A personal issue: Should I write a movie screenplay about "Cyber Bullying"?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by NCBradin, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Ahem. One of movie screenplays I plan on to write coming this spring. It's kind of a personal issue for me. I grew up got teased by those popular kids. And I didn't have that many friends.

    Mostly, they were only after people with good, sexy looks. They never bothered to look on the inside, rather than look on the outside, you know?

    So I've heard so much about bullying in this country, to be honest with you, it has to stopped at once. You see, I got called by those names, for a example, "Big ears", "Long Neck" <=== sort of like giraffe, if you will.

    Of course, I got teased a lot when it comes to observed me, the way I acted, the way I behaved towards to the others. They came up with the solution, they think I'm gay.

    And, believe it or not, I was targeted by skinheads as well. They spits on me, spits everywhere on me whatever they liked to. They decided to stomped on my newly boots.

    And, beautiful girls...they don't want to date me at all. They just simply to think that I'm ugly. They went after very popular, cute guys. But I did managed to dated just a few.

    So, to this day, I think about write a movie screenplay about bullying. Mind you, I'm kind of angry, but frustrating. I can never understand why kids these days do whatever what they wants to teasing them. Most kids today decided to end their lives, just because bullies made their lives a living hell..it's like they let bullies won. That's inexcusable.

    So, guys, what do you think? Please share your thoughts.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think you should but if you do it do it from the narrative of a the bully. Its never done enough. If you don't mind I can write you a quick story. My gift to you.
  3. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Oh, go ahead.
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    If you want to. It is big issue with kids today and I've never seen a movie that deals with, so now is probably the right time to write it.
  5. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    All right. I will. With a careful consideration, BA.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This was off the fly. I promise I'm not always this sloppy lol

    Dylan is 16 year old and in the opening scene finds himself looking in the mirror as he curls two barbels before getting ready for school. He puts the weights on the floor and admires himself in the mirror before he takes a shower.
    In the next scene you see his mother quickly making breakfast before the bus gets to their house. She's kisses him on the cheek as exits the home. He crosses the lawn to get a quick glimpse of his father working on a car in the garage.
    He gets on the bus and starts bragging about his new sneakers(he stole from other students) to his friends. As he walks up the aisle he looks down at two Indian brothers (Sanjay 16 and Sanjit 14) smirking at them menancingly before he shoves Sanjay's head. Sanjit was the pride of his family, set to graduate hs at 15 since he was a genius.
    When he gets to school he flirts with a lot of the girls before going to his locker where he and his friends talk about a party they had all been the previous weekend when Sanjay goes to his locker which is next to Dylan's.
    Dylan and his friends call him a "towel head queer" before knocking Sanjay's books out of his hands and then goes to class.
    The class gets back their tests they took previously and Dylan gets a C and Sanjay gets the highest score in the class.
    When lunch time comes the kids are all eating at their respective tables. Popular kids, semi popular kids, and non popular kids.
    Dylan walks into the lunch room with his sights set on Sanjay. He knocks Sanjay lunch on the floor. Sanjit quickly gets up to defend his brother but Sanjay convinces him to sit down saying that Dylan isn't worth it.
    Dylan takes that as an insult and starts punching Sanjay until teachers have to break it up.
    Dylan's father has to pick him up from school because he's been suspended for fighting. His dad tells him if he had any sense he would fucked that little sand nigger up after school. Only dummies get caught.
    When Dylan gets home his father shows him he ain't so tough by beating him up.
    When his mother gets home she tries to explain that the war made him this way and that he was trying to get better.
    Dylan spends his time in his room working out and listening to music on his head phones.
    You should try to show scenes illustrating Sanjay and Sanjits home life which is strict yet loving and emphasizes familial solidarity.
    Dylan continues to bully Sanjay daily until one day he beats him so bad he ends up in the hospital.
    Sanjit decides that something has to be done since the administration nor the police can prove that Dylan is the one beating him up especially since Dylan is so well liked.
    Sanjit brings a gun to school killing Dylan then himself.

    There's a lot more I have in mind but I didn't want to write the actual script and steal your idea fam.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Go for it. I've been a bully but I've bullied more so I can relate to all your experiences. When I think back at all the teasing, name calling, physical assaults, it's quite comical.

    I remember a couple of dudes in highschool called me gay because of the way I drunk bottled pop lol.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    EXTREMELY important subject. Its getting crazy!
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I say go for it, Bradin. It's a serious issue that's been going on forever & there is never enough said (or done) about it. The fact that you've dealt with it so much in your own life gives you the experience necessary to effectively talk about it. I was bullied & treated like a piece of shit for many years growing up (until I started getting into fights), and it definitely had an huge effect on me. There can never be too much information put out there about it.
  12. Bullying sucks. Sorry for your experiences, Bradin.
  13. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Im so proud of you
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Aww...thanks, Max. ;)
  15. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    After a very careful consideration, my heart's telling me to go for it. So I decided to write a movie screenplay. It's something that this country's facing with bullying. Lots of bullies got away with it. Seriously, Bullying has got to stopped.

    So, the working title will be called, "Fatal Bullying". What do you think, guys, no?

    I know it may not be a great working title, but I would be more than happy if you guys are more than willing to help me out to work on a movie title.

    Oh, and, I'm thinking about hand it over to Warner Bros or Paramount. I'm sure they'll be very interesting to read my movie screenplay.
  16. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    keep your ideas close the vest, man.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Great advice, XOXO. :smt023

    Bradin, listen to this advice; you don't want to put all your ideas out there for someone else to help themselves to. Keep the ideas & details to yourself. ;)

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