||InHouse|060513|NonMonogamy||famE| have you said these things? what would you add to the list
I have said the following; -Sex used to be fun -Is that it? I can add the following; -your a joke -what the fuck am I gonna do with that -thank god it didn't last long
You need to do a George Constanta and do the opposite of everything you normally do. The women you appear to attract sound like total twats and give the rest of us a bad name. I would also say that maybe you should take care of the birth control in future as you've talked about this subject twice now
I was just making a round statement from posts I've seen and agree with the last one you made in the male appreciation thread And don't get me started on Seinfeld, totally addicted to that show and did myself repeating one of its sayings on a daily. I'm tragic