African Blood...a no-no even for vampires? Hmmm.

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by LUCIFERMORNINGSTAR, May 25, 2007.



    Never said the babe was racist...

    And about the blood issue:
    1st time, 1996, was about malaria parasites.
    2nd time (according to Mo'), 2006, was about AIDS/HIV.

    I'll go admire Chigirl's hips, if I can catch Chigirl (and her hips). :twisted:

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Ok now!!!

    Luce, my padawan, there's no trying...CATCH (her hips) or DO NOT!!! :D


    But Master JREM, the Force is STRONG in her. :roll:
  4. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Hmmm interesting to see how (my) hips have become a part of this discussion :wink:

    Ehm I need a translation for this one here please


    You are a Jedi Knight and I, a Sith Lord, who's drawing you deeper into the Dark side...of the Force. :twisted:

    JREMINATOR New Member this case, Master Lucifer, you should have said that the FORCE was DEEP in her...

    And, effectively, I can sense some strong vibrations from Chigirl's cosmos...beware my son...her magnetic field is ready! :)
  7. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Damn I know I should have watched Star Wars.... :roll: lol

    Well may the force be with us all, at one point or another we all can use some, eh?
  8. jeverage

    jeverage New Member


    You must always be objective in every situation when dealing with Whites or any other ethnic group including your own b/c you have many Blacks that will hold down other Blacks--you never know. Also, an incident with a White person may not be racist, but that person could be like that with anybody. This objectivity includes never dismissing racism.

    Also, I have to disagree with you on Blacks holding themselves back b/c they see racism everywhere. I believe Blacks hold themselves and each other back b/c of the extreme intra-racism that exists among each other and a lot of self-hatred I have witnessed personally. Also, many of the post-civil rights Black generation fail to view racism as a serious problem due to its subtle nature, and/or not effectively dealing with it on a personal level and systematic scale. The post-civil rights Black generation are caught up in this me, myself, and I complex and immediate self gratification selling out themselves and anybody else to get material and physical satisfaction. There is a lack of a sense of unity, community, and loyalty to each other and a higher purpose of true liberation. Also, Black people face the problem of any kind of talk about Black empowerment and the improvement of our condition through working together with other Blacks. Immediately, you are accused as being a racist or anti-White--and this is from our own people not just White people. Preventing us from working together for positive and progressive change. To add, you always have that sell-out negro doing everything in her/his power to shut down anything that Black people try to do to improve the social, political, and economic condition of Black people for personal gain, when in the end, that fool loses too.

    In short, I believe these reasons are far more closer to why Black people hold themselves back. Not b/c we see racism everywhere.


    JREMINATOR New Member


    I agree with you, there are other reasons why Black ppl hold themselves back...some of these reasons far more important than the fact that many blacks see racism everywhere and keep plyaing the victims...

    I did not suggest that my list of reasons was an exhaustive one...I just cited the reason that seemed to apply the best in the situation reported in this thread!

    But of course, if black ppl could unite and pull each other up let say for instance like Jewish ppl do, the black community would be far stronger and more advanced than it is today! But...but...but :(

    Take care!!!
  10. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    I went to the page of the Red Cross here and looked up the "BLOOD DONATION ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES", there they explain the issue. It looks like the problem is a certain form of HIV, called "HIV Group O", which isn't 100% detectable yet.

    I found some additional informations at a HIV info site (HIV inSide:" I spent some time in Central Africa. Do HIV tests detect HIV group O?"):


    All in all, this whole issue reminds about the security questions they ask at the airports: "Did you pack your luggage yourself?" -- "Yes" -- "Did you put a bomb or other explosives into your luggage?" -- "No!" --- "Okay, have a good flight!" :roll:

    I always viewed those question as merely rhetorical questions, and expected them to screen the luggage anyway, but what about blood banks? What if the blood donors do not answer the questions honestly, and their blood happens to be among those 20% in which the virus will not be detected? So while these questions have a medical justification and are not asked out of ill will or racism, it still leaves the question: How save is it to accept a blood transfusion, period?
  11. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    The Jewish community is indeed strong, and this despite a Jewish intermarriage rate of a whopping 72%!

    But then, their strength is not surprising considering the fact that they do not weaken their unity and community by calling eachothers "self-haters" or "sell-out Jews". They also do not accuse successful members of their community of "yearning for immediate self gratification " or of "selling out themselves ". Nor do they call prominent Jewish politicians and business people "Uncle Toms" with "a lack of a sense of unity, community, and loyalty" nor do they discard Jews who intermarry as standing in the way of "true liberation and empowerment". And I never met Jews who are trying to fight racism by fighting with tooth and nails to uphold a racial dichotomy or by propagating an adapton of Grand Wizard David Lane's 14 words ("We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children") . :smt004
  12. jeverage

    jeverage New Member


    From your posts, you have absolutely no clue about Jewish relations. Shut up.

  13. jeverage

    jeverage New Member

    Furthermore Silvercoma,

    You are the prime example of what I am talking about. Any Black person mentions Black empowerment, you twist it as if it is the same as being a White supremacist. Oh no, the person is anti-White!!! You are obviously threatened by the idea of a free thinking Black person who is about Black self-determination and freedom, which has nothing to do with you. Now post some more dumb stuff about the evil racist BW nationalist comments. I see through you like glass. You may have a few idiots who follow, but your game is tired, seen it before.

  14. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    [​IMG] comes Jeverage lulled herself into believing that she actually knows to what community I belong to and have knowledge of .... must be because she is a prime example of the typical I-have-everything-and-everyone-figuered-out-BW-troll ... I just wish she would soon find a bit happyness in her self-imposed Jim Crow lifestyle so that she can stop trolling internet boards with her grand delusions and unlimited ability at self-deception...

    [​IMG] Make me! [​IMG]
  15. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    And here we go again....
  16. jeverage

    jeverage New Member


    You're an idiot.




    LUCIFER: BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM! "Die, damn you! Die!" :evil:


    LUCIFER: BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM! "Shit!" :shock:

    P.S.: A good bit of them Jewish folks (both here and in Israel) tend to be just a tad-bit too "community-oriented" IMHO...almost bordering on being racist. :twisted: Oh my God! How shocking! :twisted:

    JREMINATOR New Member

    SaTAN...are you criticizing the Almighty Lord's chosen people??? do you want to be stricken by lightning (or by the FBI) the next time you get out of your house??? :roll:

    And what IMHO??? can't you speak correct english u evil African with corrupted blood???


    Crazy cameroonian! IMHO is In My Humble Opinion...plenty nonsense!

    As for the FEDS and 'em...In the words of the Rock: "JUST BRING IT!" :evil:
  20. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Na wa for dis Jewish wahala!

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