[YOUTUBE]VonaKDZMLzU[/YOUTUBE] Let me get this straight. The previous department was planning on Firing this killer and this police department said glad to have him aboard. Not only this but this guy has had a break down and was thought to be too immature to be a cop. He was never fit to be an officer. I will give his previous employer congrats. You figured this crap out and did the right thing.
I seen an article on that too Amazing that a whack job from a small Podunk department that didn't want him, could land a sweet gig with a major metropolitan police force Talk about affirmative action
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jenni....html?utm_hp_ref=black-voices&ir=Black Voices I love how she mentions the 'adorable pudge' stage and how the nice treatment wears off once you start looking like an actual black MAN...couldn't be any truer I've seen reference to that before on other occasions waaaaaaay before any of this shit happened And while there is a thin blue line that exists, there are officers who are fed up and support the movement, ie the black police officer unions (remember..black cops have been facing their own brand of injustice aka the killing of a black undercover by a white cop) and that one retired white guy who shows up to protests in his dress uniform People really need to understand that even if blacks as a whole commit a lot of violent crimes (I'm not going to argue statistics), MOST blacks don't and aren't looking to kill a cop This is why it's illogical to approach us with fear, brutality and itchy trigger fingers
Since when is fear and racism considered logical? And blacks as a whole don't commit a lot of crimes blacks are more likely to be arrested and convicted again read about that criming while white shit. Whites commit crimes but when the people in charge look like you you're a lot more likely to catch a break. No arrest record. I record of wrong doing at all.
I SAID VIOLENT CRIME ie all those murders we keep reading about Gotdamn man Notice I didn't say blacks commit the majority of all crime or anything of that nature, due to skewed policing and reports that blacks are more likely to get arrested while whites werent
It was reported yesterday on a twitter feed that the shooting officer was classified by his former commanding officer as "emotionally-unstable" after being repeating caught crying in the police station bathroom during his shifts when his work wouldn't permit him to accompany his girlfriend to certain social events (he feared she would cheat on him again). He was also classified as an abysmal shot during firing practice by the same superior officer and it was recommended that he was unlikely to ever be fit to protect and serve the people of Independence, OH. They were planning to terminate him but his daddy is a veteran cop who instead got him a transfer to Cleveland, OH. The entire Cleveland Police Department has been under Federal Investigation for the past two years and just yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder held a press event announcing that the entire department will be placed under probation with a Federal Monitor until this pattern of police misconduct has been resolved and corrected and the confidence of the citizens of Cleveland restored: http://www.wkyc.com/story/news/loca...veland-police-use-of-force-findings/19885949/
These Cleveland cops are suspect and damn near incompetent I feel. So does Eric Holder and with good reason apparently: http://www.wkyc.com/story/news/inve...veland-police-abuse-excessive-force/19914725/
Mad props to holder and the doj They're not perfect by a long-shot either, but at least the nations 'top cop' is willing to clean up because more often than not, it's a minority (ie black man) at the receiving end of thug ass cops And Cleveland is a major city too.......with all that nonsense Imagine what's happening elsewhere....but the sad thing is that BLACK AMERICA has been complaining about this shit for decades and it took a DoJ headed by a black dude to say 'you know, I've been through this myself....maybe we should look into it and clean house'
while they cleaning , get them to remove all the kkk from the force too. https://twitter.com/Mitt__Romney/status/540560315566395392/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AnonCopWatch/status/538751962691284992/photo/1 https://twitter.com/Anon_LosAngeles/status/540675300099514369/photo/1
Terrorists from the klan are embedded within our police forces? Who woulda thunk it Now let's get back to making people believe ISIS, Al Qaeda and other units featuring men of color are the only terrorists worth exterminating
And....just as expected http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2871941/Ohio-police-say-man-painted-gun-resemble-toy.html Probably not the first to paint a gun to throw people off and definitely not the last This is why you can't play around with gun threats Believing that cops have a superhuman ability to distinguish toy gun from fake in any incident, is some really wishful thinking
I don't think you need superhuman abilities to see between a 12 year old and a 23 year old. It isn't often that a 12 year old has a gun and a beard.....
Well...it's not like no kid with a gun has ever killed someone before :roll: Someone on another forum mentioned incidents where cops were shot by kids, but i couldn't find any with a quick search to back up those claims......you know how the minds of those types of people works That being said I'm not excusing the way the police handled the situation as far as escalation/de-escalation Their response seemed pretty rushed and less refined Btw i read the kid was 5'7 195 Without looking him in the face, ud think he was older...he's bigger than TDK
Watch the video again. These punk ass cops literally drove up to this kid walking near a park seating area, totally by himself, never got out of their car and SHOT HIM DEAD. They didn't engage this kid at all, didn't ask him to put his weapon down. These assholes acted like they just rolled up on John Rambo holding an anti-aircraft missile in one hand and a 50 cal machine gun in the other.:smt070
This shit is infuriating. I move that we consolidate all of the police brutality / use of excessive force commentary into a single thread, because it looks like there's going to be a new incident damned near every single day. A guy died last weekend at Art Basel in Miami, too, after being run over by a patrol car for doing graffiti during the art festival. I mean, come on, it was an art festival, in a neighborhood noted for street art. http://globalgrind.com/2014/12/10/graffiti-artist-delbert-rodriguez-gutierrez-dies-hit-by-miami-police-car-details/