90% of BM cheat

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Seychelles, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Thank you :smt058 . I agree.
  2. Genuine

    Genuine Guest

    Right back at you, sweetie. :smt058 :smt060
  3. realthang

    realthang New Member

    I do not buy into this stereotype. I have dated plenty of white, latin, and black men alike. If they are going to cheat...guess what skin color doesn't have a damned thing to do with it. The biggest cheater I ever dated was a white guy. He was like a dog in a park full of water hydrants. Poor boy, just couldn't do. He has been married twice and has 6 kids, of course all different moms...man I am glad I cut him loose.
  4. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    This shite just harks back to the same crap that justified slavery - black men are like animals so let's treat them like it.

    I don't care what the stats say as they will never be accurate as most cheats probably get away with it.
  5. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Black Men cheating.(slightly OT)

    :( Those kinds of stereotypes are hurtful.Most people from what I've seen on here don't buy into that sort of thing, but it does kind of make me feel bummed .Somewhat off the topic, but at times I view the news and find myself cringing when a bunch of crime related stories get run and the perpetrators all happen to be black men.It may seem crazy as a question, but white women, deep down what impressions come to you when and if you witness reported crimes where the alleged perp is black? Is it just another news story, or do you ever find yourself thinking other wise?Have negative news or media events involving black men ever made you question your dating choices?Just a question I have always wondered about.
  6. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    God bless you, honey.
  7. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Re: Black Men cheating.(slightly OT)

    it makes me wonder if its the type of "negative attention" that makes the bad deeds of a specific group very ''interesting'' while if someone else did it, is would be nothing so exciting as to show on TV.

    I dont think it could make any sane person question her dating choices as in question dating BM since one is perfectly capable of telling by herself what kind of person is the person she is dealing with
  8. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Stereotypes and Myths

    :D Well, thanks for answering. I have at times wondered when I approached a white female, and she passed on my invitation, whether or not it was just me as an individual, or black men in general? And if the answer was the second choice, was that due to some negative impressions of black males?I think it depends on the individual-but I love the fact that you were nice enough to respond, so thanks. :D
  9. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Re: Stereotypes and Myths

    Oh yes, Im sure there are prejudiced people too, and there will always be, I thought you were talking about women who's dating choices already include BM.

    so anyway, you're welcome lol, even though i dont know why you ask something if you already know the answer ha ha :D :p
  10. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Stereotypes and Myths

    :D I said I "think" but if I ask you a question, it's usually because I want to know.It's a different perspective.While I was growing up, and first began realizing, for an example, that I was very attracted to white females, when I approcahed them, you wouldn't believe some of the off-the -wall things I would hear as objections to my seeing them.So, even though you "think" you know, it never hurts to ask-and it helps one get outside of their own head about the situation.
    Thanks so much for your kindness in understanding. :D
  11. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Re: Stereotypes and Myths

  12. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    Re: Black Men cheating.(slightly OT)

    I love that you ask this, Wedlock! (And forgive the delayed reply; I think I needed to have joined the site a year or two earlier?!! :p)

    For me, when I see crimes reported with perpetrators of 'x' ethnicity, (notice how references are made to black or other ethnicities but not when tis a white offender) I feel angry and dismayed. Because of course, *white* is the "norm" and therefore the "natural" assumption (at least in a racist culture where white is the dominant culture) AND of course it becomes important to distinguish that in THIS heinous crime it wasn't a white perpetrator. *sigh* I fret about the propoganda fed to the general (read gullible) public on the topic of race, and how this insidious beast continues to be fed by mainstream media.

    Of course, I speak as a white Australian woman without a tv, so my exposure levels are different to mainstream America (not to mention my political values! *beam*).

    Thanks muchly for inviting discussion on this topic (and apologies if tis hijacking OP?!!). *climbs off soapbox*
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    does wedlock even post here anymore

  14. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    lol I have no idea! Comments still stand though! ;)

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