A major game changer, but is humanity ready? opinion

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by briancali, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. briancali

    briancali Member

    I was peering through this subject for over a week, and reading both argument and counter arguments about the integrity of the finding. However if this is true, it can change the entire globe hundred fold, in every region on earth. It this is a false alarm or those in power who prohibit further undertaking of this technology then the status quote continue. However i have the feeling what has been publish is true. Here are some links.






    new outlet in United States

    News in Italy and interview.

    Breakdown what it means for everyone on Earth. this is 51 minutes.

    Can you imagine the possibility of not depending on oil, gas or utilities company for electricity or heat? Also, this technology can make space travel a catwalk. According to scientist with current technology a trip to mars is approximately 18 months, however with fusion base technology a trip to mars will only amount to 30 days. That is where we are at now, and the possibilities is endless, but are we ready? Also, to let everyone know this technology is environmental friendly.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I hope that this turns out to be successful. Having lower/no utility bills would help families immensely. Improvements in space travel would be good for everyone also. Perhaps these kinds of technologies should be used in "third-world countries" first, then it should spread to industrialized countries such as ours.

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