5000 Post Shout-Outs!

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Inner Beauty, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    This is my 5000 post shout-out. I want to thank you all for making my posting experience interesting and then some.

    Los Angeles: You're a cool dude in more ways than one.

    Bookworm616: You're definitely my sister from another mister.

    karmacoma.: You're a guy with great intelligence, wit and charm all wrapped in one.

    Flyingeek: You're Halle Berry in the looks department and one of the coolest posters.

    Brotha Ajax: You're wise beyond your years and your body is yummy! lol

    pettyofficerj: You're just a walking sex machine, but very cool too!

    Tarshibear: You're definitely a sweetheart and always level-headed.

    Tony Soprano: You speak volumes with your pix and funny graphics.

    Espy: Your intelligence is amazing.

    You're definitely a cool cat. From your humor to your opinions.

    lipstick: You're a spunky lady who seems like a lot of fun.

    andrae09: You're down-to-earth, cool and intelligent. NY Reppin!

    ThickShawty: You're definitely a cool chick. Keep reppin' for us thick chicks!

    Persephone: You were the first to add me as a friend. You're too cool for words.

    Athena: You crack me up. I'd love to meet you in person.

    Liquid Swords: You're a Taurus, nuff said!

    christine dubois: I admire your wordly knowledge and your pix are awesome!

    JordanC: You're my friend in my head...lol You're so sweet and cool! Luv ya!

    francie1982: I love your wit and your humor.

    Be-you-tiful86: You're a kind soul who takes beautiful pix.

    GirlieGirl74: You're so down-to-earth and you're a really a pleasure to post with.

    Sir Nose: You're my candidate for my best personality.

    chicity: I admire your passion and your mind.

    suprchic73: My Twin! You're one of the coolest, down-to-earth chicks I've met in a long time.

    SmoothDaddy101: You're a gentleman personified.

    flaminghetero: I love your cuss them out and tell it like it is attitude.

    AdventurSum: You're a very cool, well-rounded and open-minded man.

    goodlove: I don't understand you a lot, but you do add to the site.

    (Like you don't know) You're sexy and intelligent, but a big asshole!

    You're always honest and down-to-earth.

    Loki: You're the posterchild for a real man.

    Like I always say, you have a beautiful mind!

    FRESH: You were the first to welcome me here. You're very cool and sexy!

    You seem like such an upstanding man. I admire that.

    Archman: Your love for feet makes me appreciate you tenfold.

    robina: You're definitely witty and spunky too.

    The End:
    You're too funny.

    You seem like a really cool dude....

    You exude sexiness and I've never seen you before...lol

    Raul Sinclair:
    You're handsome and a nice dude. NY Reppin!

    Tirkah: Your knowledge is underrated. You're definitely a cool dude!

    CarlosNevada: See Archman...lol

    You're a cool dude too! NY, but more importantly, Queens Reppin'! lol

    You're very wise for your age and you seem like such a cool chick.

    I love your intelligence and we seem to be on the same page.

    Dreaming_Blue: You open-mindnessed is very admirable.

    luvforeplay: You just seem like so much fun...lol

    Danke: Your mind and body are sexy....lol

    lightbrotha4u: You're definitely a gentleman.

    Nikon36: I like the way your mind works.

    CanadianNiceGrl: You're a lot of fun to talk to...lol

    Equinox and Blackbull1970: I haven't had a chance to post much with you, but you both have given me reps and I never forgot that!

    To anyone else I missed, I apologize. I tried to add folks I had the most interaction with. If I missed you, please let me know.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Finally I get a You seem like a really cool dude without having it followed with a "but you are making a scene sir so could you please leave" comment
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Thanks IB, and congrats on hitting 5,000! You contribute to making WWBM enjoyable for me. :smt038
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    how in da heck did u get to 5 K, didnt u just join like yesterday? for real I thought it was a joke then I saw the number under your avai, lol.
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I have been here for almost 5 years and it still amazes me how they get to 1000 let alone 5000.
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LOL! I don't see the latter from your posts....

    Thank you Chica!

    It's called talking too much and derailing a thread. It's easy...lol
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    coz u put to much thought process in your post. I just go barammmmmmm
    barammmmm like Flying Geek with out spell check and post, LMAO
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    AWWWW! Thank you my lovely sister!!!!
    You always make me feel good!
    Love you and Im right behind ya;-)
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Oh gee thank you - according to you, I dont put any thought process into my posts...
    *stomping away, and triips over her fett cuz I doan put anny thougght porcess inta itt*

    ps: fukk spel chek
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    You should prep your list now...LOL!
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Paging JB, paging JB, the spelling Nazi lol.
  12. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    what kind of gift do you give at 5K posts? lol

  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I want one!!!!!
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LOL! Thanx, cause mine is on the fritz...
  15. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    i'm saving up for a usb hummus bowl warmer for you, kiddo. ;)
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Bite your tongue GZ. I'm with FG screw spell check, any reasonably intelligent person can figure out what people mean... except goodlove, I honestly have a little trouble with his sometimes. Sorry goodlove, but you've gotten way better lately!
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Dont you go conjure up that again
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You do know the way to my heart AS!!!:prayer:
  19. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    wait a minute big fella...she gets a toaster...if lippy knew there were prizes for post count i would have been co-signing my life away...i better get busy...i a going to have to stay up all night and day for the next week to catch up...then i am on vacation for 10 days which means i will have more catching up to do...this is worse than work with all the deadlines i have to meet...do you think you could just slide me a toaster early? i promise to make you a nice toasted bagel sandwich after...well you know...no sense elaborating here...right?...or should i...aww...no
  20. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    no need to rush, that is the beta version of the toaster. i might have to get her another one after 10K posts. so by the time you get to 5K, i will have figured out the perfect gift for you. i'm thinking some next level type of liquid calcium storage container. hmm... are those milk baths warm or cold? :smt100

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