A white person's view on reparations

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheChosenOne, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Vanilla don't get wasted by his words. He does not know the truth if he saw it.
  2. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    No worries Soulthinker,

    Like I said in another post I am not going to engage in any conversation with him again.

    End of story
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    That says it all Vanilla.
  4. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Clearly you have simply degenerated to more MTV stereotypes here. Check your facts, the average savings rate for ALL americans was negative 1% last year, so financial literacy is a problem for all. Americans are saving at the lowest rate in 73 years, or in other words since the great depression.

    Even a psych 101 student could tell that for all your claims of loving and having black friends your words betray someone who takes a sick perverse pleasure in the hardships of others. Your words are condescending, innacurate, and clearly those of someone who is desperate to be superior to others in order to feel good about himself. I pity you.

    Dont bother to respond as I am done with you, but do read the links and literature I have listed above, you may just learn something.
  5. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    maybeeeee, :x
  6. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Obama MIGHT make a good president don't count your chickens before they are hatched and there is a MOVEMENT out there that believes that the NAACP's work is DONE if he gets into office..

    OH but its FAR FROM OVER at that point, its just beginning!

    America IS bad and evil, read any kind of book that covers the truth about what's happen in South America. Nevermind the killing of MLK, JFK, RFK, Medgar Evers and countless other people just because they were about to affect the Status Que.

    How about LBJ making the statement he would lose the White Segregated South with him signing of the final Civil Rights amendments to the Constitution? Richard Nixon ALL too happy to appeal to those voters to get him into office (Finally) and then have him SPY on OUR own Governement because we were moving in a progressive direction.

    White People FEAR there way of life (all forms of it) would be changed with landmark discussion about treating all people of color EQUALLY, which doesn't HAPPEN.

    Stop buying into the madness that nobody is interested in fixing this problem.

    None of US are asking for direct payment, I said before I want EQUAL PROTECTION under the law, we don't CURRENTLY get that!

    I want tax laws that ensure investment in the Inner City, not to buy up land and force out the POOR people, that's called Gentrification!

    How about all Blacks for the next 20 years can attend college FREE OF CHARGE, all books and classes would be paid for by the Federal Government. That's called investing in your future, that would mean ONE generation would have free access to higher education.

    Speaking of Education, we haven't invested in our public school system in 30-35 years, that only HURTS people of Color and Poor Whites.

    Look any of this stuff helps us ALL, not just a FEW. We deserve special treatment in some cases but not all, just killing the racial and class divide would SOLVE many problems because since people can't be flat racist without some type of blacklash, they hide it behind laws and business practices.

    How come poor mostly black and brown areas have 10 times as many liquior stores and fast food joints than mainly white areas?

    I'm not saying we don't have problems in our community, as I said before many would pull themselves up by their own boot straps if there wasn't some white person ready to take their boots away!

    That is largely the problem!

    Can you think of any other way to get SWEEPING CHANGE because electing a HALF BLACK man I don't think is going to get it done....
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Black support of Obama shouldn't solely be about race but we shouldn't dismiss him...if anything he can bring a different perspective to the White House...is approach to solving problems would likely differ from other presidents (whether it would be good or bad remains to be seen).

    As far as "black America" not valuing education...you could say the same thing about white America....there's a reason why Nigerian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Kenyan, Japanese, Korean, Indian etc. students can come to this country fairly late in life and graduate at the top of their classes at our nations finest universities.

    Here are some numbers that make you think:

    Men with a bachelor's degree-

    White males = $66,000

    Asian males = $52,000

    Hispanic males = $49,000

    Black males = $45,000

    More surprising than the fairly low number for black men is that number for Asian men. Asian men often (not always) gravitate towards medicine and the so-called "hard sciences" and other fields where there is a pressing need for more minds and qualified individuals....despite being in professions that are less crowded and in more need of help than careers chosen by whites, blacks or Latinos....Asian men earn less.

    I wonder what would happen if the average salary numbers were flipped for black men and white men.

