A night out - some observations

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Generally, the 'concensus' is that WM typically date very pretty BW.

    The other 'concensus' is that BM tend to date 'not-so-pretty' WW.

    I have to say these general stereotypes are developed through typical encounters.

    On the other hand, all rules and stereotypes are always broken.

    I've seen plenty WM with average BW.

    I've seen tons of BM with really fine WW. Really, really fine ones.

    And then I've seen the stereotypical couples I first mentioned.

    So, it all depends on the person and what they seek or what they happen to stumble upon. Including what they have to offer.
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Those stereotypes are developed by haters(usually WM and BW)..not from any encounters in the real world..

    People don't get pissed-off because BM are dating ugly WW that nobody else wants..believe me..

    Brothers are pulling some devastating non-BW
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    some do..

    some black women anyway..

    i encountered some in my life..who just could not understand why "some" black guys, would want to be with an unattractive white woman, instead of them..

    others don't really care.. but when they see a successful (not necessarily rich, but has a job, education, is trying to better himself and things around his life) black guy, who's doing something with himself in their life.... pay no attention to them and go with any white girl they can get... that makes them, the black women, really ask themselves, wtf are they doing wrong.

    not saying that every black male fits into this area..

    some men who are about something, do try to set their sights on higher targets..

    speaking for myself, I was told that, if I was going to go interracially, at least make sure the white girl I was with, was pretty looking.

    This may sound shallow, but granted all of the angst towards black men, and especially the ones who mess with white women, it made some sense to me.

    this was around the 1990s, when racism in my area was still very much alive..

    why catch fire for just any white girl.. at least make sure she was worth it

  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    BW never do anything wrong.
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Actually, they are somewhat based on encounters in the real world.

    As with any stereotype.

    Its just that, the haters or people that don't condone it, magnify the actuality of it all and make it seem like it's more than it really is.

    Thus, the specific stereotype is created.

    And yes, some people still have a distaste for a BM with a WW even if she isn't pretty.

    The fact that he's black and she's white is enough to dislike the pair.
  6. malikom

    malikom Banned

    So true lmao.Thats why i shake my heads at brothas who have a fat whit woman and complains about how hard their relationship is being an interracial couple.Why int he hell would you get with a chick like that and go trhough all that?If im going to be in a interracil relationship,the girl is going to be gorgeous.Atleast its worth it lol
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    again.. this was when I was growing up in a racist neighborhood, in philly, back in the 90s..

    plus you were hearing about other racially motivated events across the country...like rodney king, among others..

    what was said to me, wasn't exactly "The Gospel," ( please, I don't want to see "just because that was said, doesn't make it right, i already know..so save it) but it was a poke at current situations for young black men, and black men in general, trying to survive and do some good within this country.

    Like I said before, looks aren't everything. Women of all colors, bring different assests to the plate in relationships. Often, I found myself not really caring too much about looks, if the chemistry was there. But, when it came to white women, in my racist neighborhood, I was told that..

    If I was going to get beat the fuk up, by some white boys for going with a white girl, she should at least be something worth looking at.. they were just that damn crazy..some of them anyway.. not all

  8. Narus

    Narus New Member

    I think there was a dimension I forgot to clarify: class. I do see good looking white women with black men every now and then (but very few mind you), but they're the trashy, ghetto type girls. You know exactly what I'm talking about: they chain smoke, became the town bike in their mid-teens, usually have multiple piercings and tattoos, only listen to gangsta rap on their car stereos. Some even speak ebonics.

    FWIW, I wasn't talking about these women.
  9. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Truly some of you brothers need to get out, I have seen fine ass white women with the brothers who were not ghetto or trashy,come to DC and you will see and these women are dime pieces and educated.
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i think you just hit the nail on the head...some of these brothers need to get out of the house...sitting at home at your desk behind your computer it's easy to fuel myths and stereotypes from your very active imaginations...i travel pretty much west of the mississippi river and i see bm/ww couples everywhere i go...stunning couples...now if you are going to hangout at walmart and that is your only point of reference then that is a whole other issue...
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    It's says a LOT about them doesn't it..?

    In their world the WM gets all the finest sisters and the BM gets the WM's ugly leftovers..

    That's not what I see..
  12. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    That is what I am trying to say, I was a Buffalo billiards in Dupont circle here in DC and saw some brothers with fine ass white women.
  13. malikom

    malikom Banned

    yeah i know.Also alot of them come from broken homes also.There are some good looking,well educated white girls with black dudes,but the types of white women i see with black dudes normally are white girls that white guys wouldnt look twice at.
  14. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Always glad to hear that.
  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    BM are all different....we like a wide variety of types of WW...just like most BM have a wide range of preferences when it comes to BW.

    I don't think most BM "settle" for less desirable(i.e., grossly overweight, unattractive, unintelligent, emotionally dependent/unstable etc.).

    It's just that when you see an "average" BM with a "less than average" WW...it is easier to notice. There is certainly an equal if not greater number of BM with BW that aren't much to write home about....it's just that no one cares.

    If a BM falls in love w/a homely WW...how is that any different than a 160 lb brotha trying to date a 250 lb sista with 10 lbs of weave....generally people are evenly yoked. That decent looking BM w/a "less desirable" (physically speaking) WW may not have a job...or charming personality etc....the WW might have other good attributes....giving the couple balance

    OK I HAVE SAID TOO MUCH..... :oops:
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    10lbs of weave..

    have you lost yo mind??


    on a side note.. i remember watching two black jawns fight..and one of them had some "tracks" of her weaved yanked right out of her hair..

    that sh*t was off the hook...


    ...not that I condone violence amongst women...
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    All the guys that have said they have seen BM with "trashy" WW have also stated they have seen pretty WW with BM.

    You stated that quote as if we haven't seen it.(Not tryint to come at you crazy or nothin).

    Maybe some people see it less than others.

    Maybe some see it more than others.

    Depends on their 'perception' of who's what.
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yo, you came straight at his NECK with that one, son!


    I ain't tryin to start nuthin...
  19. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Hell some of the are acting like it is the majority of brothers they see with so called bottom of the barrel chicks. They acting like negative nellies up in here.

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