Too true. But real talk white black or whatever unless its a comedy seeing the ugly person always rubs me the wrong way. Male or female unless the dude is a hardcore action star
Garcia's not ugly, you just don't like the hot black man, plus-size white woman stereotype. LOL. Yet negroes act stereotypical on the daily making us all look bad, but you've got nothing to say about that shit Mr. Hip-Hop.
I guess its a matter of taste and the fact that two far more attractive women are on the team and I don't get gravitating to the least attractive woman on the show for anything more than friendship. Hey I love hip hop never said I love all of it. Its like basketball I use to be a huge fan of the sport in genreral but now I only pay attention to a few key players and thats it. Get it?
Garcia is sexy as hell. She has way more going for her than the other gals on the team. They're nice, but boring. Anyone would have more fun with Garcia. Hell, I'd date her! She's fab! Team Penelope!!! Awwww....
Men are attracted to different qualities than women. That's why couples with a great looking guy and an ok girl is so infrequent you can call that shit a white tiger moment.
you bad girl you...missed all the fun today...there is another weight war about to fire up in one of these threads:smt042
Why aren't you defending the big kid in that thread. He's being unfairly targeted for nothing more than just being Bristol's friend.
Don't you mean why aren't YOU talking about how "obese he is, how fat is too accepted, it's an epidemic, blah blah blah". I believe Lippy covered your hypocrisy in her post. Instead of coming in this UNRELATED thread to whine about me not "defending him" I want to know WHY YOU ARE?
Newsflash, genius - he was talking about your posts there. If nothing else, you've been an equal opportunity fat-bashing fattist, I'll give you that. Andre could learn a thing from you.