88 year old WWII war hero beaten to death by two teens

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Stumper, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    Even Beavis and Asshead should be able to understand this.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lost a few friends on fb because I pointed this out. They post shit like the baby who supposedly got shot by two black teens (the sister of the baby says it was bullshit and the father supposedly had gun powder residue even though he was allegedly at home at the time of the incident) and the Australian ball player incident and these dudes start screaming bloody murder about justice. When I say justice has been served since the people responsible were caught and will definitely go to jail they don't want to hear it.
    There is thing bubbling with a lot of white people where they think they are the persecuted group in this country and desperately want things to go back to the 50s when minorities knew their place.
  3. shaft2k4

    shaft2k4 Active Member

    The way racists are still crying over Zimmerman you'd think the guy actually got convicted or something.

    He was acquitted and his supporters are still angry. Now every case of black on white crime that makes headlines elicits comparisons to the Trayvon killing.

    People suggesting white folks protest while calling out Revs. Al and Jesse. To protest what exactly?

    How does his case even compare to ones with black suspects who are promptly arrested and jailed?
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You hit that on the head Shaft. Using those crimes by Black males to justify the aquittal of Mr.Z who by the way went to a gun factory:the same company that made his gun who killed Mr.Martin. Bill O'Reilly had this poll on which had he was condesending to Lavar Burton. I've not forgotten that O'Reilly used this stat of Black males are doing more crime than Whites. I would be mad at O'Reilly myself being a Black male.
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Shaft,did you notice the right wingers did not mention how those three young men got caught? Those guys threatened another young Black male whose dad called the cops.
  6. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Ok, America has the problem since statistically the majority of blacks are law abiding, but they can't see that.

    However, do you think black leadership is partially to blame? Ie - Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson? Couldn't it just be possible to openly and honestly admit that Obama has actually worsened race relations in the country? Since he's the president, it does affect us heavily because he is law abiding and productive, represents us, yet is criticized as a race baiter.

    FYI, we have plenty of people here on this site that don't like Obama either. The post below explains what exactly the media bias/problem is, from the perspective of a white male that I agree with.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You need to be careful to filter those sources you seek to educate yourself from, Mikey.

    Operation Push is a marginal organization. They didn't invent racism and sure as hell don't perpetuate it. Pointing out racism doesn't make you a racist, I don't care what Faux News tells you.

    The NAACP is a race-baiting organization??? Really??:smt017

    MLK is irrelevant because he had sex outside of his marriage???lol
    Most of the 'great men' in history were not chaste or pure. It's their ideas and message we uplift, not the necessarily the men themselves.

    If that's the best argument you have against MLK, your head is seriously fucked up. Might as well tear up the Constitution right now because all those dead fuckers owned slaves.

    This is a typical tactic used by racists; tear down the individuals and institutions who historically have battled against racism, them claim it's the OTHER who are the real racists, despite evidence to the contrary.

    SHarpton and Jesse Jackson know how to manipulate the media to advance causes, but they aren't inventing or perpetuating racism. It's insane to believe if neither man existed, race relations would be better today.

    How the hell Mikey is Obama a race-baiter?? Please explain this.
    When one of your best friends, a professor at Harvard has the local PD called on him because one of his neighbors thinks thinks he's breaking into his OWN HOUSE, you can understand why a Black man of a certain age with a lifetime of accomplishments would be angry about being racially profiled.

    The only way Obama has made race relations worse in this county is because there is a significant percentage of Americans who believe a Black man should never be POTUS or live in the White House.

    His mere existence is a provocation to bigots.

    I do agree minorities can be perpetrators of hate crimes, but take that shit up with the justice system.lol.

    How has AG Eric Holder made race relations worse in this country??
    The Supreme Court overturned specific clauses in the Voting Rights Act and you see the insanity that's taking place in a state like NC, where they're trying to pass a law that says being a student in the state means you aren't a permanent resident and therefore don't have the right to vote.

    Ignoring racism doesn't make it go away Mikey. Obama winning a 2nd term doesn't mean racism took a holiday.

    Ask yourself why this particular Congress more than any other REFUSES to compromise or co-sponsor any legislation with this POTUS, even ideas that originally were their own??

    The Affordable Healthcare Act was a conservative idea, that everyone pays into a national healthcare system which allows consumers to price shop for the most affordable coverage. But when it's proposed by Obama it's the second coming of the Communist Revolution.

    Don't let the racists run game on you Mikey. Most of them don't even realize they are racists.

    Anyone who can't get past MLK's contribution to this country because he slept around on his wife....IMO is probably a racist and is looking for any excuse to camouflage their bigotry.

    What I am learning is the Angry White Man Syndrome is very real.

    I thought that shit was made up BS, but apparently too many White dudes feel like the (Black)Man is trying to hold em down.:smt009.......:smt042

    Stay angry.
    I see your brotha in the WH and raise you a woman POTUS and a Clinton!!!!!
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I repeat: If you truly believe that black people and black people only, are the root of all the crime & other woes that plague American society, then believe it and PLEASE stop wasting your time & the time of those of us who know better by trying to convince us otherwise.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Someone please rep this man since I'm still not able to at this time. Thank You.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    Rest in PEACE, good man.

    To think he made it through getting shot in the Battle of the Pacific, only to be savagely beaten by two punk 16 yr-old pieces of shit cowards!

    SUCH cowards that they used a heavy flashlight on an old man whose only mistake was to wait for a female friend to arrive, so she wouldn't have to walk in the bar alone!!! A gentleman to the end!
    His killer scumbags have at least 6 prior offenses, including a conviction for assault and robbery just last month. Disgusting.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Done. Excellent points
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What are you, BB #2? "Supposedly" my ass.

    What does the sister know - she wasn't there.

    FYI, the father touched his wife's wounds after the fact - THAT'S how slight residue ended up.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's really weird for the boy's sister to say the mother is.lying. it raises an eyebrow sorry.
    And regardless they're in jail so case closed.
  14. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Let your self never be dissuaded from what you personally see and perceive…. You are a beacon of hope and an isolated knight for your generation. If ALL Black American men in your age group had your intellect and desire to travail through college, we would be the apple of the nations eye….Stay encouraged young brother....
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    What about all of us Black American that have gotten a higher education (including yourself) and are being positive & contributing members of society now? We don't count? Our accomplishments mean nothing? So how do you see the next generation's accomplishments making Black people "the apple of the nations eye"?
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Those two dummies hate being black quote me on that. Smdh

  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't get what their point is or what it is they want the rest of us to understand. Like I've said, if they truly believe that black people are really the bane of American society, then they are welcome to believe it. Just stop trying to beat the rest of us who don't over the head with that mindset to gets us on the bandwagon with them.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They're miserable wretches. Misery loves company. If they believed it was the truth they wouldn't be trying so hard to convince you. When's the last time someone had to convince you that the sky was blue.
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Funny how Mikey is praised for being "positive" for having a negative attitude towards black people as a whole in society, but those of us who have a positive attitude towards our own are the "negative" ones. :confused:
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I'm going to make it glaringly clear for everyone to understand what exactly I'm trying to advocate with some pictures instead of text and words.

    This is a basic explanation of what I'm talking about. Are you able to understand what I'm trying to prove.

    I am against this. There is obviously a percentage of our race that represents this.

    I am advocating for this. A percentage of our race is representative of this.

    When things like this happen, Americans think of blacks based on what the first image shows and not the second one. Just because I dislike a particular class of blacks does not mean that I dislike the entire race.

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