    I'm not going to even touch the gender disparity but I'm sure a lot of women can attest to the uneven nature of wages.

    As for black people thinking O.J. was innocent.....wrong. Maybe in California but (even though I hadn't started 3rd grade when Nicole and Ron were killed) I know that 8 out of every 10 black people I knew, thought he did it.

    Many black people were curious to see if race was a bigger factor than wealth. The O.J. verdict told a lot of blacks that the unfairness in the judicial system....while still an issue of race.....it showed that a black man of means could escape. That simply being white wouldn't always give you a leg up in the courtroom....a working class or middle class white person couldn't slay a well-heeled brotha or sista....maybe that seems crass but considering that well to do black men (and poor ones) would have been lynched for simply smelling the same air as Nicole 50 years before the trial...showed that SOME (not much) progress had been made (at least racially but certainly not regarding the imbalance in treatment with regards to people of from different socio-economic strata).

    As for "black people defending themselves".....Africans warred with each other and sold prisoners of war to white men....African concepts of slavery were akin to indentured servitude...(that was the white concept of slavery until roughly 1700-1750 when some decided to flip the script). Had they known what lie ahead for their bretheren...they never would have sold their enemies. White men simply waited by the shore and collected the slaves...they couldn't go into the interior and catch the slaves themselves because of the heat, humidity and the propensity of mosquitoes carrying malaria to congregate around the coastlines of West and Central Africa.

    As for blacks "chucking spears".....Europeans would have been doing the same thing had it not been for the Chinese and the Indians. The Chinese inventing gunpowder and the Indians (Hindustanis) & Chinese inventing the Matchlock which is the forebear of the modern gun. Euros can thank the Arabs and Chinese for guns, cannons, binoculars....and as far as sea-faring and exploring.... the Chinese emperor Zheng He was sailing to Africa long before the Spanish and Portuguese even took a notion to do so. Euro colonialism was a function of taking others' technology and using it efficiently for their own gains. When you have most of what you need...there's no desire to explore and take from others.

    Africans had two problems: 1) No large beasts of burden that could be domesticated to help plow fields (unless you want to tie a lion or cheetah to a plow...good luch). Africans had to plow their own fields...which is time consuming.....you're never idle which means you don't have time to worry gold across the great ocean.

    2) No horses.....camels were in North Africa. With no horses...the only way to travel was by foot. When you ride a horse you can cover great distances and expand your world....that's difficult to do when relying solely on your feet.

    As for "getting over the past"....this is how history repeats itself. The perpetrator wants the victim to forget his sin so that he may feel vindicated. The victim may forgive the perp but he isn't going to forget it....and why should he forget? If some random guy beat up your little sister...you aren't going to forget it even if you forgive the guy.

    I agree with lucifermorningstar.....LET IT ALL OUT!


    You shouldn't have replied Chosen.


    Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black (Heh, get it? I'm here all week, folks).


    You too and I hope the ankle gets better, playa.
  11. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    dannnnggg.. shutting it down like that...lol.
  12. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Is this the Black/White Armistice of 2008?
  13. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    werid way of putting it..
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    The turn that this thread has taken is weird...I'm just giving it a proper ending. 8)
  15. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    lol I will give you that one, and agree..This is the first time I have seen a thread turn out the way it did honestly. :wink:
  16. Triathlete01

    Triathlete01 New Member

    ahem, well, first off I want to respond by saying I am not affiliated with Cowboy in any way....(besides Race, but what does that matter?) Secondly, sorry to hijack the thread I am doing this for a Cultural and Current Political Issues class (I am a first year Poli Sci Major.) I started the writing the paper in a neutral stance and after research I have taken the side of "Nay" against Reparations, as explained in my first two posts. It is good to see both sides of the issue, I have asked a few classmates (some White, one Asian, and one Black) but it is good to get more of the Black's "side" of the argument, you have brought up interesting points Chosen. This will be my last post, thank you for your time.

    This is the result of you not taking the time to read my post. You highlight the first line about "less qualified Blacks", but either fail to read or comprehend the fact that it can be vice versa (say in a job with a large amount of Black workers, a balance still needs to be made for fair opportunities.)

