Aborting your husband 's child

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :D Thanks!
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  3. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Absolutely, but it takes two to tango, so the man has to share the responsibility.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  4. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    If the man has no say whether his own chid lives or dies, is it right to expect him to provide child support if the woman decides to have the baby?
  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I agree, he should have a say, and this man obviously didn't care because he stayed with her after 3 previous abortions.
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I know. Usually, though, they don't let the man have a say. Because "it's the woman's body". So, since it's usually only up to the woman anyway, I say "because of her dumbass mistake." If she wants to be the only one who decides whether or not to have an abortion, then I'm going to hold her solely responsible for everything else too!
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    GOOD point!
  8. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Tapping that rep...
  9. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    That's a good question :smt023
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    About that question Sir, I also think it's wrong for the man to try to deny paying child support if he didn't want her to have the baby.

    He definitely should be involved in any and all decisions about his child.

    So, if a woman is an unfit mother, (which the planning to murder of her child would prove) should custody then be given to the father even before the infant is born, because the mother has threatened the child's life?

    Hmmm? Just a thought. I'm not kidding though, some infants obviously need protection from their own mothers pre-birth!
  11. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I'd like to think that man would want to provide financially for a child that he helped to produce. I see nothing wrong with legally compelling him to do so if his feelings are otherwise.

    At what point a fetus makes the transition from its namesake to a child is something I don't care to debate, but given that the woman carries and gives birth to it, the decision should be hers. Deciding to share the fact that she is pregnant prior to terminating a pregnancy should also be her prerogative.
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Unless there are serious health consequences (death for the mom)...abortion shouldn't really be necessary. If you want to have sex without a condom...use birth control pills. If you aren't willing to tolerate the side effects of birth control...then you don't need to be sleeping around without a condom. And if you can't afford birth control...you probably can't afford the costs of a child. To paraphrase fallen Illinois governor Rod Blagoevich "You gotta pay to play!"

    And all this shit about "I was in the moment"....f*** that...use your brain. Your hormones aren't that out of control that you can't pause and put a helmet on your soldier (to the fellas). And we all know that they make condoms in various sizes including large and extra large...so none of that "I'm too big" stuff either. If you can't control your pants long enough to be safe...then you aren't responsible enough to raise a child.
  13. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah as for Amani Toomer; I saw him on TV last weekend and he was in Accra, Ghana helping doctors and nurses tend to sick people in some of the hospitals. He visited some of the child patients and the whole time I was watching...there was some gorgeous brunette (NOT HIS EX-WIFE) that was nearby in every shot on camera. I couldn't tell if she was a producer, lawyer, agent etc...but she defintely appeared to be apart of his entourage...maybe she's the new lady...if so....she was smokin'...and it seemed as if she enjoyed being there.

    A foxy brunette that is in to you and wants to travel with you to Africa to help the sick : priceless
  14. scylla

    scylla New Member

    satyricon: co-sign.

    Except for satyricon I seem to be the only one on here who is pro-choice.
    I have no understanding what so ever for that pro-life stuff. Next thing you know, you'll want the rest of the world to teach creationism in science class...

    What do you prefer, young girls killing new borns in chear panic, or using clothe hangers to do backyard abortions, dying from the infections, or maybe drinking chemicals, or using needles to poke it out.. or legal abortions?
    Because, face it, teaching abstinence doesnt work. And condoms break. And pills don't always work either.
    If you don't have legal abortion, you will have backyard abortions instead. Around 68.000 women die every year because of complications from illegal abortions. Many more becomes disfigured or in other ways harmed for life, can never become pregnant again or even have sex.

    Let's quote wikipedia:
    "In 2005, the Detroit News reported that a 16-year-old boy beat his pregnant, under-age girlfriend with a bat at her request to abort a fetus. The young couple live in Michigan where parental consent is needed to receive an abortion. In Indiana, where there are also parental consent laws, a young woman by the name of Becky Bell died from a back-alley abortion rather than discuss her pregnancy and wish for an abortion with her parents."
    Yeah, thats heaps better, isnt it?

    And you know, if abortions are hard to obtain, thats what you get. Desperate people dying. And also, it's almost only poor people dying. If abortion would be banned, it would be a blow for the lower income classes.
    59% of all abortion in the states are done by white people. the rest by other groups, about 35% by black women. Do the math.
    Who do you think will suffer if you illegalized abortion? People with no shame in their body, who just went around getting pregnant for the fun of things?

