American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    I think it's truly sad to hear you men insult American women this way . For every horror story you tell, and I'm sure you have them, I can match it with a horror story about a man. Just this last week, I was stood up by one man and had two other men hit me up for money, and I had just met them. Most men I meet are just looking for a booty call. Still, I wouldn't come onto this site bashing American men. The men I mentioned were all black as well, but again, I wouldn't belittle black men, in general, as you are belittling American women. Women have to kiss many frogs as well. Good luck with your quest for foreign women.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Like attracts like.

    Going to a different continent or country isn't like living some fairytale.

    LOL. Some of yall are really narrowing your options for partners.

    Maybe the answer to some of these women problems might be found on the inside.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  3. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

  4. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Exactly! These gross generalisation about American women are outrageous. Let all the ladies of forum speak of their terrible experiences dating black men, THE be the first screaming bloody racisim.
  5. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I am not belittling anyone; the topic of this particular discussion was about American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women. I commented on that and my thoughts surrounding the topic. If I think a particular and I'm an adult...then as an adult I think a particular way as it is my right as a free thinking adult to do so.

    I never said I had a "quest" for foreign women; just discussing the topic as I see it.
  6. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    So now I should like men?

    Eh, does everyone know the topic of this discussion? As a reminder it's entitled "American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women." A brother says "Foreign White Women" and folks get offended?

    OK. I can live with that.

    ...and by that logic...maybe the answer to some of these women problems might be found on the outside. :)
  7. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    The topic "American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women" is a gross generalization. Why anyone would have an issue with a gross generalized answer based on a gross generalized topic just doesn't make sense.

    Isn't the word "all" used by you in the above quote a "gross generalization"?

    Besides, if that is how they feel, OK; I would recommend they not date the brothers if that was their decision. I would not try to convince them that their thoughts were somehow wrong because of their personal experiences. I think that would make me come across as a disrespectful, demeaning, condescending and sanctimonious prick.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Can't deny what I keep seeing and this isn't based solely on my experience its also what I see consistently. A barge of needy entitled people demanding a lot from a total stranger. And I've said it's not all but boy is it so many that it makes hard to see much else.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Onequestion does culture exist yes or no?
  10. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member


    Originally Posted by*BrianJ*

    I've been to several cities in Canada, Europe and SE Asia. America women here in these United States are by far not on par with their international counterparts.*

    I'm sure there are great women here but from my experience the adjectives that come to mind with regard to American women are aggressive, antagonistic, flaky, uncompromising, entitled, angry and out of control. The adjectives from my experience that come to mind from dealing with foreign women are intelligent, charming, communicative, appreciative, calming and loving.

    i have also noticed that often once the foreign women spend any substantial time here in the states, they tend to take on the aggressive, antagonistic, flaky, uncompromising, entitled, angry and out of control characteristics of American women.

    nah. No belittling here.
  11. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I see your point, RestlessRita.

    Please place "most" or "A significant number" in front of the word "American".

    My appologies.
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Not trying to derail the thread, but unfortunately, when a person thinks of an American, there is a feeling that most of them are like Donald Trump (referring to American men) or Sarah Palin (referring to American women). Again this applies to both men and women living here of any race. We are obviously not exempt from that. I see that a lot of people complain about women, but similar, shallow things can be said about the men here as well. One of the things that I can point out is that there is a segment of men who may be in their late 30s or early 40s that don't want to date women in the same age range. They try to find women who are in their 20s.

    There are many reasons for why this is the way the situation is. It is very long-winded and difficult for me to explain so I wouldn't try writing anything about it. There is actually a site that a designer has made which is attacking men.

    Furthermore, you need to view this as well:


    In addition to the social constraints the country is dealing with, the economic unease (like low oil prices, unemployment, salary, labor force participation, job quality, etc) inevitably makes it even more difficult for people to consider relationships. This means that the conclusion is for both men and women to just not pursue a relationship. As we can see now (as of last year), it is actually somewhat correct because around 51 - 52% of us are single. That has never happened before in the country's 240 year existence.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Most foreign White women grew up in Western countries and really aren't that much different from their American counterparts.

    To generalize that foreign White women possess on the whole characteristics and personality traits superior to American White women is frankly a childish and immature point of view.

    In particular, a White European woman who's attracted to BM and prefers to date them is probably the MOST like American White women who prefer to date IR.

    This fantasy utopia view some of you have for any White woman not from here, well I just don't understand it.

    WHO the woman is counts most, where she's from IMO is really a distant second.

    You can meet a badass WW from Flint, Michigan.
    And you can meet a princess of a WW from Belarus.

    Stereotyping and generalizing millions of WW you will never meet because of where they're from isn't thinking clearly.

    If you lived in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for 12 months you could meet a WW who could change your entire view of the South.:smt023

    Your mind and heart always have to be open to the possibilities of who might cross your path and not go into any situation jaded.

    Expect nothing and that's exactly what you'll find.:cry:
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is the dumbest shit you've ever posted
    Pretending this country doesn't have a deep history of racial oppression and a culture of dehumanizing peopleof color is disingenuous. I get you're trying to make a point but at leastbe honest.
    Most western cultures appreciate our artistic contributions as a people without all the insane racial hang ups. The Netherlands don't have a history antimiscegination laws that developed a culture where it was to think of black men as nothing more than a sexual beast. Other parts of the world believe in education and class they egalitarian systems where they don't see black people as a drain on their country. That shit shapes perception it matters. How you don't see that makes no sense.
  15. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Eh...what he said.
  16. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Oh, and in case anyone forgot the name of this discussion is:

    American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women?

    I gave my preference and why I had that preference. So what's all of the hubbub...bub? :)
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You bitch daily about the living hell that is the United States, yet your educated and enlightened ass can't bring yourself to leave.:smt026

    WW into dating Black men are beyond all the self pity crap you're whining about, so why the history lesson??

    Really, you should go live in the UK for a while. Or Germany. Or Italy/Poland/France/Holland, etc., and let us know how much you're embraced for your Blackness.

    Most European countries had colonies in Africa and South/Latin America, where Black and Brown folk were never treated as equals.

    Read up on the Dutch colonization of the Americas then come back to me with your starry eyed bullshit that 'at least they didn't have miscegenation laws in the Netherlands.'
    Bruh are you high??
    The Dutch were running slave plantations in South America.

    In the USA, we did our slavery thing at home. The Europeans liked to do their dirt in foreign countries.
    But their social attitudes are still very much the same and many of the European countries you like to hold up as cultural ideals were still running slave labor colonies after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

    But you keep telling yourself there's this racial utopia somewhere in Europe for BM.

    It still comes down to the individual woman and less about her country of origin.

    Finally, some men on this board need to stop shitting where they sleep.
    Hype foreign WW if you so choose, but don't use that as a cheap shot to talk crap about American WW.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Germany used to have African colonies until they lost them after WWI. No question they would treat Africans like the ones in former British and French colonies.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I bitch daily? Again stop lying to make a point
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


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