster doesn't get overloaded monitoring the's one thing to disagree with someone...a little healthy banter is fun sometimes...once it turns nasty and someone calls your kid a bastard then i would have a tendency to get a little ruffled...
    i am enjoying reading your posts...welcome!
  15. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Thanks for the welcome! I stand behind the sentiment of my post but going forward will save my energies for debate with those whose opinions matter to me! Trolls and semi-trolls are just an unfortunate fact o life.

    As for the handle, I have just never liked Vanna White.. :)
  16. dossou

    dossou Member

    Now it's reach a higher level in that hmmm Got to become more tolerante and cool.That's nobody's mistake .Got to be positive

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