1. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    What makes me sick is all of these first reponders turning up with cancer and the US government doing NOTHING to help them. More studies are needed yet today they haul them all out as heroes!

    Take care of your fucking heroes. They make me sick
  2. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    I was in school at the time. I was in the 6th grade and I was 11. My teacher got a notification saying that the towers were hit and one of them collapsed. Parents started pickup up their kids early from school. I went home at usual dimissal time. When I went home. I saw what had happened during the day. I was young at the time so I really didn't know what to feel or to understand. At the time I didn't fully understand it or why it was happening.

    I live on Long Island, NY. We lost alot of people that were from here. It had a huge impact on us as New Yorkers since it happened here.
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I remember it well myself. Ironically I just left from my job at a newspaper after typing on the computer,the night before firemen came to check out a fire alarm system which went off which every one at the place went accross the street. Anyway, that morning I then went to a cafe and got my breakfast. I then went home and turn on the set and saw on the Today show smoke billowing from the first Trade Center,then I saw the next plane hit. It was a shock and even though I knew it was Bin Laden it was still shocking as the last Trade Center collased. Everything closed down in Raleigh,NC that day. Over the years those flag waving conservatives who professed to be more patriotic than liberals and anyone did not lift a finger to help the people who went through the wreakage:firemen,first responders,policemen etc in way of financial resources. It took so long for a 9-11 Comission and much more help in prevention of another terrorist attack. Sadly the government did not harness the sythpathetic feelings of the world to the US to get Bin Laden and instead swandered it in going to Iraq. To this day firemen from NYC have not gotten a better pay raise and their brothers and sisters in Wisconsin and Ohio are getting screwed by their GOP governors. Talk is always cheap and action speaks louder than words.

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