and her boyfriend, who is married to another girl is black with an illegitimate child. He's becoming a very strong "person of interest." Expect a MAJOR setback if this guy was involved with the disappearance of this woman. So sad...
I was watching that break on Nancy Grace a couple of days ago - she was pretty low key about him - she didn't bring up his race at all, I wouldn't have known if she hadn't shown a picture of him. Nancy Grace makes me want to hit my head against a wall, but I have to give her credit for not blowing that issue up right away.
Yeah i've been following this case. Hell, even Fox News have been covering it. O'Reilly talked about it on Monday and Greta Van Susteren devoted time to it on her show. I know i am biased here, but i hope the woman is found alive.
Damn I must live under a rock (no actually I don't watch news on TV, I just read online and there it has not surfaced yet, well until now in this forum).
i doubt she is alive...her 2 year old told grandma that mommy was rollled in the carpet...the strange thing is that he didn't say daddy rolled mommy in the carpet...they found bleach on the floor...a baby has been found...i haven't heard if it was hers or not... this is not a black/white issue here...this type of scenario is running rampant in the states...
My wishes are twofold; first & foremost I hope that she's found alive & well & second, if she is not, I sincerely hope that brotha had nothing at all to do with it :!: :?
Based on a report i read, the local cops are trying to frame the brotha because he's a key witness in a discrimination suit brought against the Canton Police Department. Interesting .........
This is in my state, so it's on the local new all the time. Like lipstick said, the son gave vivid details, and if Bobby had done it, wouldn't the boy have mentioned his dad? Of course it's possible that he's in on it, but had someone else do the dirty work. I'm hoping not. Since she is pregnant, and there has been a rash of these cases where a woman kidnaps a pregnant woman for the baby, I'm thinking it could be a babynapper. Esp. since a newborn baby was found abandoned on a door step not too far from there (don't know if it's her's yet). They could've killed her for the baby, then had second thoughts. If so, it wouldn't make sense that Bobby would be involved.
Last night Nancy Grace (apparently I am a glutton for punishment b/c I always seem to end up watching her) had the missing girl's mom on. the mom made a point of saying she didn't want this to become a circus about the guy and his wife and her daughter. She is trying to keep the focus on the missing girl. But Nancy slipped her a few questions like did the wife know about your daughter? Did she know your duaghter was pregnant? Did your daughter think he would divorce his wife? Felt bad for the mom - she is obviously exhausted and just barely holding on. Then to get hit with unnecessary q's like that - rough.