11-Year-Old New Orleans Girl, Shot Dead While Cradling 1-Year-Old

Discussion in 'In the News' started by VitaminRich, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. VitaminRich

    VitaminRich New Member


    Relatives say that an 11-year-old New Orleans girl was fatally shot in the head early Monday while cradling a 1-year-old in her arms, NBC News reports.

    Arabian Gayles died five hours after the incident, in which police say a group of unidentified gunmen opened fire on a house where at least four young children were in bed.

    Derek Moffett, Arabian’s uncle, described being stunned by the violence.

    “When they woke me up, I thought they were playing,” he told The Advocate. “Then I saw blood coming out of her head.”

    The shooting also left Gayles' cousin and a 38-year-old man with non-life threatening injuries.

    "This is a case of unconscionable, reckless violence, which has devastated yet another New Orleans family, who must now make funeral arrangements for one of its children," Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas said, according to the TImes-Picayune.

    A variety of bullet casings were found at the scene, leading police to search for multiple suspects, WDSU reports.

    Police have yet to announce a motive for the shooting.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I know there is more to the story but just a darn shame. barely got a taste of life and already taken.
  3. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member


    Baby girl was rocking her cousin to sleep. Poor thing. :smt009

    RIP sweet girl.
  4. Stinkmeaner

    Stinkmeaner New Member

    1 year old shoot and killed in Brooklyn



    1-year-old shot: The one-year-old boy who was shot in the head on Sunday just had his first haircut two weeks ago. “I couldn't look at the stroller. The ambulance came and that was it. I got in the ambulance. My son was breathing. And I just saw the blood coming out. There was a lot of blood," said the one-year-old boy’s mother about the shooting of her little baby, according to a Sept. 3, 2013, ABC News report.

    Unlike the shot one-year-old boy’s mother, the father remains silent and uncooperative in the investigation.

    On Sunday night around 7 p.m., the one-year-old boy’s father, 21-year-old Anthony Hennis, picked up his son at the baby’s mother’s place in Brooklyn to take him to visit Anthony Hennis’ mother, the baby’s grandmother.

    While pushing the stroller with his one-year-old boy inside on the corner of Livonia Avenue and Bristol Street in the Marcus Garvey Village project in Brownsville, four shots were fired towards the stroller.

    The one-year-old boy was hit by two of the shots in the left side of the head.

    One eyewitness told the police that she saw one man running away and another man standing near the stroller. “The man standing by the stroller began to run, too, Ms. Gamboa said, but came back for the child. The baby’s head was to the side. The stroller, she added, was covered in blood.”

    Since the father of the one-year-old is not cooperating and the investigation is ongoing, it is unclear whether the father ran away from the stroller and then came back or if the other man returned. Police are asking the public for help in the investigation. (See contact numbers below.)

    According to ABC’s report, the mother of the one-year-old boy, 19-year-old Cherisse Miller, was not at the scene of the shooting.

    After her one-year-old baby was shot, a neighbor told her about the gunfire. By the time she had rushed to her son, her baby’s stroller was covered in blood. "I couldn't look at the stroller. The ambulance came and that was it. I got in the ambulance. My son was breathing. And I just saw the blood coming out. There was a lot of blood."

    The baby, Antiq Hennis, was pronounced dead at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center.

    "My baby was innocent," said the one-year-old boy’s mother who had just lost her own father due to cancer last December.

    "My baby's father, it's not his fault. It's just a lot. I don't know what to say right now. I just want to say thank you, and I wish my son was still here."

    "After my father died, I got on my knees and I prayed that he'd come back to help me," she said. "And he came back and he took my son."

    According to police, the one-year-old boy’s father is a known gang member with 20 prior arrests and police are assuming at this point that the shots fired at the baby were meant for him. He is uncooperative in the investigation into the shooting of his one-year-old son.

    “Authorities say they have the street name of the shooter, and community leaders and police are urging him to surrender. Sources say he has served time in jail and may have been recently released from prison.”

  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    WTF! Noooo! :(

    What is going on in NOLA? Just this past week, another one-year baby in New Orleans was shot dead in her 18 yr old nanny's arms, as they walked home from the park!

    And, there was yet another 1 yr-old shot dead in Brooklyn NY 2 days ago.

