http://schoolsofthought.blogs.cnn.c...rgia-students-first-racially-integrated-prom/ ROCHELLE, GA - CNN is reporting that a south Georgia high school will hold two proms this year: one segregated and one integrated. This will be the first time the Wilcox County High School has held an integrated prom. The events are funded by parents and students -- not the school system. The integrated prom was organized this week after a group of seniors took charge. It is set for April 27th. Earlier this week, the NAACP met with the Wilcox County School Board and backed those seniors in their plan.
Reminds me of the documentary Prom Night in Mississippi. It was a documentary in which Morgan Freeman went to this high school in Mississippi which will do its first integrated prom. [YOUTUBE]A7HamzMKsEw[/YOUTUBE] As normal, white parents were outraged, while the black parents were more than eager to come to the integrated prom. As for the students, both black and white, they liked the idea and went along with it, although the [white] parents funded the white only prom themselves. And yet, there were white parents that were open to their children doing the integrated prom and some of them tend to be against interracial romance.
Very cool story. It's so nice to see young people speaking up, making changes, and doing what's right. I do wonder though...what about the students who aren't black or white? What dance do they attend? My kids are would that work?! It's stories like these though that make me realize how lucky I am to have grown up in Los Angeles and San Diego. Everything was integrated growing up. Interracial relationships were everywhere, so segregated dances would've never worked! I applaud these students for having the courage to go against the grain in an effort to unify their school and enjoy time together. Pretty brave for 17 and 18 year olds.
In america, when it comes down to mixed race people in segregated settings, they typically put you in with w/e you look like. I'll use myself as an example, when I got locked up, because of my last name and outward appearance I had to go with the latinos, even though I was pretty dark by comparison.
i saw the story last nite on cnn and they did interview a young guy that were against the intergrated prom
Newsflash Georgia it's 2013 I mean seriously what decade do these folks live in in that school district. This shit shouldn't even need a headline. An absolute disgrace of society that seemingly can't evolve.
Seriously, talk about stuck in time. Sounds like some shit straight out of Gone With The Wind down there in that part of Georgia.
Boo this is the US your kids are black despite them having a white mother. Ask Tam or some of the other mothers with biracial kids. In this backwards ass country its not recognized.
Trust me my friend, I'm well aware how biracial kids in this country are categorized. It was more of a rhetorical question. My point was that there's gray in life...its not all black and white.