If you could meet your parent at the age you are now..think you'd be buddies?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by hellified, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    If you could go back in time and meet your father or mother for the ladies at the same age you are now...22, 33, 16 whatever..do you think you'd hang out and be friends?

    the reason I asked was becuz I saw a music video of Jakob Dylan and he looked damn near exactly like Bob Dylan did when bob was his age..and I wondered would they have been friends had they met at that age


    me: I don't think so...my father was a bit of a hustler, gambler and womanizer (cheater) at the age I am now (37) and I'm not..athough he was a funny fucking dude..but I don't think we'd have been close friends tho..
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    now this is a good topic
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Not a chance. My father wasn't interested in meeting or making friends. The only friends he had were from high school. With the exception of his few friends and blood relatives everyone else around him had a purpose. Yet he seemed to be well liked, you either loved or hated him.

    While growing up, I noticed other guys from the projects like my dad, seemed to have had a similar philosophy; at least those in my hometown anyway. Quite naturally, I could relate to them rather easily even though my time in the hood was much less in comparison, as well as my philosophy different. Now I'm starting to wonder how many of them if any veered from this approach.
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    No. My mom and I have really nothing in common...even 33-year-old-raiders-mom would've had nothing in common with me. We're two completely different people. I love her cause she's my mom but no, we wouldn't be best buds.

    On the flip side, 10 year old raider most def would be friends with my 10 year old daughter. She's cool as hell. I know that wasn't the question but it's where my mind drifted :)
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Nope. Never. I'd be friendly with my Mom cause she's a good person but our outlook and interests are too different.

    But my Mom is probably a better person than I am too, so go figure.:rolleyes:
  6. Gemini74

    Gemini74 Well-Known Member

    that s a hard one for me.
    my mom passed away when i was 8, so i dont really have much of an idea what she was like or if i would have liked her then.
    my dad, quiet probably a no-no... we became somewhat like buddies as he knew he was dying. before then he was an asshole.
  7. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    No. I love my Mom but we have absolutely nothing in common.
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nope they're a couple of squares. Maybe a couple of my uncles but definitely not my parents but that's probably why they made good parents.
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    What a great Subject :D

    Uhmm no not with my Dad, he is what I personally call "hard work" he doesn't really have friends other than some men he goes to fishing matches with, he is very competitive and a bit of a one upper lol
    He has tons of acquaintances though, he always knows someone when he's out and about. But that's mainly from his 20 odd years working as a contract surveyor for the county council. He has his family as friends (lots of brothers, Irish family)

    Now I'm friends with my Mum now and we do have similar interests, so yeah we would be friends I think in a casual sort of way.
    I remember Mums constant "friends" being her cousins and other friendships were an occasional thing.
    She is difficult though as a friend, she tires easily of bores and slightly impatient lol
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member


    I'm too wild for my mother at any age and my father is a great big sexist pig, though we both have the same quick wit.

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