American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I don't know who your meeting just as much you dont know your meeting to base these opinions on so let's use this very forum as a comparison tool.

    Does your opinion hold true for the american/foreign ladies of the forum of now and the past years?

    Come on now, you dudes is wildin and suffer from the grass is greener on the other side sydrome. You guys sort of coming off like the goofy white guys who seek out women exclusively from other countries who still end up getting played with this American women are terrible nonsense rhetoric.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  2. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I've been to several cities in Canada, Europe and SE Asia. America women here in these United States are by far not on par with their international counterparts.

    I'm sure there are great women here but from my experience the adjectives that come to mind with regard to American women are aggressive, antagonistic, flaky, uncompromising, entitled, angry and out of control. The adjectives from my experience that come to mind from dealing with foreign women are intelligent, charming, communicative, appreciative, calming and loving.

    i have also noticed that often once the foreign women spend any substantial time here in the states, they tend to take on the aggressive, antagonistic, flaky, uncompromising, entitled, angry and out of control characteristics of American women.
  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    That happens. It's a gradual progression. These foreign women, married to American men will acclimate themselves to American life and culture. She will feel bouts of homesickness and would ask to go to her home country to visit her family. And if she meets women from her home country, she won't feel lonely. The other alternative is for the American man to
    become an expatriate and live in the woman's country. The woman would like that, also.
  4. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Very true.

    Expatriate? I'm working on it :)
  5. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exceptions not the rule my friend
  7. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    What he said :)
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again your experience isn't all experiences fam. Many men on this forum have continued to say their stock is plain higher with non American women especially non American white women. Is it really surprising considering the 24/7 propaganda machine that depicts black people as lesser and black men as animals.
    Dude also made a good point about how entitled and uncompromising American men are. Do you see how miserable some of these married men look? Because they're with heartless shrews who will suck the very life from you if you let them
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Boy did you nail it. Dudes like North believe because it's easy for him that everyone else is doing it wrong. Plus I'm not sure what caliber of women he's pulling personality wise either.
  10. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    I'll add this; growing up in the Detroit area Canada was a frequent hang out. So my experiences are first hand. Yes, Canadian women are nicer and easier to get along with ... to an extent. They will do fucked up shit that an American chick will do if you find the wrong one. Don't let that pleasant demeanor fool you.

    Now, with that said, once you get away from the "black guy crazy" ones and deal with Canadian women who don't really have much of a preference, then you'll find they can be a lot easier to deal with than their American counter parts.

    But, if you're attracted to knuckle heads it's not going to matter what country the woman is from because you're going to pick the problem chick regardless of where you go because that's what attracts you.

    I was in Germany and France for a couple of months and had a blast with the women I met there. But, that was back in the day so I'm not sure how things are now.

    Which that said, a lot of American women have a high opinion of themselves vs what they bring to the table. This is just and observation from talking to my single friends. Straight up 6 and 7's with average jobs, tons of baggage and bland personalities are acting like they're supermodels. At least that's what I'm hearing. Although, to be fair, it could be age; maybe most of the good ones are taken and this is all that's left. Most of my friends are 35 and over. Though, the younger ones (mid 20's) are saying the same things.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
  11. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I think that a lot of women regardless of age, race, nationality and etc, will have a high opinion of themselves. It is a survival mechanism. Men have this, as well. What I have experienced is that men and women want to love and be loved unconditionally, faults and eccentricities included. They want the romance that is like the fairy tales and in books, songs*and tv/movies. But not every romance can be like that. Sometimes it's unconventional and unexpected. I have wanted that for a long time in the past. I sometimes think that women have no idea what they are looking for in a man other than the superficial(handsome, successful, confident and romantic).
    Men have similar quirks. Some men will date any woman because they don't want to be alone. Some men and women will not date just anyone with a pulse. They elect to be picky because it is about their own happiness. I once worked security at a big corporation where there were a lot of women that were all on the scale of 7 and 8 on looks. There would be at least one or two women that rated a 9. But there were no 10s. Those that were less than a 7 or 8 were okay-looking. These women were secure with themselves because they have someone who loves them in their lives and they are on their own life journeys to worry about anything. I think that the issue of falling in love is a kind of societal peer pressure. There are many love songs that simply tell you that you should love someone. But, while it is a nice sentiment, I believe strongly that no matter who you are and what you do; wherever you're from; whatever station in life you're in, you can't make anyone fall in love with you.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well said. I was in Windsor last weekend totally different vibe. Just laid back sexy and fun. Also you may be right about that what's left observation and boy are these women bitter about it. Their friends are married with kids and they're pissed it ain't them. It shows in their attitudes towards dating. Also lower that number because I often see this bs attitude with 4s and 5s too. Women who dont train who want an in shape guy, girls who make 30k a year but want a guy who makes 60k, girls who live at home but won't date a guy who lives at home.
  13. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    If they wanted to change it, I would recommend they lose the feminist mindset and actions, be nice and perhaps they will increase their opportunities. Men, Black and white it appears have collectively become exhausted of the mindset of women so many American women. Overall too many have a set of ridiculous expectations of how they think their lives are supposed to be and how men fit into that. It's like they have forgotten how to be women. Very sad.

    But my days of putting up with their bullshit has expired. My ability for the dumb shit has reached it's shelf life lol
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Careful you're making sense and it may come across as angry and bitter lol
    It's like there's absolutely no room for truth anymore
  15. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    A white dude was dropping knowledge onto the brothers and said the brothers should leave ALL Americanized women alone! I have a partner of mine (white) who lives in the U.K. and he told me that I would do well with the beautiful white women of Finland and associated Nordic countries.

    Man, I'm not bitter (I'm consistently the silliest man I know; black or white) or angry. Just tired. Tired of the hypocritical dumb shit I have to wade through to get to quality. If folks don't want truth, cool. But that giant sucking sound you hear will be the men, Black and white bouncing for greener and happier pastures lol
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well the unfortunate thing I keep seeing here is women rarely take responsibility for their shitty behavior. It's always someone else's fault. They expect perfection when all they offer is mediocrity on so many levels. Its definitely not everyone but it's enough to be very noticeable.
  17. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    Very noticeable. I mean how many frogs does a brother have to kiss to get to a decent white woman? Agghhh!! LMAO

    This is why God made passports!!

    I went to Iceland last year - great time. Even the white guys were cool (I did meet some asshole Russian guys, though). Matter of fact I was seeing a Russian woman once (actually Ukrainian) - nice and thick; built like a sexy Russian tank. Out of her damn mind, I still care for her but she acts like she doesn't know me when we pass each other. Could be something in the Russian water LMAO
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    One of my best experiences was with this girl from Switzerland. She was beautiful, smart, cultured, and very hard working. Couldn't appreciate it at the time because I was too immature (searching for bigger better more). Actually she's the one who convinced me to go into finance/accounting, literally the only non family member female who actually made my life better for knowing her.
  19. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Man, you better be typing your responses from a flight headed over to Switzerland lol

    Go and get that woman! Life is too short, go and be happy with that woman.
  20. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Very true.Most of those foreign women think American men can provide them a better life.A lot of those Asian and Latin American countries are pro-White anyways.

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