According to MTO, this is Reggie's new woman.....

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by xoxo, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I'll let you figure that one out on your own.
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    As always SD. You always speak your mind and if you can't do it here, where else can you do it?

    Thanx for clearing that up. I agree about Espy.
  3. HighDEF

    HighDEF New Member

    I was hoping for an honest dialogue, but no dice. Thanks anyway, brah.

    Not a problem, and I enjoy your posts as well. Always good to see people who can clearly express their thoughts rationally and intelligently.
  4. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    No need for thanks, but you see so many BM who are raised by all females. Most likely, the opinionated type who tend to overpower the men, as Black society is a Matriarchy, meaning women run everything. If a BM dare to speak his opinion, he gets dogged out.
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Thank you for the compliment, that's what we try to do around here, but as someone who is cool with Smooth, you have to understand where he's coming from. He doesn't defend bullshit, he rallies against it.
  6. HighDEF

    HighDEF New Member

    I understand what you're saying, but that can't solely be blamed on women. You have a lot of kats who won't/haven't stepped up to handle their responsibilities as well. If the man for whatever reason is not around, the woman has to make the best of the situation. The woman can't simply not handle her responsibilities.

    Brothas speak their opinions quite often in my experiences, as well as sistas. It seems often we're speaking past one another.
  7. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    True on all points. However, you can't deny that over the years, many Black women had developed a narcissistic, sassy "I don't need a man/I can do bad by myself" attitude. That comes with being bitter because they didn't get their priorities in check. Yes, stuff happens such as them not having a father or being abused/neglected by men in their lives.

    However, at the same time, they cry because they can't find one (who's not in prison or gay), thus resulting in them doing stupid stuff such as taking relationship advice from a second-rate comedian.
  8. HighDEF

    HighDEF New Member

    You're welcome.

    I don't defend bullshit either. I'm straight forward in my criticism of black men and women when one is disrespectful of the other.

    This is an ir site, so as a black man, it's not a complete shock to see some of the views expressed here. I also know that there are kats who are like myself, who find all kinds of women appealing on some level, without putting an entire race of others down.

    It would be the same if you had someone observing an ir site where it consisted primarily of white men and black women. I'm sure most of the black women on it would be the reverse of the black males on here. Black men ain't shit, etc. I'm assuming you're a white woman, and you'd probably take offense if you were being disparaged by white men on such a site?

    I don't see anything wrong with liking people of other races, but putting a gender of another race down in the process isn't cool in my opinion. This is just my opinion (and I understand that often the people who do it, both men & women say they're speaking the truth).
  9. HighDEF

    HighDEF New Member

    Man, i'm a brotha so i'm not blind lol. I agree on all points.

    I become frustrated as well with the younger generation of women, but that is across the color spectrum. More specifically, with black women, I feel your pain. I don't allow myself to paint all with a broad brush, and was the reason I initially asked if you had any positive bw in your life. It just seem to know some will in fact let you know that they're not all negative.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'll let Smooth, as he's been doing - defend himself. I was just explaining how he operates.

    I personally don't agree with what everyone says around here (or offline) and some people don't agree with me, but we're all entitled to our opinions and/or feelings. But like I said, if you can't vent here, where else can you vent? You do things where you find some comfort and some commonality.

    Actually, I could care less what WM say about WW. I'm interested in what some BM think/say/feel.
  11. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I think those with common sense will know not all BW are negative, but that's what the media focuses on. Also at the same time, those evil forces who are very anti-Black male are sadly Black women. So when I make a post, it goes toward that spectrum of sistas. Yes, it may seem mean spirited, but I will fight those who are against me.

    In a minute...
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    agree with it all ib...especially the part about what wm think or say about ww. they're entitled to their opinions and they can run off at the mouth about us all they like as far as i'm concerned...and yes, i'm far more interested in what some bm think/say/feel...!!! :D
  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    just wanted to welcome you highdef. great to see another intelligent and level-headed man around here...!!! :smt026:smt023
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Thank you Tbear!

    Especially the handsome, respectful and intelligent ones....;)
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    oooohhhhh i can feel an AMEN coming on...!!!!
  16. HighDEF

    HighDEF New Member

    I have to take exception with the thought that he has to defend himself (I understand what you mean though). I wasn't attacking, just really wanted to understand some of his views.

    I agree that everyone is entitled to their views as well. I can see how this kind of site would provide comfort as well for some of the viewpoints put forth, also. One just has to remember with that being the case, there are going to be others who have no problem speaking on theirs' as well, even if it seems to not be popular opinion.

    I hear what you're saying. I would assume on many fronts we'd be partners on how we're portrayed in the media.

    Thanks for the welcome and compliment. I must say that i've enjoyed reading your posts in my short time here.
  17. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I misunderstood you. I tend to get defensive sometimes. When it comes to this generation of Black women, I can get very moody as I have a love/hate relationship with them. You seem like a down to earth and very intelligent man.
  18. chicity

    chicity New Member

    lol. Um. I have no beef with you man, none at all, but this made me laugh a little. See this is where very heterosexual men mess up. They can't imagine not being heterosexual, so sometimes some straight guys have no idea which settings and activities are more or less likely to encourage homosexual thoughts.

    I think the movie 300 was great. But gay men liked it a little bit *more* if you get my meaning, as did the Spartans they were depicting.

    You can absolutely feminize a man by raising him with no male influences whatsoever. You can't actually turn him gay, but you might make him more comfortable with his bisexuality, if it's there.

    On the other hand, putting too much manliness in front of a kid with any natural tendencies whatsoever to be turned on by manliness is.... well it's like leaving a heterosexual 13-year-old in a room full of Victoria's Secret catalogs. Yeah, they're feminine alright, but they inspire something else in a heterosexual boy ... and so it would be putting too much "Greece" into the life of a boy with any bisexual or homosexual inclinations.

    Basically (with no ill intent whatsoever) I'm saying you're trying to cure obesity with frosting.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2010
  19. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I don't think HiDef is a newbie.

    I think he's a returned troll.

    And I don't think he's a he.
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Let me rephrase that then - let him explain or expound on his

    Trust me, I've expressed some of my views/opinions on here and have felt alone in my thinking, but that's how it goes sometimes. There's always a debate going on around here. Just because everyone has a common bond of dating interracially, doesn't mean everyone sees eye to eye on everything. Everyone has been challenged at some point on here.

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