1. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    If you had to give up 1 of your 5 senses which would it be and why?

    I used to say smelling but tasting and smelling are connected to each other so you wouldnt be able to taste things the same way if you werent able to smell no more.
    So I would pick hearing. Everything you can hear you can also express in different ways,gestures,facial expressions,writing,....
    And I read that even music you can still can have some kind of feeling for when you are deaf
  2. veema

    veema Member

    Smell. It's summer ... in the city.
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I love music too damn much to ever want to give up my hearing, so I don't know what I'd be willing to give up.
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'd give up taste. I like food, but I'm nowhere near as attached to pizza as I am to my art, which relies on everything from sight, hearing, and touch, depending on if it's music I'm creating (or appreciating) or a painting I'm working on, or something I'm writing, or a scene I'm acting out, ect.

    If I couldn't feel the brush in my hand, I couldn't paint.

    If I couldn't see the paper, I couldn't draw.

    If I couldn't hear the music, I couldn't sing.

    so definitely taste. I'd probably eat healthier then, honestly, cause everything would go down to texture instead of taste. It'd be carrots all day long!

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