Jim Coughlan (pictured), the controller of Dutchess County, N.Y., who is running for a state Senate seat, fired off a bigoted tweet aimed at MSNBC political commentator Melissa Harris-Perry (pictured). “Keep your dirty stinking paws off my kid you damned dirty ape,” he tweeted. Coughlan is insisting that he did not know his target was an African-American, according to the New York Daily News. Coughlin claims his fiery remark was in response to Harris-Perry’s comments about child-rearing. Harris-Perry, who has been in the center of the right-wing noise machine, has promoted the idea of how society needs to think in a collective manner about its children. She has expressed in the past how children are not private property and not just extensions of ourselves but how they belong to their communities. Harris-Perry’s parenting comments have ignited a firestorm of anger, with some opponents believing thinks children belong to the government rather than to their own flesh and blood. Even though Coughlin is adamant that he had never seen Harris-Perry and was unfamiliar with her body of work, he insists that his comment was not racist at all, stating he was just repeating a well-known quote from the film, “Planet of the Apes.” And “Denial” is just a river in Egypt. Coughlin’s offensive comments did not sit well with Democrats or even some Republicans; some have already distanced themselves from him. Democratic Dutchess County legislator Gwen Johnson told the Daily News, “As an African-American woman, I find this very insulting and appalling.” The politician went on to say that even if Coughlin did not know Harris-Perry was Black, “You should know what you’re tweeting about and who you’re tweeting about.” One Republican politician spoke about Coughlin’s track record and how many in his camp feel he could keep them from regaining a Senate seat they long-held up until two years ago. “Jim Coughlin is toxic,” said the unidentified Republican. “The Democrats are dying to run against him in November because they know he’s the best chance they have of keeping this seat in Democratic hands.” Meantime, Coughlin has suspended his Twitter account after folks lashed out about his controversial tweets. The very conservative Coughlin balked at the criticisms, calling them, “A new low by the Albany insiders who are scared of my candidacy because they know I’m not going to be a patsy in the Senate. It’s despicable! They’re trying to get me to drop out.”
The fool joins the list of right wingers who has shown their racist colors. You thought in light of Sterling and Bundy a person of his ilk would be at the down low. Many thanks to them that the GOP is really the White man's party.
It is not Democrats who want to bring back voter suppression laws in current time and massive dissing of Obama.
She didn't really make fun of the Romney's adopted grandson. However the Romney's did name their adopted grandchild, Kieran, which apparently is the Gaelic word for BLACK. Only ultra-conservative, White Mormans think it's cool to name their adopted African American child a name signifying his skin color, like he was their pet dog. Sometimes people do need to me mocked, because their motives aren't sincere.
Naming an adopted Black baby Keiran is suspect. Look, there's a lot of room between someone being a flat out racist and just being culturally ignorant or insensitive. Way, way back in the day I used to make the distinction that some White people weren't racist, they were just WHITE. Meaning they didn't see or experience the world as a Black person does and simply were unaware of the unspoken bigotry and hostility Black folk deal with in the everyday real world. I have people in my family who still call Asians 'oriental'. They aren't racist towards Asians, just culturally ignorant about the appropriate term to call Asians in the 21st century. IMO it would be almost the same as nicknaming an adopted White baby covered with freckles, 'Speckle'. If the Romneys had named their Black baby Simeon, would you be cool with that too??:smt025 There aren't a lot of White or Black people named Kieran. Stop jiving Paniro.:smt031
Not everything that one can perceive as being racist is actually racist. Jeez. This is from the above article: Interestingly, means “little dark one” in Gaelic. Kieran is common name in Ireland and although it literally means “black” or “dark,” it generally signifies a link to Fergus, King of Ulster, a mythological Irish figure.
I don't buy his explanation or his excuses for a minute. Who says that in real life? Who? He deserves all of the backlash he's getting.
Careful. If I thought naming the baby Kieran was RACIST, I would have said so. My point was that it reflects a level of cultural insensitivity for White parents adopting a Black child to name their child a word that literally means 'black'. I really have a hard time believing they didn't know the meaning of the child's name beforehand. If they'd named him 'Sambo' or 'Bojangles', that would be racist.:smt089