    Whats more important, the health of a 16 year old, or the potential life of an embryo?

    How do you deal with sperm by the way, do you bury it and sing for it, thinking of the million of poor potential lifes that died on your sheets? yiish.
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I understand your point of view.

    Contraception is key - because I don't think any pro choice person likes or wants abortions to take place unless necessary. We really need to get it out there that being lazy with the pill or condoms DOES result in babies and diseases.

    I think abortion SHOULD be legal because I dislike the thought that the government could tell you what and what not to do and like you, think backstreet abortions are horrific and making it illegal will not solve a damn thing. There should be limits though - partial birth abortion is too far. That IS a baby.

    PERSONALLY though, I'm against it. But that's my OWN personal view on it. It does make me sick and I can't understand how someone could do that, but that's just me.
  16. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I'm not pro-abortion in the sence that I think it's great in any way, i had friends that went through abortions, they were a mess after that. But I'm pro choice. Just like you say, it's not the goverment or religion that should decide this. Everyone should have their own choice and right to their own body. I remember when I was around 15 you could get free condoms (atm 10 a week or something), and it was easy to get pills, and cheap. I think that might be one of the only ways, more information, cheaper protection and more information and more information.

    I don't know how it works with trisemesters and stuff during pregnancy.. I know here you can do an abortion up to week 18, and then you need special reasons.

    edit: I just read about partial birth abortion. Seriously, that was something like the sickest ever. God, can't just people have normal abortions? Whats wrong with making decitions in week 16? gah.
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I just don't understand why women would rather kill a baby than put the potential child "up" for a loving couple to adopt. I think those women should be murdered or serve a life sentence in prison. They have better options! So WTF? It's not like there's no such thing as adoption, or no such thing as a morning after pill (when it's still just a bunch of cells at the most, if it's anything at all). As far as killing a child to save the mother goes: it's the woman's own damn fault. Hello?????????????????? Sex makes babies. If you aren't able to carry a child or birth a child, then you take the precautions necessary not to conceive one, (have them remove your uterus, it's no use to you anyway). And including finding out if you CAN carry and birth a child before you have sex should be a "DUH" too, because everyone knows condoms break, contraceptives can fail, and if you do get pregnant then getting the regular prenatal checkups to make sure all is well, if not, then have the doctors make the shit well, that's wtf they're there for. If you're really that stupid, then maybe you should die and spare the child's life. If a motherfucker gets drunk and walks in front of a bus, and gets splattered all over the front of the bus, is it the bus's fault, is it the alcohol's fault? Should we say it's okay for everyone to get so drunk and be stupid enough to walk in the path of a moving bus??????????? Come on!!
  18. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I don't think she should be able to have it both ways. If it is her body, and her decision (not the father or the govt or church), as pro-abortionists say, then it should be her sole financial responsibility. Not that of the father, who had no say in the matter, or the government either.

    In other words, if the father will be held financially responsible (and I agree he should), then he gets a vote on the abortion too.
  19. scylla

    scylla New Member

    ehm, yeah. Lets send all people who have made an abortion to jail for murder. Great idea!
    Lets send all those desperate people to jail, and while we are at it, why not just shoot them at ones, I mean, you have a death penalty in the states am I right, so we might just as well kill them. I mean, killing a child is one of the worst chrimes, right? So lets put them on death row.
    Woooha, lets all rejoice for a world were the goverment decides who shall live and who shouldn't! Wooho! Lets value the potential in a couple of cells more than a human life! Yey!

    By the way, the morning after pill shouldn't be used on a regular basis to prevent pregnancies and since you never can be one hundred % sure that the condom didn't break, you are now officially limited to about one sexual intercourse a year.

    I guess there is no way of making you understand that however much you scream about how bad abortion is, women will still die in illegal abortions, and since thats what happens if you forbid abortions and makes it a crime, I guess you want these women to die. It is a choice between what dies, a full grown woman with a family, with friends, with hope of a good life, or a couple of cells with the potential of one day becoming a child, and at that, an unwanted child.

    There are more children that needs parents, then there's parents.
  20. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Some would suggest the choice is between 1) someone dumb and desperate and cruel enough to try and kill their own unborn child with a coat hanger, and 2) the innocent unborn child.

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