A night out - some observations

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Thank you.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    aye, I got your back


    btw, how do you know african-americans have the worst reputation on the planet?

    is there some sort of mathematical equation, that only a select few people know about, that produces that result, or what..
  3. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    yeah yeah...
    Back on topic...

    Does anyone of you have a better, or even another, explanation to what Malikom is saying?

    If not, do you at least have an idea about what to do with your "bangin' chick"-problem?

    Now, let me just spread a bit of love first, cause I'm starting to feel mean. That's what happens to people with conscience...

    P.S: I didn't say "the worst" reputation, I said "probably the worst". But ok , I'll admit it, perhaps you don't have the worst reputation on the planet. But in the western world, definitely... Sorry... It might be because you're so good at spreading your own "culture" through music etc... a huge number of those rap-artists are not exactly good ambassadors... I don't know though- I'm just trying to give you what might be one explanation...
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    why not just ask the man himself...before his account gets banned

  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Ronja obviously got her feelings hurt or else she wouldn't be lashing out like a child. :lol:

    Let's see if the female PC Squad jumps on her for saying most Americans (and by inference American white women) are fat. :roll:
  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    What little I know of Ronja (based on her posts here) I think she was being sarcastic. Lets all just relax a little. (Did I just say that?) At least I hope she was, but my sacasm radar has been screwed up the last month or so.

    The problem is she let Malikom get under her skin and now she's on the war-path. (Ronja, your my girl, but thats just the way it sounds.) And Im not saying she's being defensive becuase she falls into Malikom or FEHG's "little group." But I think she's fed-up with the whole "having to defend IR relationships and people judging other people." (If I may be so bold to speak on her behalf.)
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    "no good shall come from this"

    - How to Survive in the Projects Rule #1
  8. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I don't think they will. Anyone who watches TV or read a newspaper occasionally, knows that the whole western world got a serious obesity-problem. With you guys in the lead...

    Here's what United states department of health and human services write:
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    A black bespectacled ninja has never spoke truer (?) words.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    wu-tang project ninja

  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    All this data from a 300 lb. pregnant chick. Oh the irony.

    Let it go, Ronja.
  12. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Also only MR.T is allowed to pity. :D
  13. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Is "you're fat and ugly" really the best argument your brain is capable of producing?

    I've already dared people: make some real arguments, and we can have a SERIOUS discussion about this, as Malikom so desperately wanted.

    So, Karma: Why do YOU think BM mostly get fat chicks?
  14. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Oooooh shit... :smt073
  15. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member


    In case you didn't read my previous posts - I am not bothered...It was merely an observation, which I thought warranted some discussion...Since this is a website to discuss ww/bm issues...

    The people I am referring to do not appear happy - as illuded to in a previous post also.

    I'm no in Zim - I'm in Australia and my bf is from Zim - the group of people are from Zim. I originally referred to it as ww/african men..but re-thought, because the group is wholly from Zim, so perhaps its a cultural things from there.

    You are perfectly correct - maybe other people do see me as BOTB..I would not argue with you there. As also previously stated, many of his friends probably wonder what he's doing with me, as I am quiet and shy and unlike everyone else...hence my comments on why I can't find anyone to chat to...

    I also previously stated that "it is probably me" because I realise that
    I am the odd one out here.

    And I never said that ww are scraping the barrel by dating the bm...what I actually said was I don't know why these otherwise seemingly decent bm are (what I consider to be) dating below what they could get. I don't even have a problem with that - There isn't a single one who is considered "a catch" in polite circles...not one...that is something I find strange...

    Go to any group, any club, and there will be somewhat of a mix going on - this group - completely homogenous demographic...I was wondering why.
  16. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Seriously, Fehg, I can't imagine anyone who has read your posts in the past put you in with the 'low self-esteem, any man will do' group. And you were simply posting an observation and asking about it - it's a freaking forum created for the purpose of discussion. WTF?

    And jelly, maybe I'm taking that whole paragraph wrong - but what is up with the personal attacks? I really think you could have made whatever point you thought was necessary without going there.
  17. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    KarmaC, Ronja always brings out the stats of ever other nation but her own. As for the female PC police,I believe the crickets are chirping.
  18. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    :D thanks fsp.
    No, I don't think I'm in that category...but what other people think of me, I don't know....and it's true that if I am thinking thes things about other people, then they may very well be thinking them about me...That's life.

    I know what I am and what I'm not...and I'm totally ok with that.

    But I do believe in the "don't judge lest you be judged idea". If I make these statements, I have to be prepared for other people to think poorly of me. The fact is, I just don't let it bother me.

    Unfortunately, a very good way to study things (in all of nature) is to group/catagorise/find commonalities and draw conclusions. It's not fool proof, and doesn't result in complete truisms, but it is a method to form understanding. That is how steretypes exist...

    I would most definitely rather be single than go down the "any man will do" path! ;)

    ok, I was posting an observation with the hope that people will debate and come to some conclusions as to why this is occurring. If I thought I had all the answers in my head, I wouldn't have bothered.... which is the point of a forum (as you said).
  19. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  20. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    I guess malcom made ronja show her true colors.....

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