Adjectives that describes a person

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by z, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    The purpose of this thread is to get an assessment, not to kiss ass or blow smoke. Not calling out anybody (Cough, Tarsh don't come out flying thru the gate, you my sister & all) but this thread was designed to get at least an approximation of what your personality/characters are or what you putting out there and what ppl see you as, just a simple assessment game, not to be offensive or make a Thank you thread.



    LA-laid back, prolly rich kid, cartoons.
    XoXo-writer for NY times, I am not 100 % sure what he thinks of race??
    Arch-positive, respectful, thinks he is Shakespeare, worries more about his rep pts than a stock market.
    Tarsh-cock blocker, thinks the world revolves around her.
    TCF-down to earth, a good person, a warm Christian
    Goodlove-passionate, never let things go, illiterate
    Max-Mature, classy, way boring.
    Des-looking for love or pussy, nice to women, a thug.
    Whiks-somewhat fair, makes me think she is a good teacher, prolly sexually liberated, traveler
    JC- fair, private, stays out of trouble, sort of like a door mat, athletic, tabloid magazine.
    Lipstick-does not back down from a war, good mother, good business woman, freaky, can be fair, intimidates other women, drama associated.

    PS-If anyone gets offended by any comment or if they think it is a character assassination- then ask I will remove it
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you are right on the money sister!


    constantly challenging me to look words up:butthead:

    lippy thinks this a fair far as drama goes...i always wanted to be an actress
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Hey GZ, can you modify Tarshi's post? I don't think I'm an annoying person. No one else here has thought that about me except her.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Mikey, it's silly posts like this that annoy people. Just go with the flow & stop sweatin' the small stuff. Tarshi's post is nothing to whine or cry about.
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well for me, it's kind of hard to take criticism and then try to ignore it. Usually when someone would point something out or make an assumption, I would correct them and not ignore them. My parents didn't really raise me that way to ignore people.
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Dude, I cant, the only person able to do that is the poster. Tarsh is a fair individual, I am sure it is a fair assessment of you by her. I dont think she is being malignant or trying to insult you. Relax, bruh, I have been called worse to my face "Unchristian" so don't sweat the little stuff.

    This thread was suppose to be fun and educational, but if ppl getting sensitive then forget I created it & I am bowing out.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ok, forget about my previous replies then. I'll take the heat and let Tarshi do what she wants with the post.
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Don't bow out. This is a good thread. You took it like a man with my Innermost Persons thread and that's good to see.

  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Mike... you can be annoying, ok? Especially with posts like this, or when you jump into an argument you don't know anything about and start posting links to posts from months ago that are totally unrelated, or when you chase around posters and put words in their mouths, or when you get obstinate about the fact that you can be annoying as all get out and want another moderator to edit someone's post. ;)

    BUT..just because someone finds you annoying, doesn't necessarily mean they don't like you. Sometimes you drive me up the frick-frackin' wall...but I still love you to bits. I can't speak for Tarshi, or anyone else, but that's just my opinion on the matter.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, honestly the thread reminds me of what my high school was like. I didn't find it to be the best atmosphere for me to be in. People usually talked about one another negatively behind someone's back, and they had the cliques, groups, division, etc.

    It's like you have to do everything "just right", so no one else can say anything about you, in general. That's the unfortunate thing about it all. Just my opinion.
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy agrees that mikey is so annoying that i roll on the floor laughing at some of his posts...what is even funnier is how people explain it to you... need to toughen up a bit...god help us if you ever become a mod because you quote the rulebook far too often
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe that would make the site a better place for us all to communicate and exchange ideas.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're making too big a deal out of it, Mikey. See the parts of Unchosen's post below in bold.

    This thread is fun & educational; I think it's a great thread idea. Don't you dare bow out.

    Yep. :smt023
  14. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    High school wasn't a party for a lot of people, but the real world is also a lot like high school in some ways. You just can't take it too personal.

    Anyway, my best piece of advice on the matter is to flat out ask Tarshi, or anyone else who might share her opinion of you, WHY they have that opinion. It might be enlightening for you. I know this from personal experience because in real life, I'm really a high energy, optimistic, outgoing, affable person who has a tendency to be a little loud when I get excited about something. People who know me and love me can appreciate those parts of my personality because I'm passionate, and I don't have a mean bone in my body. However, they can be really annoying traits for people who don't share my personality or who don't know me very well. I found that out the hard way when I was working somewhere, and my boss pulled me aside and said 'DB, we appreciate your hard-work, and your passion for what you're doing, but some people find you to be a little too loud, and sometimes you come across as immature as a result. I don't want to discourage your passion, but I just wanted to let you know that's the image that comes across about you at times.'

    I was pretty friggin' upset, as you can imagine, because I had NO idea that's how people were viewing me and that's NOT the image I wanted to portray. I took her words to heart, and I pulled back a little bit after evaluating some of my behaviors. That was around 20/21 years old. I've kept it in the back of my mind ever since and it has served me well.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ok then. All I ask is that the forum should be free from negativity from anyone, regardless of their intent. It would make the site better for everyone if we all realized that and adhered to it. Or is that too much to ask for?

    Also, we don't have private messaging on the forum, I could have just sent Tarshi a PM instead of replying here if private messaging was enabled.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Mike, I get that you're hurt right now and you feel a little attacked. Grain of salt my friend. No one here dislikes you- trust me, if they did, they wouldn't bother even telling you they found you annoying. They'd tell you just to fuck off if they bothered saying anything at all.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Dude, this thread is not suppose to be that. We are a small community, we are like family- I created it as "what you think of me as a family member?" rather than BS hot air or intentional insult. I have used negative words to describe my friends & also positive ones. I have called some worse, not to insult them but as a poster what kind of vibe I am getting from them, so stop crying. In fact, do me a favor continue crying that is the last encouragement & push I need to completely not sign on here.
  18. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    NO, GZ!!! NOOOO!!!

  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    When you stumble into these threads, you're doing it under your own accord. There are a lot of people here who view me as perverted, sick, gross, strange and above all, weird. But you know what? They all still like me because I'm very different from the rest of the pack here. Despite these things, I take these as compliments and cherish them.

    There are people here whom I have a few harsh words with or perceived as such, but I really hold no animosty towards them. Tiwry and a few others tends to get fixated on my drawings on the male genitalia and criticize me for all that. Yet, he still holds a good deal of respect for me because I'm still my own person and despite my nature of being overly comfortable with drawing sexually-related content, they still find that I bring something to the table.

    No one here hates you, mike. Some people just think you're too serious on the matters at hand. I can relate to you in my early years, so take my word on the whole thing and just lighten up and enjoy the chat. Besides, you're not limited to let others talk about you. You have some fun here with the masses.

  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ok, then. I understand what you're saying. I just don't understand the need to casually belittle someone within the "family". Maybe you and I just have a lot of differences and think of things differently.

    I realized that from examining your drawings. I didn't have a problem with it, but the people that are deemed as "outsiders" on this forum did. The "outsiders" on this site also flamed you and myself over things too. Hopefully if you understand the context of my post, you'll know who I'm referring to. So in my opinion, there is no real "family" on this forum, unless the forum is revised in a way that makes what your ideas are correct. The way I see it as, it's just people that are posting from anywhere across the world. We don't truly "know" each other.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011

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