    Damnit, these killings make me so sick! Poor innocent babies!
  6. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    We really need to kill these drug laws and get some people back to work. This shit is horrible.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're always making excuses @ inadvertent sympathy for the killers @ blaming the system. Sickening.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    From what I read they weren't seeking out kids to kill. Sounds like drug/gang related shootings. So is the objective to find solutions or needlessly condemn people. Calling them pieces of shit goes without saying but if you want to actually want to find a solution then you have to look at the cause. Its economic instability and drugs that cause this random bullshit. You dont see this level of violence in upper middle class areas do you.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I wish I could rep who I want and when I want.
    treat the cause and not simply only the symptom.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Solutions for what exactly. Teaching men/women not to shoot people holding babies? Where is the honor among thieves? True Gang members don't shoot at kids, or at kids holding kids. Those assholes who shot that baby dead in the face weren't in a gang. These are pitiful excuses for humans that need to be removed from society.

    I wish you would stop with the economic excuse, because the poorest part of the country with the worst UE is West Virginia and they had 58 murders in 2010, and 80 in 2011. Poor communities in the past haven't produced crime like this. The reason you don't see this crime in the rich communities is because when it happens, everyone hears it. People gladly talk. The heat is just too hot for criminals.

    I think it's like New Orleans activist, Brother Umrani said, it's a lifestyle culture. The shooting of babies has increased and the more it happens, the more criminals previous abhorrence to it on the whole, dissipates. When you shine the light on these cockroaches, they scatter.

    So I really wish leaders with POWER would go into that city and shine the light so bright, it flushes them out and kills them. There is no kumbaya therapy for these vermins, who make it bad for everyone around them by bringing nothing but death and destruction. They can repent on Death Row, as far as I'm concerned.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    As I stated before solutions to poverty and drugs. And Bliss how many gangs have you been in or around to make the statement that gangs to shoot at kids. That shit has been happening as long as I can remember, you got beef with someone you shoot up their mama's house and they don't give a fuck whose in there as long as they make their point or get you.
    I think as economic situations become more dire you see more criminal activity which results in more senseless killings.
    And if you want to give a real statistical analysis on poverty and crime don't use one state or city use at least ten or twenty. Or to even get a more global perspective look at the 20 poorest countries and see what their crime rates are like or more importantly child deaths.
    When people have little to no way to take care of themselves they turn to crime and in high crime areas you're usually forced into in it or you die. And upper middle class people are not more moral or more decent its because things happen so infrequently they can stay on top of their crime not to mention informing to the cops doesn't necessarily come with a death sentence like it does in poorer areas. There's a lot to be said about "snitches get stitches"
    And there are no more leaders don't let the media fool you. The idea of leading is long dead everyone is out for themselves and want to use people to get what they want. That's on every level of government and damn near every non for profit organization.
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Though I understand, your feelings. I can't agree with it. The job of humanity should be to take care of each other. These people are products of how bad society is. If you don't help people before they get to this point, then you will only continue a revolving door of good guy bad guy.
  14. Stumper

    Stumper New Member

    Excuses. It's everybody's fault BESIDES the people who commit the crimes.

    Don't blame the gang member, blame the social situation.

    Go look at how fucking poor the areas are in Mississippi? In West Virginia? In Kentucky?

    I don't see massive gangs and shootings of fucking little kids over drug turf.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So somehow people I Oklahoma city Chicago LA Oakland Bridgeport The Bronx Philadelphia Yonkers Gary St Louis Kansas City Miami New Orleans etc are just full of morally.bankrupt people. There's no rhyme or reason to any of this right? Ok
  16. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    any time innocent people are killed it's horrible but there's a special place in hell for people who hurt or kill defenseless babies, breaks my heart :smt009
  17. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    It's a good thing the murderer didn't have to kill his victim with a knife. The girl would've had to jump on it. Or imagine the horror if the killer had chosen vehicular homicide. She would've had to jump into the path of the car.

    Good thing he had a gun instead. Saves the victim energy. She could be tucked away in her own home (not a prisoner, mind you, just avoiding trouble) when tragedy finds her.
  18. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    You mean stumper's gone from blaming black people in general to blaming the actual shooter?

    Or maybe I'm misreading?
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You're just misreading. He still thinks the majority of black folks are scum of the earth.
  20. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    hehhe. I want to hear it from stumper.

    That'd be some fancy dancing to try to tell us what he really means by those lines :mrgreen:


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