well done gorgeous...!!! your posts are always thoughtful, educational, enlightening & entertaining...!!! thank you for being you xoxo...you're grand...!!! :heart::heart:
Congrats!!! You hold the record of most awesome posts. Wise posts.. the voice of reason!!! We need mor eof that love!!!! :smt060
thanks guys, I probably have much more than a 1,000 posts since the majority of my posts are double, triple...pictures and such
Co-sign! XOXO, I always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts. As Espy said, looking forward to thousands more!
Xoxo, The 1,000 posts plateau no longer has any meaning in the steroid era. I know you cheated. If you go before the forum's congressional hearing and confess your past transgressions, I may...MAY...give you a nod for this...ahem...achievement. If not, to paraphrase the Soup Nazi, "No Hall of Fame for YOU!".
Congrats, XOXO!!! I concur with my fellow forum members when I saw that you are a definite asset to the site. Keep up the good work!!!