Why? Because I had never imagined my friend's brother saying something THAT extreme. Never before had he even given any clues to how he really felt about it. It was sudden and jaw-dropping. I didn't stick around much longer after it was said. We continued our convo at my home, tucked away in privacy. As for my family and the things they say and do; Nothing seems to phase me about the things they say/do anymore. It just pisses me off. My parents were both raised when the KKK/racism was basically at it's highest point. So yeah, they don’t phase me. I blame it on the way they were raised. They did try to raise me the same way, but I am my own person and I’m not letting them decide for me what is right or wrong.
"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." -Audre Lorde
Agreed. Its sad because it seems that some people still don't get it. There are families that fit that particular description in every race and culture. This stuff is perpetuated by ignorance. The people who know better are forced to congregate in the middle of the madness while the powers of ignorance are posted near the edges preventing the "enlightened few" from escaping the vicious cycle. In this situation, PinkMartini its best to wipe your feet off on their doorstep and keep it moving. Maybe he will think about what he said. That's a lesson that he will have to learn on his own. He is deeply entrenched in his ideology of racism. It will take more than a day of lecturing to reverse. Its a good thing that you didn't inherit that ideology as your own. It show integrity in your character. Wear it on your shoulders and let your light shine forward.
Thanks Hunter. It's a shame that people are still going through this type of stuff in the year 2010. Its not 1864 anymore. It makes me wonder how modern are we really?
A quote from a "Crankshaft" Sunday comic strip sez it all, m8.... After our protagonist perused the internet for awhile and saw some appalling things, he....considering the juxtaposition of modern technology advancement to the puerile attitudes of society...opined (Mind you, I'm kinda paraphrasing...as the strip came out about a decade or so ago): "Just because mankind has become smarter doesn't make them any more intelligent" 'Nuff Said!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK