Rape absolutely is covered up. Ask any College. Ask any branch of Military. Ask any Corrections facility, and ask any female Corrections facility with Male officers. Seriously, what planet do you live on. I don't have the energy tonight to school you on rape sanctioning. It's in our effing culture. It's in our literature, movies, bibles, even laws until recently, it's lauded in the frat world, at parties. An NFL player was just acquitted of rape EVEN THOUGH she has multiple scratches, bruises, bruised genetalia, and texted her friends to "save her". It's sanctioned because people STILL SAY, "well why did she go to his house with him?" Even, "Why did she wear stilettos?" (true story). It's sanctioned because tens of thousands of rape kits sit in warehouses, untested for years, sometimes decades <-- It's sanctioned because a rapist can leave a condom and people give him a pass. "Why would he leave a condom?". they say. "Why would l leave a condom"? he says. "It was consentual" he says. That's the #1 defense. And for some reason, you think women give two fucks if the person raping her is a member of an organization or civil servant? That's your problem...you don't focus on the deed, you decry that death by cop is far worse than death by civilian. Reality check mate, rape is rape and death is death. Victims don't give a shit who is doing it to them. Both are horrifying.
No because you get to fucking LIVE Bliss you get to go on you get to get past it, you get to move on. If you die that's it its over no continuation so fuck outta here with that. Secondly the average man once accused is a rapist period the end, no trial, no evidence. All it takes is a woman saying she was raped and more often than not people believe it. In high profile cases with institutions and rich athletes of course its handled differently shit remember the child molestation case with Penn State, there is absolutely no other scenario where someone can get away with that kind of shit unless you're a Catholic priest. And failure to review rape kits has more to do with incompetence than all out dismissal of a crime. And I won't let you deflect the point, of course rape is awful but can you honestly tell me if this were a weekly raping of innocent women by cops the reactions would be the same? If women who felt under constant threat of violation said they had hard time feel sympathetic towards cops when women are constantly being raped and nearly no one is ever being held accountable and people rarely speak up? But of course you have no compassion about this because you feel protected by them, they abuse and kill us so hey no biggie.
Everything seems to be a justification for white fear of black people and why its ok to kill us. What other reason would this kind of misinformation be allowed?
Not too sure if that's right. http://killedbypolice.net/ says 805 people have had fatal encounters w/ police since the beginning of the year as of right now. More often WM than BM.
Bottom line, TDK, is why are you pitting "rape of women" against "cops shooting black men" as competing tragedies? Guess what? Women and black men are both victims here ... of the same perp. What are you accomplishing by antagonizing women on this site? A moment ago you were disparaging women in the military. Now you're minimizing (at best) women who are victims of rape. How does this further your cause? I think discussion of rape is distracting from your mission ... you and only you can be the victim.
Ah that victim measuring stick is out again. Lol I dont know if you ladies noticed but....well lets lokk at this thread i started and it says everything about the mentality of most of the "men" here.. http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27361
Learn to understand context and use logic because I wasn't pitting anyone against anyone. I was replying to thenotion that someone can't understand why empathy for police is hard for a black person considering the climate of this country right. Sometimes the only way to get people to understand your pov is by pulling their fear into it. It's the same argument I had with Bliss when those frat boys from SAE in were singing their hate chant. She thought we should all forgive that young kid because he seemed genuinely sorry and I said wonder if your empathy would run as deep if you replace the words nigger and lynch with bitch and rape. It's the same thing I did in this discussion, how empathetic would you be if cops were not only raping women weekly (as far as we know), getting away with it, and supposed "good" cops covered it up for them along with overwhelming media and public support/denial of the incidents. So I completely reject your entire premise since it requires me to see us in the same boat when others in this same discussion most certainly don't. Cops protect you they murder us.
Oh how lucky they are to have you lol All this ass kissing and you're still just a lap dog. Keep trying youngin lol
Yeah loon, if you're going to argue with me or about me, get your got-damn facts right . :toimonster: That was Ches who said that, not Bliss. Bliss said to fry their butts. Now apologize and edit your post, stooge.
Goodlove you point out unsupported bs in order to win favor with women on here. Most of your posts are women are so amazing and men are so clueless. Unless in comes to black women then you're in full worship mode. You're incapable of intelligent thought, every once and a while you say something interesting but even a broke clock is right twice a day
Who the hell is Chew? Oh you made a slight mistake. So where the fuck is your apology. Beat it with your nonsense. Way to gloss over everything else I said and not address what the real conversation is about.
It says CHES, fool. You're just so piss-weak. Or is that puss-weak. Admit it, you're so mad your ass is being called out, you can't think straight. :smt039
Dude wow. Did you seriously edit that rather than just own up to making a mistake? Never mind you win I don't fuck with legit crazy people. Enjoy your thread.
Real convo? How can ANYONE do that? - you can't even get the people right. Write whole wrong"argument" paragraphs n shit.
It wasn't a mistake. Ches said it, numbskull. Wtf is wrong with you. :smt017 Bliss did not say it. Now fucking apologize for making a whole response argument to Satchmo on a lie. Simple.
It wasn't a lie jack ass. It was an honest mistake. Now you're obviously trying to make a fight out of absolutely nothing. What's your problem today? Need a hug boo? You act like I said something that was never said or discussed or I was trying to deliberately lie on you. Stop it you definitely know better smh
In order to ass kiss bw wouldnt it be better served to be on a site full of bw? U a dumbass. The fact that in this thread rite now they (ww) are putting a foot up your ass says something. The thread i referenced says it all. U and lame got in a thread about a ww who is suing for discrimination for dating a bm and yall started blaming bw and posting how hard it is for a bm. Not one word said about that ww. Show me where u said anything about her or ww in that thread. Show me the posts im ass kissing the women here. Ill wait. Oh i guess being responsible for the kids u bring in the world is ass kissing women