1 of the many results of all the relationships

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by bighomie, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. bighomie

    bighomie New Member

    ive seen alot of comments about rich blacks ducking child support but had a thought...paying child support is paying a woman to be mother , a man can financially provided everything for his chiild without having to give the wife the money (maybe 1 reason for these outrageous child support cases made out of greed, a person wanted to a lifestyle privided for them by someone else that they couldnt afford when its over they still want to that lifestyle but no one to provide it...looks over at the kid$$$$$, sports players , rappers knows no color line) because say for example he father dies who then is the mother going to cry to and say she cant provide for her kid , no one child protective service come at that point, so i think men/women should provide EVERYTHING for their kid in the event of seperation it shouldnt be given to the other individual in good faith they will use it correctly

    any thoughts world?????
  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Learn to form sentences, and then repost. That way people will actually understand what the hell you're saying.
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Yeah, and if I understood him correctly, he's either got zero experience of child support laws, or a huge chip on his shoulder. What, a custodial parent is supposed to petition for 10 slices of bread a week for school lunches, one shoelace every three months, etc?

    People here are not on rich black dudes who duck child support, they're on asshole parents who don't meet their responsibilities to their kids, regardless of gender or color.

    Keeristmas, there's so much bs there it's impossible to unpack.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    This topic has already been discussed/debated on the board enough already IMO. :smt095
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member


    I agree Sin, people that don't use proper punctuation & capitalization just are a mess to read. I always feel like I should circle everything in red and send it back to them to correct.

    Tam and Pixie are both correct as well... this has been talked to death on here, and the OP apparently has no knowledge of child support laws. It is a topic that typically gets heated, and perhaps that was the point in bringing it up again.
  6. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    :smt043 Me too!
  7. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    All of us have real lives, with jobs and families. Don't be a smartass.

    First post in and you're already trying to start a fight? Can someone say SUSPECT? :smt068
  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Way suspect. What a way to introduce yourself to a board, telling people what they should care about and what they should post on.

  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're the only one in this thread trying to make trouble.

    Damn trolls...:smt012

    Exactly, Sin. Thank you!

    First post in claiming we have no lives also indicates the suspect fool is the one with no life.

    This person also puts off the vibe that she's been here before...the person comes across as a "she" anyway.

    "She" also left a rep with the pretty little gray box that simply said "shut up" for my post about this topic being talked about enough. I guess that troll sure told me. :smt043
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    GMTA, Tam. My first thought was, 'oh great another alias'. I think some people really don't need one account... duplicates sure aren't ideal. :smt042
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Sure looks like a new alias of a recently gone alias to me.
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    :smt011 What is wrong with some people?
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Its very sad:-(
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I agree, FG. I seriously am confused why anyone would take the time to create multiple accounts, or to troll. What a waste of time and energy. Not to mention, what's the goal? To seek to irritate and/or offend as many people as possible? Yeah, there's a good purpose for your life. :(

    But I recently discovered I have a complete aversion to BS now. Not that I ever liked it, but I was far more tolerant even a couple years ago. Now I just have no use for people like that, and won't make even the barest attempt to put up with shit. So looks like Andrae would be right this time... it is an age thing. :D

    Since we're already derailing this thread, I meant to ask you how things worked out with your creeper doctor? The one you mentioned took a picture of you without permission. I hope he straightened up.
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    LOL...Thanks for the extra explanation, I mean I have so mane creeper docs. Giggle - just messin w you.

    I have not met with him since then. We had a few e-mail exchanges but I will see him this week. .. over a coffee at the med school cafeteria I decided:)
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Excellent idea. I sure wouldn't want to be in a room alone with him, he's just creepy.

    I used to work with physicians and they all went out of their way to be proper and polite, except one and he was a complete handsy creep. It's really uncomfortable to be put in that position, and I know they all know better.
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I have about 130 MD's/PhDs in my database that I call on - and then an additional perhaps 30 more I call on every now and then that I have not put in my database.

    Of those 160 or so, only one is really a creepy person - and its not this guy, this guy is clearly misguided, but I think he is more of a tech nerd that just didn't think that through. Having that said, that experience was enough for me to not let my guard down and only meet in public, just in case.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You're probably right, he just doesn't have appropriate people skills. But best to ere on the side of caution, JIC.
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I completely agree... we will see how that works tomorrow:)
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    That was definitely the first thing that came to my mind. Yeah, one of some of these folks is too much & cloning themselves is just uncalled for. lol

    Looks that way to me too.

    It's just sad.

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