    Slippery slope? It is a very twisted logic to tie the benefit in resources a Black individual may have received from the issue of Slavery, but it is the same logic used by Chosen to explain my benefit from Slavery. If job opportunities from resources harvested over 70 years before benefited my Great-Grandparents, then they also benefited Mexican, Asian, and African Immigrants (ex. Kenyans) who arrived here in the 20th century.

    Now lets consider the Chinese and their involvement in the exploitation of resources and job openings resulting from the atrocities of Slavery. In the late 1840's, large amounts of Chinese immigrants arrived on the West Coast (California in particular) to help build railroads spanning the continent. The jobs were horrible, but the opportunity was far greater then the War going on in their home lands (Japanese/Chinese War). They built railroads, and what for might you assume? To open up the West Coast as a trading outpost to ship raw textiles (cotton, indigo, and even dry crops, all produced by Slave Laborers) to India and Japan. Because of these railroads, the Chinese were able to create a lifestyle that allowed their families to prosper in the new nation. Because of the pain and misery of the Slaves, the Chinese were able to (indirectly and obviously unintentionally) prosper off of the "Land of Opportunities". Just as my fore-fathers did.

    Understand, TheChosenOne, that my respect for men such as Richard Wright, W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, and George Washington Carver is immeasurable, especially facing and overcoming what they did.

    And dj4monie:

    First you say this:

    and then you say this:

    How can we expect equality when it is not equal? I do agree with your next statement though, more does need to be done for Public Education; White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian alike in the United States. How about this proposition instead?

    All students whose combined parental income is less then 70,000 will attend any PUBLIC university FREE OF CHARGE.

    this will help America succeed in erasing poverty, will provide equal opportunities, and will help all students in financial struggle equally.

    Also, in regards to the Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarship, there is no specification about being available to only Whites (you must be a descendant of a Confederate Officer.) Now you say, "Well that means it is white only!" But lets pretend there is a 7/8 Black girl whose Great-Great-Grandaddy was a Confederate Officer (By all standards this would be acceptably and most agreeably Black.) She is able to qualify for the essay/scholarship, it does not discriminate towards Color of skin.

    Here, on the other hand, are just a few ones that discriminate towards race:

    Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship
    Criteria: Must be a Black U.S. Citizen. This award is need-based and renewable. Three letters of recommendation, transcripts and evidence of full time enrollment required

    Alphonso Deal Scholarship Award
    Criteria: African American high school seniors who are U.S. citizens accepted by an accredited college/university (including 2-year institutions) interested in preparing for a career in law enforcement

    Black Church Extension Division Scholarship
    Criteria: pen to African-Americans who are U.S. citizens preparing for full-time Christian vocations.

    and those were just some of the first alphabetical ones I found that decide by the color of ones. Now, I am not sure what they would qualify as "black", maybe as per Plessy vs. Ferguson 1/8 black would qualify one for a scholarship? I don't know to be honest.

    Also, remember that Obama is 50% white and 50% black. He is a source of pride for both communities, and a major advancement for the black race. Do not vote for him JUST BECAUSE he is black, but do not NOT vote for him for the same reason. Vote for him because he represents hope for our struggling nation.
  17. drow

    drow New Member

    A stormfronter in sheeps clothing.
  18. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt023 Loki, I personally appreciate your professional and refined response.

  19. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    :smt023 Loki, I personally appreciate your professional and refined response.


    Very kind, thank you, I enjoy your posts as well.
  20. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I've created a scale to determine how much loot we should get...(please, I hope no one takes this seriously...but Petty has given me a thought)

    Based on blood testing....

    100% Black = $50,000

    90-99% Black = $45,000

    80-89% Black = $40,000

    70-79% Black = $35,000

    60-69% Black = $30,000

    50-59% Black = $10,000

    20-49% Black = $2,500

    5-19% Black = $500

    <5% Black = The Bill

    LOL....It won't happen...but if it did...there'd have to be a plan... 8)

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