This poll will be about 70% basketball. I play but am not very good offensively, so I'll defend the best player on the other side. Putting your hand in a guy's face to take away his depth perception is much easier than hitting a three point shot in rhythm. I'm sure that some people play golf and tennis too.
Haha I'm not really a playette I like volleyball,step aerobic and many kinds of dancing. I used to be in the"Garde"(carneval dancing club) and in a Hip Hop choreography dancing course.Badminton is nice to play as well
Definitely a basketball player. If i was a little bigger, a little stronger, i would definitely be playing for the Chicago Bulls right now lol. 8)
I took a couple balls to the groin before.. i never wore a cup during soccer matches maybe I should have, lol.. I also remember watching a teammate of mine, take a knee to the midsection (accidental, of course :roll: ), from the opposing team.. I played the guy who did it rough the entire game.. never got a card tho
I mainly play basketball, football and soccer. When i'm feelin' a lil' rusty, i might opt for ping pong or volleyball.
Hmmm....i haven't really been a Bulls fan since Jordan retired, but since they're my hometown team i would rather play for them than anybody else if i got the chance. :wink:
Hmmm. My six year old can get a soccer ball past me way more often than I'm proud to admit. But it's still fun. In high school I did tennis and cheer leading. In college I did more tennis. Now I lift weights and do cardio at the gym and jump on the trampoline with the boys a few times a week. When the two year old gets a little older, hubby and I will probably start playing tennis together again.
American Football and the world's Football. I like shooting hoops by myself but the two footballs are great because you can involve a lot of people. Tackling better than touch or flag because you need more than speed and long arms.
I like organized american football myself.. as you said, it involves more abilities, besides sheer speed, catching ability, and long arms... organized football gives the big guys a chance to do something at the line, as well as gives the diesel gym rats something to take down, if they play linebacker. as for shooting hoops, that's probably one of the best things you can do alone... all you need is a ball and a hoop, and ur good money... as for myself, i was planning on buying a soccer ball (another one), and going to the park to shoot around.
Seriously dude...on Sunday afternoons during the NFL season, you can go to any park down here and find large groups of Mexican dudes playing soccer with their families watching and getting their grub on. I think a lot of my friends would go out there and run with them but...unfortunately...IT'S DURING FOOTBALL SEASON...which sux....ah well......How 'bout dem Cowboys?!!