A night out - some observations

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you called karma...as a prominent member of the american pc squad...ronja's data is correct and since she is a pregnant female she gets a pass every once in awhile...i'm not offended...

    malikom took his jab at me and so did philly...i could care less what some bm that refuses to produce a picture thinks about me or any other ww on this forum for that matter...it kind of reminds me of grade school when the boys used pull the girls hair...or chase them at recess...obviously getting my attention only lets them win...i am so damn bored with all the bitching men on this site that the girls and i are planning to get away from all of you and drink margaritas by the pool that some really hot hispanic guy is serving us... :twisted:
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Please tell me...where do you get a "happyness" meter?
    Who are you do say whether these guys are decent and that these women are below their standards?

    I didnt say you said that ww are scraping the BOTB by dating bm. But you did use the following adjectives and/or phrases to describe these women:scary, non-envious, immature, party-loving, hip-hop obsessed, skanky, loser, not that great of a catch, fat, daggy, scary, old, dodgy, and STUPID!

    FSP, you may need to get sarcasm radar tweeked too because I was being sarcastic. I wasnt attacking her personally (I dont even know her) but making the point that the sword cuts both ways.

    *in my Charlton Heston-10 Commandments voice* "Dont judge thy neighbor unless thy is prepared to be judge by thy neighbor...or something like that..."
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I hadn't noticed but then again I don't pay much attention to her posts

    Well Lipstick chimed in, the others will be around soon. :lol:





  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    "War of Da Masses, the Outcome Disastrous..
    Many Of Da Victims' Families, Saved Thay Ashes"

    - Old Wu Banger
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Oh, Soulthinker does!!! He's sort of my own, personal little stalker....

    Soul, you wanted datas: here's a link for you

    No, No. We're all here spreading peace and harmony...

  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    What would Magic have to say about that? :lol:
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I think BM like bigger women period. I've seen BM with chubby women of all races. I saw a BM the other day with a chubby Asian chick. :lol: The average BM is bigger/stockier than the average WM so it makes perfect sense to me. When a normal sized BM is with a big BW people think it's natural as apple pie, but if it's a big WW all hell breaks loose.

    Asked and answered.
  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    magic would be happy that i am enjoying time with my girlfriends :twisted:
  10. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Hey, congratulations. A serious well-thought reply! I'm very proud of you!

    Now we can have a real discussion. Explaining by socio-economic factors and the general weight-problem in the US (and the rest of the western world for that matter), strangely enough doesn't seem to make me a lot of friends...

    So, what do you people think of what Karma is saying? Could there be some truth in it?
  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Sorry man speak for yourself,because you arent speaking for me.
  12. malikom

    malikom Banned

    and @ ronja,i see white dudes who are considered "bottom of the barrel" and i still see them with pretty looking white chicks.You're average black dude that has a descent job and dates interracially,most likely dates fat/ugly white girls.The only time i really see good looking white girls with black dudes,is with celebs and i doubt many of them would have them if they didnt have all that money.Alot of athletes are dumb as rocks.Just watch how they talk and try to be articulate during interviews.You know damn well their white gfs wouldnt be with them if they didnt have that money.

    How come the white man can potentially get the BEST of our women(black women)..from looks to intelligence to elegance....yet we cant get the best of their women?Its because brothers dont even try.They rather settle for anything they can get ( aka the white mans leftovers).I see good looking black women with white men all the time,then ill look and see a black dude with a fat nasty white girl and it bothers the hell out of me.Not because the dating a white girl.But because the white guy can get the best of our women,and we cant get the best of his.We've became a filter for the white men who want to filter out all the fat and uglies.Shit is sooooooo sad

    Personally,i know some black dudes who are ugly as hell who date interracially,yet still refuse to date fat ugly bottom of the barrel white women.I applaud them for that.Fat chicks are nasty regardless of race;but what really is a stomach turner for me is when i see these dumb insecure brothers getting with a white chick just because shes white.Thanks to these idiots we got more stereotypes.Even other races say that trashy white women tend to date black men.Thanks to the insecure black men,fattys from all diff ethnic groups will come running to us thinking we like obese,disgusting whale women.
    Have some damn standards,brothas, and stop this madness.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Come on. You asked for explanations. Yet all you do is whine. It doesn't even suit you.

    You asked for a serious debate on this, and wanted explanations. Ours are obviously not good enough, so why don't you try to give us your opinion to this "problem"?
  15. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Brothers need to start going after these




    not these





    :smt078 :smt078 :smt078 :smt078
  16. seviya

    seviya New Member

    This has been an interesting read, particularly because people are hurling generalizations left and right. I don't mind this as it's a perfectly normal way to communicate, but it of course gets everyone riled up - as in, My generalization is better than yours, or more accurate, or more whatever.

    Big sweeping theories are very satisfying when talking about things like this, but the reality is often much different.

    For example, this past weekend I happily saw over 10 interracial couples - and every one of them BM/WW. Nary an overweight woman in sight, though why weight automatically equals trash to some of you is beyond me. Every single couple looked quite well turned-out, especially one who was dressed to the nines (probably just came back from a wedding, it was that formal of dress).

    Is this just in my city? I hardly think so. Everyone in their town can draw inferences about what they see (including me), but humans are really too varied to accurately describe them with these kinds of semantics. At the end of the day, it's all pretty pointless.

    I don't think anyone participating in this discussion (save those who've withdrawn) is actually arguing about the facts. They're just trying to see who can shout the loudest . . .
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    I think you may be over-reacting, just a little bit....

    You are presenting us with two very extreme sides of the scales..

    on one end, we have the severely obese...and on the other, we have female actresses, with professional pictures and god-knows-what kinds of makeup on...

    show me a few nice lookin' white girls, from the block, or from the burbs, in their natural environment..

    i'll take them over what you have up here, anyday
    unless it's carmen electra..

  18. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    once again. board members are caught up in the idea of TRUTH and PERCEPTION.

    why are all the super active posts the ones containing hate? what is this?
  19. rosa

    rosa New Member

    I'm not gonna pass any judgements or judgements of judgements now, but what I've observed here in east london is not what has been described. When I chance upon a BM/WW couple, the girl is 90% of the time very pretty and modestly fashionable with long blond hair... and I've also observed that the guy is usually not dressed in streetwear but in a sharp/trendy Vogue mag sense. Or he is a dreadlocked rastafarian-style geezer.

    Same goes for WM/BW couples in fact, in terms of dress sense.

    I haven't seen many black guys with a street/hiphop style having a white chick in their arm except in clubs where it looks like it's gonna be an one-night thing. That's when I've seen white girls that are a bit more average-looking.

    But basically I've never seen anyone with a female that doesn't have something going for her. I don't know what you people are talking about. And in the end it's a matter of taste. Some like their women to be big!
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    come here to philadelphia..


    I've seen my share of thug homies with equally thuggish white boos with big, circle style ear rings, that would cut yo face for blowing smoke in her direction...

    I've also seen, as you mentioned, trendy types...mainly around university city/downtown philadelphia, which is "college land." Here you have Temple, University of Penn (expensive ivy college), and Drexel, which are just hotbeds for curious college students, away from mommy and daddy. Usually you see them in casual wear, or more formal outfits.

    Either way, I like to see race-mixing, as I mentioned in dozens of other posts..

    Big, skinny, doesn't matter.. They all ease the idea of interracial coupling, and others will follow suit once the taboo of it wears off..

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