A night out - some observations

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Rosa,do some of those Black men date women who look like Amy Winehouse-before the punk look?
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Like I said Ronja you never bring out the stats pertaining to your country or even your region.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    and you won't be getting them...

    as for amy winehouse..

    i feel sorry for a brotha who gets stuck with her nutty a$$

  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    She was fine four years ago but now she is like a famine case from Africa plus having the punk tats.
  5. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I did. You've got the whole world in that link.

    Anyway, do you speak any Scandinavian language? If not, It'll be rather impossible to find anything specific you even understand. English isn't exactly the official language here, so any official documents, newspaper articles etc, will be in our own languages. Since you claim to have been here, I simply assumed you knew that already.

    However, if you do speak Swedish, Danish or Norwegian I'll happily find you some info. Hell, I'll even do it if you speak Finnish, or Sami!!!

    Anyway, if that link I send to you was hard for you to read: you're the 9th fattest country in the world. We're number 90, 91, and 108...
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    How come you don't answer the questions you're being asked?
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Ronja there is just two words-translate them. I don't want to translate the entire thing just the ones the said of Black men who date White women in your country. Where does it rank? Some bros date a woman like Victoria Silvstedt and some date common women.
  8. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You want me to find stats over how many bm date pretty women vs ugly women in Scandinavia? :shock:

    Sorry, we would never make statistics over such a thing. I doubt they would in US either... who's to decide who's pretty or not. Dear lord...
  9. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Thats because there arent alot of fat chicks over there.The U.S has one of the highest obesity rates in the world.
  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Malikom has answered all questions.
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Victoria.. :smt055 ...
  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You didn't even answer that one...
  13. rosa

    rosa New Member

    I don't really read the celebrity mags to know everyone she's been with, but no, I haven't seen any black guys with girls like her.

    But cmon, although I don't listen to her stuff, you gotta admit that Winehouse has a cool voice at least.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Scarlett Johanssen (spelling?), yes..

    Natalie Rataliano (again, too lazy to look up spelling), yes...

    Amy Winehouse......maybe after 1 bottle of vodka straight....5 pounds of cannibus, and a hit on the head with a 20 lb hammer...


    She's just a bit tooooo wild for me..

    some dudes here would like that in a woman tho

  15. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I answered all questions.Are you talking about your little "African American guys are failures" rant-like paragraphs a few posts back?
  16. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    No, you haven't.

    I ask again:
    why don't you try to give us your opinion to this "problem"?
    And I'm talking reasons... not just "bm need to aim higher" *cry cry cry*
    I do not believe you are correct at all. But assuming you are, what's the reason for bangin' chicks not wanting you. Well, you personally I can understand. You would probably have a problem getting BOTB-women as well...

    Well, I shouldn't have to explain that question, should I?

    Malikom, you're such a crybaby. Seriously. You wanted a discussion. You specifically asked for it, but only whine. Me and Karma are the only ones who have even tried giving you reasons. Even you haven't tried finding any. WTF? When you ask for a discussion, it's normal to partition in it. We can all start posting pictures if that's what you want. It won't lead us anywhere though.

    When Karma answered, your only reply was "speak for yourself", like you are not speaking for yourself. There's perhaps 3 people who somewhat agrees with you, so I don't know who you are speaking on behalf of if it isn't you. It's certainly not the majority of people!
  17. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Just simply going for better quality white women.Is that so hard to conclude?
    mwaaaa would have a problem getting bottem of the barrel women? :lol:
    I DONT WANT bottom of the barrel white women,so i see no problem there.Yuck.What right minded brother would lay with an obese or overweight white women?Oh thats right,NO right minded brother.All the insecure ugly bafoons would step over a hot black girl,for a balooga whale white woman.They take what they can get.Look @ the white dudes,they dont look twice @ ugly black chicks.They go for the good looking beyonce,rihanna,gabrielle union,halle berry types.An insecure brother would settle for a rosanne instead of going furthur for a scarlett johanson.

    sad sad sad

    Reasons for what?Why brothers date bottem of the barrel white girls?I already went over this.Alot of these dudes think that theyve accomplished an amazing fete.Just look at their faces and watch how they smile walking with their BOTB fat,ugly,white trash, looking chick.

    Heres how i see it.Any brother with his head out of the gutter ( :lol: ) will agree with me.Ive been to other boards and they have agreed with me on how black dudes need to step up their standards in white women,and women in general.The only ones who want to bump heads and argue,you guessed it,are dating or married to fat,ugly white women!

  18. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Ok, so getting back to my original question, I've picked out a few useful answers:

    This one isn't quite so relevant.
    So, to summarise...
    my learning from this are:
    * The group of guys themselves are fairly homogenous
    * It's (apparently) not a regular occurrence - only just here
    (my comments on this are that we don't really have a "black" population and that all the "black" people here are either international students or refugees)
    * They're from a demographic (perhaps) that is attracting these types
    * Mix in the invariable human curiosity when crossing the colour barrier
    * They're away from home for the first time, in a fairly relaxed environment
    * They're all fairly young.

    Things I still can't answer.
    * There's not a single person, in a group of 100's, which is different enough to attract a differen type of chick.
    * The one's here are at uni and are fairly wealthy, and have mostly come from private schools - why is the demographic they're picking up so "low". Guys I know from here in that category would never date or hang out with these chicks.
    * Whether there is some other cultural thing going on here.

    Ok - keep debating about fat chicks now! ......
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Malikom,here is a woman who demands answers to questions you have already reponded. Like I mentioned time and time again she never resonds to things pertaining to IR in her country. Is she too lazy to find the stats of brothers in her country who date women who are the bottom of the beauty chain?
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    this is from a man that can't get a date anywhere in the us or europe...leave ronja alone or i will have to ninja kick your butt to another continent :axe:

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